Salticinae: Salticoida: Saltafresia: Simonida: Euophryini

Classification follows:
MADDISON (2015): A phylogenetic classification of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Journal of Arachnology 43(3): 231-292.

MADDISON, W. P. & SZÜTS, T. (2019). Myrmarachnine jumping spiders of the new subtribe Levieina from Papua New Guinea (Araneae, Salticidae, Myrmarachnini). ZooKeys 842: 85-112

MADDISON, W. P., MADDISON, D. R., DERKARABETIAN, S. & HEDIN, M. (2020): Sitticine jumping spiders: phylogeny, classification, andchromosomes (Araneae, Salticidae, Sitticini). ZooKeys 925: 1-54

Includes 134 genera:

Agobardus, Allodecta, Amoenema, Amphidraus, Anasaitis, Antillattus, Araneotanna, Aruattus, Asaphobelis, Ascyltus, Athamas, Barraina, Bathippus, Baviola, Belliena, Bindax, Bulolia, Bythocrotus, Canama, Caribattus, Chalcolecta, Chalcolemia, Chalcoscirtus, Chalcotropis, Chalcovietnamicus, Chapoda, Charippus, Chinophrys, Cobanus, Coccorchestes, Colyttus, Commoris, Compsodecta, Corticattus, Coryphasia, Corythalia, Cytaea, Darwinneon, Diolenius, Ecuadattus, Efate, Emathis, Ergane, Euochin, Euophrys, Euryattus, Featheroides, Foliabitus, Frewena, Furculattus, Gorgasella, Iberattus, Ilargus, Jotus, Lagnus, Lakarobius, Laufeia, Lauharulla, Lechia, Lepidemathis, Leptathamas, Logunattus, Lokina, Maeota, Magyarus, Maileus, Maratus, Margaromma, Marma, Mexigonus, Microemathis, Mopiopia, Naphrys, Nebridia, Neonella, Nicylla, Ohilimia, Omoedus, Opisthoncana, Orcevia, Parabathippus, Paraeuophrys, Paraharmochirus, Parasaitis, Parvattus, Pensacola, Pensacolatus, Pensacolops, Petemathis, Phasmolia, Platypsecas, Popcornella, Pristobaeus, Prostheclina, Pseudemathis, Pseudeuophrys, Pseudocorythalia, Pystira, Rarahu, Rhyphelia, Rumburak, Saitidops, Saitis, Saitissus, Saphrys, Semnolius, Servaea, Sidusa, Sigytes, Sobasina, Spilargis, Spiralembolus, Stoidis, Talavera, Tanzania, Tarodes, Thiania, Thianitara, Thorelliola, Thyenula, Truncattus, Tylogonus, Udvardya, Vallvonas, Variratina, Viribestus, Viroqua, Wallaba, Xenocytaea, Yacuitella, Yimbulunga, Zabka, Zabkattus, Zenodorus,

Genus Agobardus with 17 species:

anormalis KEYSERLING, 1884, anormalis montanus BRYANT, 1943, bahoruco ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, blandus BRYANT, 1947, brevitarsus BRYANT, 1943, cordiformis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cubanus (BRYANT, 1940), fimbriatus BRYANT, 1940, gramineus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, minutus (BRYANT, 1940), modestus (BRYANT, 1943), mundus BRYANT, 1940, obscurus BRYANT, 1943, oviedo ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, perpilosus BRYANT, 1943, phylladiphilus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, prominens BRYANT, 1940,

Type species: Agobardus anormalis (♂,♀) KEYSERLING, 1884

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Genus Allodecta with 1 species:

maxillaris BRYANT, 1950,

Type species: Allodecta maxillaris (♂) BRYANT, 1950

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Genus Amoenema with 4 species:

erhai YU & ZHANG, 2023, liuae YU & ZHANG, 2023, robusta (LEI & PENG, 2012), zizhongi YU & ZHANG, 2023,

Type species: Amoenema erhai (♂,♀) YU & ZHANG, 2023

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Genus Amphidraus with 42 species:

araripe SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, argentinensis GALIANO, 1997, auriga SIMON, 1900, belzonte SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, bifidus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, bochica GALVIS, 2017, boomerang SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, caxiuanan SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, chie GALVIS, 2017, colombianus GALVIS, 2017, complexus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cornipalpis SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, draconicaudatus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, draconitupan SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, duckei GALIANO, 1967, guaitipan GALVIS, 2017, guatavita GALVIS, 2017, janauari SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, loxodontillus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, mae GALVIS, 2017, manauara SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, mysticetus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, nigrigenu SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, pae GALVIS, 2017, pulvinus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, quimbaya GALVIS, 2017, quinini GALVIS, 2017, sacrificatus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, santanae GALIANO, 1967, shenlong SALGADO & RUIZ, 2019, sie GALVIS, 2017, sikuani GALVIS, 2017, simplex SALGADO & RUIZ, 2017, SMNK_224 , somondoco GALVIS, 2017, sotairensis GALVIS, 2017, sua GALVIS, 2017, tanimuca GALVIS, 2017, tisquesusa GALVIS, 2017, tundama GALVIS, 2017, zaque GALVIS, 2017, zipa GALVIS, 2017,

Type species: Amphidraus auriga (♂) SIMON, 1900

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Genus Anasaitis with 26 species:

adorabilis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, arcuata (FRANGANILLO, 1930), aurata (HENTZ, 1846), banksi (ROEWER, 1951), brunnea ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cambridgii (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1888), canalis (CHAMBERLIN, 1925), canosa (WALCKENAER, 1837), champetera GALVIS, ZAPATA-M & MALUMBRES-OLARTE, 2020, crucifera (KEYSERLING, 1884), cubana (ROEWER, 1951), decoris BRYANT, 1950, elegantissima (SIMON, 1888), emertoni (BRYANT, 1940), gloriae (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), hebetata ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, laxa ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, locuples (SIMON, 1888), milesae LOGUNOV, 2024, morgani (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), peckhami (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1914), perplexa (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), placida (BRYANT, 1947), scintilla BRYANT, 1950, squamata (BRYANT, 1940), venatoria (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901),

