How to work with the key?
1: Selecting the genus
Open the toggle-menue MALES or FEMALES and select a checkbox from the shown possibilities. Please start with DISTRIBUTION to have a fast pageload because the number of selected genera is not so big. On the right side a selection of boxes with genera will appear. Image type is in the first selection only 'Illustration' to enable a quick pageload. Whenever you want you can select checkbox 'Fotos'. You can select further more checkboxes in the filter to reduce the number of boxes. Illustrations and fotos are in the first choice from generotypes - if there are no relevant images available the system takes them from other species of the genus. The number of shown images increases dynamically when the selection is done and less than 50 / 20 hits are shown.
To include a functional key for all genera it was necessary to reduce the characteristics and attributes on a minimum level wich allows the first reduction of identification possibilities.
2: Selecting the species
Click on the genus-box and you will see an overview of all relevant species - only with selection possibility for attributes which are assigned to species of that genus. Please consider that at the beginning of the project only a few attributes are assigned nearly almost to the generotypes - but in the overview it´s possible to have a quick survey of alle species form the genus - when illustrations are existing.
How it works technically: In developing the key-content I can separate between genus-relevant and species-relevant attributes. So its possible to show more detailed characteristics when I´m on species level.
3: Jump to the species details
Click on the species-box and jump into the website directly to the species to have all info available in the database.