Type species: Anasaitis morgani (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901)

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Genus Antillattus with 13 species:

applanatus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cambridgei (BRYANT, 1943), cubensis (FRANGANILLO, 1935), darlingtoni (BRYANT, 1943), electus BRYANT, 1943, gracilis BRYANT, 1943, keyserlingi (BRYANT, 1940), mandibulatus BRYANT, 1940, maxillosus (BRYANT, 1943), montanus (BRYANT, 1943), peckhami (BRYANT, 1943), placidus BRYANT, 1943, scutiformis (BRYANT, 1943),

Type species: Antillattus gracilis (♂,♀) BRYANT, 1943

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Genus Araneotanna with 1 species:

ornatipes (BERLAND, 1938),

Type species: Araneotanna ornatipes (♂,♀) (BERLAND, 1938)

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Genus Aruattus with 1 species:

agostii LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2008,

Type species: Aruattus agostii (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2008

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Genus Asaphobelis with 2 species:

physonychus SIMON, 1902, pluripunctatus MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947,

Type species: Asaphobelis physonychus (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Ascyltus with 10 species:

audax (RAINBOW, 1897), divinus KARSCH, 1878, ferox RAINBOW, 1897, lautus (KEYSERLING, 1881), minahassae MERIAN, 1911, opulentus (WALCKENAER, 1837), pterygodes (L. KOCH, 1865), rhizophora BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1997, similis BERRY, BEATTY & PROSZYSNKI, 1997, simplex KARSCH, 1878,

Type species: Ascyltus pterygodes (♂,♀) (L. KOCH, 1865)

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Genus Athamas with 8 species:

debakkeri SZŰTS, 2003, guineensis JENDRZEJEWSKA, 1995, kochi JENDRZEJEWSKA, 1995, nitidus JENDRZEJEWSKA, 1995, proszynskii ONO, 2011, tahitensis JENDRZEJEWSKA, 1995, univittata BERLAND, 1938, whitmeei O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1877,

Type species: Athamas whitmeei (♂,♀) O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1877

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Genus Barraina with 6 species:

abeddar RICHARDSON, 2022, anfracta RICHARDSON, 2013, banyabba RICHARDSON, 2022, melanoros RICHARDSON, 2022, occidentalis RICHARDSON, 2022, pilata RICHARDSON, 2022,

Type species: Barraina anfracta (♂,♀) RICHARDSON, 2013

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Genus Bathippus with 31 species:

brevipalpis (ROY, SAHA & RAYCHAUDHURI, 2016), brocchus (THORELL, 1881), dentiferellus STRAND, 1911, dilanians (THORELL, 1881), directus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, elaphus (THORELL, 1881), fissidentatus (STRAND, 1911), gahavisuka ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, keyensis STRAND, 1911, kochi (SIMON, 1903), korei ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, latericius (THORELL, 1881), macrognathus (THORELL, 1881), macroprotopus POCOCK, 1898, madang ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, manicatus SIMON, 1902, molossus (THORELL, 1881), montrouzieri (LUCAS, 1869), morsitans POCOCK, 1897, oedonychus (THORELL, 1881), oscitans (THORELL, 1881), pahang ZHANG, SONG & LI, 2003, palabuanensis SIMON, 1902, papuanus (THORELL, 1881), proboscideus POCOCK, 1899, rechingeri KULCZYNSKI, 1910, ringens (THORELL, 1881), schalleri SIMON, 1902, seltuttensis STRAND, 1911, semiannulifer STRAND, 1911, waoranus STRAND, 1911,

Type species: Bathippus macrognathus (♂,♀) (THORELL, 1881)

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Genus Baviola with 4 species:

braueri SIMON, 1897, luteosignata WANLESS, 1984, spatulata WANLESS, 1984, vanmoli WANLESS, 1984,

Type species: Baviola braueri (♂,♀) SIMON, 1897

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Genus Belliena with 5 species:

biocellosa SIMON, 1902, ecuadorica ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, flavimana SIMON, 1902, phalerata SIMON, 1902, scotti HOGG, 1918,

Type species: Belliena biocellosa (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Bindax with 3 species:

chalcocephalus (THORELL, 1877), dalat LOGUNOV, 2024, oscitans (POCOCK, 1898),

Type species: Bindax chalcocephalus (♂,♀) (THORELL, 1877)

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Genus Bulolia with 2 species:

excentrica ŻABKA, 1996, ocellata ŻABKA, 1996,

Type species: Bulolia ocellata (♂) ŻABKA, 1996

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Genus Bythocrotus with 2 species:

cephalotes (SIMON, 1888), crypticus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Bythocrotus cephalotes (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1888)

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Genus Canama with 10 species:

cervus (THORELL, 1881), dorcas (THORELL, 1881), extranea ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, fimoi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, forceps (DOLESCHALL, 1859), hinnulea (THORELL, 1881), inquirenda STRAND, 1911, lacerans (THORELL, 1881), rutila PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907, triramosa ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Canama forceps (♂) (DOLESCHALL, 1859)

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Genus Caribattus with 1 species:

inutilis (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901),

Type species: Caribattus inutilis (♂) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901)

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Genus Chalcolecta with 4 species:

bitaeniata SIMON, 1884, dimidiata SIMON, 1884, prensitans (THORELL, 1881), rapax (THORELL, 1881),

Type species: Chalcolecta dimidiata (♂) SIMON, 1884

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Genus Chalcolemia with 1 species:

nakanai ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Chalcolemia nakanai (♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Chalcoscirtus with 55 species:

alpicola (L. KOCH, 1876), ansobicus ANDREEVA, 1976, asiaticus (CHARITONOV, 1951), atratus (THORELL, 1875), bortolgois LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1998, brevicymbialis WUNDERLICH, 1980, carbonarius EMERTON, 1917, catherinae PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999, charynensis LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1998, diminutus (BANKS, 1896), elongata (CAPORIACCO, 1935), flavipes CAPORIACCO, 1935, fulvus SAITO, 1939, glacialis CAPORIACCO, 1935, glacialis sibiricus MARUSIK, 1991, grishkanae MARUSIK, 1988, helverseni METZNER, 1999, hosseinieorum LOGUNOV, MARUSIK & MOZAFFARIAN, 2001, hyperboreus MARUSIK, 1991, infimus (SIMON, 1868), insularis DENIS, 1937, iranicus LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1998, janetscheki (DENIS, 1957), jerusalemicus PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999, jiricus (ŻABKA, 1980), kamchik MARUSIK, 1991, karakurt MARUSIK, 1991, kirghisicus MARUSIK, 1991, koponeni LOGUNOV & MARUSIK 1998, lepidus WESOŁOWSKA, 1996, martensi ŻABKA, 1980, micans (CAPORIACCO, 1935), michailovi LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1998, minutus MARUSIK, 1990, molo MARUSIK, 1991, montanus (BANKS, 1896), nangqianensis (HU, 2001), nenilini MARUSIK, 1990, nigritus (THORELL, 1875), paraansobicus MARUSIK, 1990, parvulus MARUSIK, 1991, pauper WESOŁOWSKA, 1996, pavuk MARUSIK, 1991, picinus WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 2011, platnicki MARUSIK, 1995, pseudoinfimus OVTSCHARENKO, 1978, rehobothicus (STRAND, 1915), sinevi , subglacialis YU & ZHANG, 2022, sublestus (BLACKWALL, 1867), talturaensis LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1999, tanasevichi MARUSIK, 1991, tanyae LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 1999, yinae LEI & PENG, 2010, zyuzini MARUSIK, 1991,

Type species: Chalcoscirtus infimus (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1868)

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Genus Chalcotropis with 10 species:

acutefrenata SIMON, 1902, caelodentata MERIAN, 1911, caeruleus (KARSCH, 1880), celebensis MERIAN, 1911, decemstriata SIMON, 1902, insularis (KEYSERLING, 1881), luceroi BARRION & LITSINGER, 1995, pennata SIMON, 1902, praeclara SIMON, 1902, radiata SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Chalcotropis acutefrenata (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Chalcovietnamicus with 8 species:

daiqini (PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2012), lii LEI & PENG, 2010, logunovi YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, marusiki YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, naga LOGUNOV, 2020, terbakar YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, vietnamensis (ŻABKA, 1985), weihangi YU & ZHANG, 2023,

Type species: Chalcovietnamicus vietnamensis (♂,♀) (ŻABKA, 1985)

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Genus Chapoda with 15 species:

angusta ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, festiva PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896, fortuna ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, gaitana GALIVIS, 2016, gitae ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, guancavilca MACÍAS-TULCÁN, GALVIS & MOLINA-MOREIRA, 2023, inermis (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), maxillosa (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), montana (CHICKERING, 1946), panamana CHICKERING, 1946, peckhami BANKS, 1929, recondita (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), sanlorenzo GALIVIS, 2016, santay MACÍAS-TULCÁN, GALVIS & MOLINA-MOREIRA, 2023, suaita GALIVIS, 2016,

Type species: Chapoda festiva (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896

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Genus Charippus with 11 species:

asper YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, bukittimah YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, callainus YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, denjii YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, errans THORELL, 1895, heishiding YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, kubah YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, minotaurus YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, wanlessi YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2022, yinae WANG & LI, 2020, yunnanensis (CAO & LI, 2016),

Type species: Charippus errans (♂) THORELL, 1895

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Genus Chinophrys with 8 species:

liujiapingensis (YANG & TANG, 1997), mengyangensis CAO & LI, 2016, pengi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, pulcra LOGUNOV, 2021, shennongjia YU & ZHANG, 2022, taiwanensis (PENG & LI, 2002), trifasciata WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, wuae (PENG, TSO & LI, 2002),

Type species: Chinophrys pengi (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Cobanus with 8 species:

bifurcatus CHICKERING, 1946, cambridgei CHICKERING, 1946, chocquibtown CALA-RIQUELME, BUSTAMANTE & SALGADO, 2022, electus CHICKERING, 1946, extensus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), mandibularis (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), muelona CALA-RIQUELME, BUSTAMANTE & SALGADO, 2022, unicolor F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1900,

Type species: Cobanus extensus (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896)

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Genus Coccorchestes with 43 species:

aiyura BALOGH, 1980, biak BALOGH, 1980, biroi BALOGH, 1980, blendae THORELL, 1881, buszkoae PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1971, clavifemur BALOGH, 1979, fenicheli BALOGH, 1980, ferreus GRISWOLD, 1984, fluviatilis BALOGH, 1980, giluwe BALOGH, 1980, gressitti BALOGH, 1979, hamatus BALOGH, 1980, hastatus BALOGH, 1980, huon BALOGH, 1980, ifar BALOGH, 1980, ildikoae BALOGH, 1979, inermis BALOGH, 1980, jahilnickii PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1971, jimmi BALOGH, 1980, kaindi BALOGH, 1980, karimui BALOGH, 1980, mcadami BALOGH, 1980, missim BALOGH, 1980, otto BALOGH, 1980, piora BALOGH, 1980, quinquespinosus BALOGH, 1980, rufipes THORELL, 1881, sinofi BALOGH, 1980, sirunki BALOGH, 1980, spark LIN & LI, 2024, staregai PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1971, subhirsutus THORELL, 1881, suspectus BALOGH, 1980, szentivanyi BALOGH, 1980, taeniatus BALOGH, 1980, tapini BALOGH, 1980, tarsalis THORELL, 1881, triplex BALOGH, 1980, vanapa BALOGH, 1980, verticillatus BALOGH, 1980, vicinus BALOGH, 1980, vogelkop BALOGH, 1980, waris BALOGH, 1980,

Type species: Coccorchestes rufipes (♂,♀) THORELL, 1881

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Genus Colyttus with 6 species:

bilineatus THORELL, 1891, lehtineni ŻABKA, 1985, modestus (SIMON, 1899), proszynskii CALEB, CHATTERJEE, TYAGI, KUNDU & KUMAR, 2018, robustus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, yiwui LIN & LI, 2020,

Type species: Colyttus bilineatus (♂,♀) THORELL, 1891

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Genus Commoris with 2 species:

enoplognatha SIMON, 1902, minor SIMON, 1903,

Type species: Commoris enoplognatha (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Compsodecta with 8 species:

darlingtoni (BRYANT, 1950), defloccata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), festiva BRYANT, 1950, gratiosa (BRYANT, 1950), grisea (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), haytiensis (BANKS, 1903), peckhami BRYANT, 1943, valida (BRYANT, 1950),

Type species: Compsodecta grisea (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901)

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Genus Corticattus with 2 species:

guajataca ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, latus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Corticattus latus (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Coryphasia with 17 species:

albibarbis SIMON, 1902, artemioi BAUAB, 1986, bulbosa (TULLGREN, 1905), campestrata (SIMON, 1902), cardoso SANTOS & ROMERO, 2007, castaneipedis MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947, fasciiventris (SIMON, 1902), furcata SIMON, 1902, melloleitaoi SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948, monae (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), monteverde SANTOS & ROMERO, 2007, nigriventris MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947, nuptialis BAUAB, 1986, sanguiniceps (SIMON, 1902), septentrionalis (CAPORIACCO, 1954), SMNK_1283 , viaria (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901),

Type species: Coryphasia albibarbis (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Corythalia with 96 species:

alacris (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), albicincta (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), antepagmenti BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, argentinensis GALIANO, 1962, barbipes (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1939), bicincta PETRUNKEVITCH, 1925, binotata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), blanda (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), brevispina (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), broccai ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, bromelicola ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, bryantae CHICKERING, 1946, chalcea CRANE, 1949, chickeringi KRAUS, 1955, cincta (BADCOCK, 1932), circumcincta (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), circumflexa (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1939), clara CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936, CMNH_1 , concinna BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, conferta BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, conformans CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936, conspecta (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), coronai ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cristata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), dakryodes BAYER, 2020, decora (BRYANT, 1943), diffusa CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936, drepane BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, drepanopsis BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, electa (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), endigma CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936, erebus (BRYANT, 1943), excavata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), fimbriata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), flagrans BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, flavida (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), foelixi BAYER, 2020, fragilis BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, fulgipedia CRANE, 1948, fulvoguttata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), gasnieri BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, grata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), hadzji CAPORIACCO, 1947, hamulifera BAYER, 2020, heros (BRYANT, 1943), insularis RUIZ, BRESCOVIT & FREITAS, 2007, iridescens PETRUNKEVITCH, 1926, latior BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, latipes (C. L. KOCH, 1846), lineata BAYER, 2020, longiducta BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, luctuosa CAPORIACCO, 1954, lutea (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), metallica (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1893), minor (BRYANT, 1943), modesta CHICKERING, 1946, murcida (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), neglecta KRAUS, 1955, nigriventer (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), nigropicta (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), noda (CHAMBERLIN, 1916), obsoleta BANKS, 1929, opima (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1885), panamana PETRUNKEVITCH, 1925, parva (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), parvula (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), peblique ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, penicillata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), pequii BEDOYA-RÓQUEME, 2022, placata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), porphyra BRÜNING, 1995, protensa BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, pulchra PETRUNKEVITCH, 1925, quadriguttata (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), ricti BAYER, 2020, roeweri KRAUS, 1955, rugosa KRAUS, 1955, scutellaris BAYER, 2020, sellata SIMON, 1901, sitticus CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936, spiralis (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), spirorbis (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), sulphurea (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), tribulosa BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, tristriata BRYANT, 1942, trochophora BAYER, 2020, tropica (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1939), tulineba (CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936), ursina (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1940), valida (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), verhaaghi BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020, vervloeti SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948, voluta (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), waleckii (TACZANOWSKI, 1872), xanthopa CRANE, 1948,

Type species: Corythalia latipes (♂,♀) (C. L. KOCH, 1846)

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Genus Cytaea with 50 species:

aeneomicans SIMON, 1902, albichelis STRAND, 1911, albolimbata SIMON, 1888, alburna KEYSERLING, 1882, argentosa (THORELL, 1881), asper (KARSCH, 1878), barbatissima (KEYSERLING, 1881), carolinensis BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, catella (THORELL, 1891), clarovittata (KEYSERLING, 1881), dispalans (THORELL, 1890), expectans (THORELL, 1881), fibula BERLAND, 1938, flavolineata BERLAND, 1938, floricola (DOLESCHALL, 1859), FP-284 , frontaligera (THORELL, 1881), guentheri THORELL, 1895, haematica SIMON, 1902, haematicoides STRAND, 1911, koronivia BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, laodamia HOGG, 1915, laticeps (THORELL, 1878), lepida KULCZYNSKI, 1910, levii PENG & LI, 2002, maoming YU & ZHANG, 2022, mitellata (THORELL, 1881), nausori BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, nigriventris (KEYSERLING, 1881), nimbata (THORELL, 1881), oreophila SIMON, 1902, piscula (L. KOCH, 1867), piscula subsiliens (KULCZYNSKI, 1910), plumbeiventris (KEYSERLING, 1881), ponapensis BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, rai BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, rubra (WALCKENAER, 1837), semengohi PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, senex (SIMON, 1885), sepakuensis PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, severa (THORELL, 1881), sinuata (DOLESCHALL, 1859, sylvia HOGG, 1915, taveuniensis PATOLETA & GARDZIŃSKA, 2010, tongi WANG & LI, 2020, trispinifera MARPLES, 1955, trusmadii PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, vitiensis BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, whytei PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2010, xanthopus KEYSERLING, 1881,

Type species: Cytaea alburna (♂,♀) KEYSERLING, 1882

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Genus Darwinneon with 1 species:

crypticus CUTLER, 1971,

Type species: Darwinneon crypticus (♂,♀) CUTLER, 1971

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Genus Diolenius with 17 species:

albopiceus HOGG, 1915, amplectens THORELL, 1881, angustipes GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, armatissimus THORELL, 1881, carinifer STRAND, 1907, decorus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, infulatus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, insignitus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, lineatus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, lugubris THORELL, 1881, obisioides (DOLESCHALL, 1857), paradoxus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, phrynoides (WALCKENAER, 1837), redimiculatus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, sarmiensis GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 2013, varicus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006, virgatus GARDZIŃSKA & ŻABKA, 2006,

Type species: Diolenius phrynoides (♂,♀) (WALCKENAER, 1837)

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Genus Ecuadattus with 4 species:

elongatus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, napoensis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, pichincha ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, typicus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Ecuadattus typicus (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Efate with 3 species:

albobicinctus BERLAND, 1938, fimbriatus BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996, raptor BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996,

Type species: Efate albobicinctus (♂,♀) BERLAND, 1938

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Genus Emathis with 8 species:

armillata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), astorgasensis BARRION & LITSINGER, 1995, coprea (THORELL, 1890), gombak ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, makilingensis BARRION & LITSINGER, 1995, sobara (THORELL, 1890), sumatranus PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2012, weyersi SIMON, 1899,

Type species: Emathis weyersi (♂,♀) SIMON, 1899

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Genus Ergane with 4 species:

benjarei (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), carinata BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996, cognata L. KOCH, 1881, insulana L. KOCH, 1881,

Type species: Ergane cognata (♂) L. KOCH, 1881

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Genus Euochin with 29 species:

albopalpalis (BAO & PENG, 2002), atrata (SONG & CHAI, 1992), bamianshanensis (LIU, WANG & PENG, 2020), bethunei WANG & ZHANG, 2023, bulbus (BAO & PENG, 2002), buziji WANG & ZHANG, 2023, dongpo WANG & ZHANG, 2023, extraculum WANG & ZHANG, 2023, fengi LIN & LI, 2023, furva (SONG & CHAI, 1992), japonica SUGURO, 2024, kororensis (BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996), lingyi WANG & ZHANG, 2023, longyangensis (LEI & PENG, 2012), luzonica LOGUNOV, 2020, mii WANG & LI, 2022, nanjiabawa WANG & ZHANG, 2023, nu WANG & ZHANG, 2023, poloi (ŻABKA, 1985), shenjun WANG & ZHANG, 2023, subwanyan (WANG & LI, 2020), tangi WANG & LI, 2022, tianhe WANG & ZHANG, 2023, wanlessi WANG & ZHANG, 2023, wanyan (BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996), yaeyamana SUGURO, 2024, yangmei WANG & ZHANG, 2023, yaoi WANG & LI, 2021, zegangi WANG & ZHANG, 2023,

Type species: Euochin atrata (♀) (SONG & CHAI, 1992)

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Genus Euophrys with 109 species:

acripes (SIMON, 1871), alabardata CAPORIACCO, 1947, albimana DENIS, 1937, altera (SIMON, 1868), alticola DENIS, 1955, arnograbollei SCHÄFER, 2022, astuta (SIMON, 1871), baliola (SIMON, 1871), banksi ROEWER, 1951, bifida WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, bifoveolata TULLGREN, 1905, canariensis DENIS, 1941, capicola SIMON, 1901, catherinae PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999, coccociliatus (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1863), cochlea WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, concolorata ROEWER, 1951, convergentis STRAND, 1906, crux TACZANOWSKI, 1878, declivis KARSCH, 1879, delicatula (GERTSCH & MULAIK, 1936), dhaulagirica ŻABKA, 1980, difficilis (SIMON, 1868), elizabethae WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, evae ŻABKA, 1981, everestensis WANLESS, 1975, falciger WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, ferrumequinum TACZANOWSKI, 1878, flavoater (GRUBE, 1861), friedmani MARUSIK, 2019, frontalis (WALCKENAER, 1802), fucata (SIMON, 1868), gambosa (SIMON, 1868), gambosa mediocris SIMON, 1937, gracilis WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, graeca BRISTOWE, 1935, granulata DENIS, 1947, griswoldi WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, heliophaniformis DÖNITZ & STRAND, 1906, herbigrada (SIMON, 1871), innotata (SIMON, 1868), kataokai IKEDA, 1996, kawkaban WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 2007, kirghizica LOGUNOV, 1997, leipoldti PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903, leucopalpis TACZANOWSKI, 1878, leucostigma C. L. KOCH, 1846, limpopo WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, lunata BERTKAU, 1880, lusitanicus (SIMON, 1901), luteolineata (SIMON, 1871), maculata (WALCKENAER, 1826), manicata (SIMON, 1871), marmarica CAPORIACCO, 1928, marusiki WUNDERLICH, 2023, maseruensis WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, maura TACZANOWSKI, 1878, megastyla CAPORIACCO, 1949, melanoleuca MELLO-LEITÃO, 1944, menemerella STRAND, 1909, meridionalis WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, miranda WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, molesta O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1912, monadnock EMERTON, 1891, namulinensis HU, 2001, nana WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, nanchonensis TACZANOWSKI, 1878, nearctica KASTON, 1938, nepalica ŻABKA, 1980, newtoni PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896, nigrimana (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1945), nigripalpis SIMON, 1937, nigritarsis (SIMON, 1868), nigromaculata (LUCAS, 1846), nipponicus KISHIDA, 1931, omnisuperstes WANLESS, 1975, patellaris DENIS, 1957, pelzelni TACZANOWSKI, 1878, peruviana TACZANOWSKI, 1878, pexa SIMON, 1937, proszynskii LOGUNOV, CUTLER & MARUSIK, 1993, pseudogambosa STRAND, 1915, pulchella PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1893, purcelli PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903, quadricolor TACZANOWSKI, 1878, quadripunctata (LUCAS, 1846), recta WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, rufibarbis (SIMON, 1868), rufibarbis comptula (SIMON, 1871), rufifrons (BLACKWALL, 1834), rufimana (SIMON, 1876), sanctimatei TACZANOWSKI, 1878, sedula (SIMON, 1875), semirufa SIMON, 1884, sima CHAMBERLIN, 1916, sinapicolor TACZANOWSKI, 1878, subtilis WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, sulphurea (L. KOCH, 1867), sulphureo-ciliatus (SIMON, 1871), taiwanus CHEN, LIN & UENG, 2021, terrestris (SIMON, 1871), testaceozonata CAPORIACCO, 1922, turkmenica LOGUNOV, 1997, uphami (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903), uralensis LOGUNOV, CUTLER & MARUSIK, 1993, valens BÖSENBERG & LENZ, 1895, wenxianensis YANG & TANG, 1997, ysobolii PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896, yulungensis ŻABKA, 1980,

Type species: Euophrys frontalis (♂,♀) (WALCKENAER, 1802)

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Genus Euryattus with 18 species:

albescens (KEYSERLING, 1881), bleekeri (DOLESCHALL, 1859), breviusculus (SIMON, 1902), celebensis (MERIAN, 1911), chrysostomus (KEYSERLING, 1881), curtus (SIMON, 1902), junxiae PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2010, kinabalus PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, koomeni PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, leopoldi (ROEWER, 1938), myiopotami (THORELL, 1881), pauperatus (KEYSERLING, 1881), pengi PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, porcellus THORELL, 1881, ventralis PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, venustus (DOLESCHALL, 1859), wallacei (THORELL, 1881), zilleae SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020,

Type species: Euryattus porcellus (♂,♀) THORELL, 1881

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Genus Featheroides with 2 species:

typica PENG, YIN, XIE & KIM, 1994, yunnanensis PENG, YIN, XIE & KIM, 1994,

Type species: Featheroides typica (♂) PENG, YIN, XIE & KIM, 1994

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Genus Foliabitus with 3 species:

longzhou ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, scutigerus (ŻABKA, 1985), weihangi LIN & LI, 2020,

Type species: Foliabitus longzhou (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Frewena with 2 species:

maculata RICHARDSON, 2013, terraregina RICHARDSON, 2022,

Type species: Frewena maculata (♂,♀) RICHARDSON, 2013

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Genus Furculattus with 2 species:

maxillosus BALOGH, 1980, minotaurus WANLESS & LUBIN, 1986,

Type species: Furculattus maxillosus (♂,♀) BALOGH, 1980

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Genus Gorgasella with 1 species:

eximia CHICKERING, 1946,

Type species: Gorgasella eximia (♀) CHICKERING, 1946

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Genus Iberattus with 1 species:

semiglabratus (SIMON 1868),

Type species: Iberattus semiglabratus (♂,♀) (SIMON 1868)

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Genus Ilargus with 14 species:

carinae RUBIO, BAIGORRIA & STOLAR, 2022, coccineus SIMON, 1901, delnoa RUBIO, BAIGORRIA & STOLAR, 2022, florezi GALVIS, 2015, foliosus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, galianoae ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, macrocornis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, moronatigus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, nitidisquamulatus SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948, penicillium (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1940), pilleolus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, quinquevittatus MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947, serratus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, singularis CAPORIACCO, 1955,

Type species: Ilargus coccineus (♂,♀) SIMON, 1901

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Genus Jotus with 17 species:

albimanus BAEHR, SCHUBERT & HARMS, 2019, auripes L. KOCH, 1881, braccatus L. KOCH, 1881, debilis L. KOCH, 1881, fortiniae BAEHR, SCHUBERT & HARMS, 2019, FP-11063 , FP-11074 , FP-300 , frosti PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901, insulanus RAINBOW, 1920, karllagerfeldi BAEHR, SCHUBERT & HARMS, 2019, maculivertex STRAND, 1911, minutus L. KOCH, 1881, moonensis BAEHR, SCHUBERT & HARMS, 2019, newtoni BAEHR, SCHUBERT & HARMS, 2019, ravus (URQUHART, 1893), remus OTTO & HILL, 2016,

Type species: Jotus auripes (♂) L. KOCH, 1881

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Genus Lagnus with 3 species:

edwardsi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, longimanus L. KOCH, 1879, monteithorum PATOLETA, 2008,

Type species: Lagnus longimanus (♂) L. KOCH, 1879

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Genus Lakarobius with 1 species:

alboniger BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998,

Type species: Lakarobius alboniger (♂,♀) BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998

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Genus Laufeia with 6 species:

aenea SIMON, 1888, aerihirta (URQUHART, 1888), banna WANG & LI, 2021, concava ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, sasakii IKEDA, 1998, zhangae WANG & LI, 2022,

Type species: Laufeia aenea (♂,♀) SIMON, 1888

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Genus Lauharulla with 2 species:

insulana SIMON, 1901, pretiosa KEYSERLING, 1883,

Type species: Lauharulla pretiosa (♀) KEYSERLING, 1883

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Genus Lechia with 1 species:

squamata ŻABKA, 1985,

Type species: Lechia squamata (♂,♀) ŻABKA, 1985

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Genus Lepidemathis with 7 species:

cavinti BARRION-DUPO & BARRION, 2020, dogmai BARRION-DUPO & BARRION, 2020, haemorrhoidalis (SIMON, 1899), lipa BARRION-DUPO & BARRION, 2020, luisae FREUDENSCHUSS & SEITER, 2016, sericea (SIMON, 1899), unicolor (KARSCH, 1880),

Type species: Lepidemathis sericea (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1899)

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Genus Leptathamas with 1 species:

paradoxus BALOGH, 1980,

Type species: Leptathamas paradoxus (♂,♀) BALOGH, 1980

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Genus Logunattus with 2 species:

dufui WANG & LI, 2023, libaii WANG & LI, 2023,

Type species: Logunattus libaii (♂,♀) WANG & LI, 2023

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Genus Lokina with 11 species:

blombergi YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, chiyou YU & ZHANG, 2023, eximia (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), fuxi YU & ZHANG, 2023, kubah YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, nyuewa YU & ZHANG, 2023, pixi YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, tamasi YU & ZHANG, 2023, tengchongensis (LEI & PENG, 2012), wuyi YU & ZHANG, 2023, zhishengi YU & ZHANG, 2023,

Type species: Lokina chiyou (♂,♀) YU & ZHANG, 2023

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Genus Maeota with 13 species:

betancuri GALVIS, 2015, caudata (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), dichrura SIMON, 1901, dorsalis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, flava ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, fusca MELLO-LEITÃO, 1917, galeanoae GALVIS & MORENO, 2016, glauca GALVIS, 2015, ibargueni GALIVIS, 2014, serrapophysis (CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936), setastrobilaris GARCILAZO-CRUZ & ÁLVAREZ-PADILLA, 2015, simoni ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, tuberculotibiata (CAPORIACCO, 1955),

Type species: Maeota dichrura (♂,♀) SIMON, 1901

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Genus Magyarus with 2 species:

terrestris (LOGUNOV, 2021), typicus ŻABKA, 1985,

Type species: Magyarus typicus (♂) ŻABKA, 1985

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Genus Maileus with 2 species:

fuscus PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907, obscurus LOGUNOV, 2024,

Type species: Maileus fuscus (♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907

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Genus Maratus with 122 species:

albovittatus (KEYSERLING, 1882), albus OTTO & HILL, 2016, amabilis KARSCH, 1878, ammophilus OTTO & HILL, 2022, amoenus KARSCH, 1878, anomaliformis (ŻABKA, 1987), anomalus (KARSCH, 1878), aquilus SCHUBERT, 2019, aurantius OTTO & HILL, 2017, australis OTTO & HILL, 2016, avibus OTTO & HILL, 2014, azureus SCHUBERT, 2020, banyowla OTTO & HILL, 2019, bitaeniatus (KEYSERLING, 1882), boranup OTTO & HILL, 2018, bubo OTTO & HILL, 2016, caeruleus WALDOCK, 2013, calcitrans OTTO & HILL, 2012, candens OTTO & HILL, 2022, chlorophthalmus (SIMON, 1909), chrysomelas (SIMON, 1909), cinereus OTTO & HILL, 2017, clupeatus OTTO & HILL, 2014, combustus SCHUBERT, 2019, constellatus SCHUBERT, 2020, cristatus OTTO & HILL, 2017, cuspis OTTO & HILL, 2019, dialeucus (L. KOCH, 1881), digitatus OTTO & HILL, 2012, electricus OTTO & HILL, 2017, elephans OTTO & HILL, 2015, eliasi BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, expolitus PRASAD, 2022, felinus SCHUBERT, 2019, fimbriatus OTTO & HILL, 2016, flavus OTTO & HILL, 2018, fletcheri WALDOCK, 2020, FP-297 , FP-6153 FRAMENAU (2018), gemmifer OTTO & HILL, 2017, griseus (KEYSERLING, 1882), hakea OTTO & HILL, 2024, harrisi OTTO & HILL, 2011, harveyi WALDOCK, 2020, hesperus (OTTO & HILL, 2017), heteropogon (SIMON, 1909), hortorum WALDOCK, 2014, icarus OTTO & HILL, 2019, inaquosus SCHUBERT, 2020, jactatus OTTO & HILL, 2015, julianneae BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, karrie WALDOCK, 2013, karschi (ŻABKA, 1987), kiwirrkurra BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, kochi (ŻABKA, 1987), laurenae SCHUBERT, 2020, lentus OTTO & HILL, 2017, leo OTTO & HILL, 2014, licunxini BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, lineatus (KEYSERLING, 1881), linnaei WALDOCK, 2008, literatus OTTO & HILL, 2014, lobatus OTTO & HILL, 2016, lynx OTTO & HILL, 2024, madelineae WALDOCK, 2014, maritimus OTTO & HILL, 2014, melindae WALDOCK, 2013, melindae corus OTTO & HILL, 2017, michaelorum BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, michaelseni (SIMON, 1909), miles OTTO & HILL, 2024, montanus OTTO & HILL, 2014, mungaich WALDOCK, 1995, nambung OTTO & HILL, 2023, nemo SCHUBERT, 2021, neptunus OTTO & HILL, 2017, nigriceps (KEYSERLING, 1882), nigromaculatus (KEYSERLING, 1883), nimbus OTTO & HILL, 2017, noggerup SCHUBERT, 2020, nubilis OTTO & HILL, 2022, obscurior (SIMON, 1909), occasus SCHUBERT, 2019, ottoi BAEHR & WHYTE, 2016, pardus OTTO & HILL, 2014, pavonis (DUNN, 1947), personatus OTTO & HILL, 2015, piliger (KEYSERLING, 1882), pilosus (KEYSERLING, 1882), pinniger OTTO & HILL, 2022, playa OTTO & HILL, 2023, plumosus OTTO & HILL, 2013, proszynskii WALDOCK, 2015, purcellae OTTO & HILL, 2013, rainbowi (ROEWER, 1951), robinsoni OTTO & HILL, 2012, sagittus SCHUBERT & WHITE, 2019, sapphirus OTTO & HILL, 2017, sarahae WALDOCK, 2013, sceletus OTTO & HILL, 2015, scutulatus (L. KOCH, 1881), speciosus (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1874), speculifer (SIMON, 1909), spicatus OTTO & HILL, 2012, suae SCHUBERT, 2020, sylvestris OTTO & HILL, 2019, tasmanicus OTTO & HILL, 2013, tessellatus OTTO & HILL, 2016, tiddalik OTTO & HILL, 2020, tortus OTTO & HILL, 2018, trigonus OTTO & HILL, 2017, unicup OTTO & HILL, 2018, velutinus OTTO & HILL, 2012, vespa OTTO & HILL, 2016, vespertilio (SIMON, 1901), villosus (KEYSERLING, 1883), vittatus (KEYSERLING, 1881), volans (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1874), volpei SCHUBERT, 2020, vultus OTTO & HILL, 2016, watagansi OTTO & HILL, 2013, yanchep OTTO & HILL, 2023,

Type species: Maratus amabilis (♂) KARSCH, 1878

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Genus Margaromma with 8 species:

doreyanum (WALCKENAER, 1837), funestum KEYSERLING, 1882, imperiosum SZOMBATHY, 1915, namukanum ROEWER, 1944, nitidum THORELL, 1899, obscurum (KEYSERLING, 1882), soligena SIMON, 1902, spatiosum PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907,

Type species: Margaromma funestum (♀) KEYSERLING, 1882

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Genus Marma with 16 species:

abaira SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020, argentina (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1941), baeri SIMON, 1902, centralis (SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948), dorae (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1944), femella (CAPORIACCO, 1955), linae SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020, nigritarsis (SIMON, 1900), pechichon CALA-RIQUELME & SALGADO, 2021, pipa SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020, rosea (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1941), sinuosa SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020, spelunca SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020, trifidocarinata CAPORIACCO, 1947, variegata CAPORIACCO, 1947, wesolowskae SALGADO & RUIZ, 2020,

Type species: Marma baeri (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Mexigonus with 9 species:

albidus (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), arizonensis (BANKS, 1904), belli (GERTSCH, 1935), claremonti (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1909), dentichelis (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), inscriptum (SCHENKEL, 1951), minutus (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), morosus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1888), peninsulanus (BANKS, 1898),

Type species: Mexigonus minutus (♂,♀) (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901)

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Genus Microemathis with 1 species:

bulalacao LOGUNOV, 2020,

Type species: Microemathis bulalacao (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 2020

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Genus Mopiopia with 8 species:

albibarbis (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947), bruneti (SIMON, 1903), comatula SIMON, 1902, gounellei (SIMON, 1902), labyrinthea (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947), maculata (FRANGANILLO, 1930), mutica (SIMON, 1903), tristis (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947),

Type species: Mopiopia comatula (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Naphrys with 6 species:

acerba PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1909, bufoides (CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1944), offuscata (C. L. KOCH, 1846), pulex (HENTZ, 1846), x-notata (KEYSERLING, 1884), xerophila (RICHMAN, 1981),

Type species: Naphrys acerba (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1909

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Genus Nebridia with 1 species:

semicana SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Nebridia semicana (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Neonella with 16 species:

acostae RUBIO, ARGANARAZ & GLEISER, 2015, antillana GALIANO, 1988, cabana GALIANO, 1998, camillae EDWARDS, 2002, choanocytica SALGADO & RUIZ, 2018, colalao GALIANO, 1998, gyrinus SALGADO & RUIZ, 2018, heliophanina (TACZANOWSKI, 1872), lubrica GALIANO, 1988, mayaguez GALIANO, 1998, minuta GALIANO, 1965, montana GALIANO, 1988, nana GALIANO, 1988, noronha RUIZ, BRESCOVIT & FREITAS, 2007, salafraria RUIZ & BRESCOVIT, 2004, vinnula GERTSCH, 1936,

Type species: Neonella vinnula (♂,♀) GERTSCH, 1936

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Genus Nicylla with 1 species:

sundevalli THORELL, 1890,

Type species: Nicylla sundevalli (♂,♀) THORELL, 1890

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Genus Ohilimia with 7 species:

albomaculata (THORELL, 1881), bifasciata (THORELL, 1881), coccineopilosa (SIMON, 1884), gracilipes STRAND, 1911, laensis GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 2010, scutellata (KRITSCHER, 1959), venusta (THORELL, 1881),

Type species: Ohilimia albomaculata (♂,♀) (THORELL, 1881)

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Genus Omoedus with 12 species:

baloghi SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020, bunbi SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020, cordatus BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996, danyii SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020, formosus (RAINBOW, 1899), insultans (THORELL, 1881), koehalmii SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020, kulczynskii PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1971, niger THORELL, 1881, piceus SIMON, 1902, sexualis (STRAND, 1911), torquatus SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Omoedus niger (♀) THORELL, 1881

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Genus Opisthoncana with 1 species:

formidabilis STRAND, 1913,

Type species: Opisthoncana formidabilis (♂) STRAND, 1913

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Genus Orcevia with 26 species:

bidoup LOGUNOV, 2024, bokoblin YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, calcicola YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, deelemanae YU & ZHANG, 2023, eucola (THORELL, 1890), feitongae YU & ZHANG. 2023, gongae YU & ZHANG, 2023, jinping YU & ZHANG, 2023, keyserlingi THORELL, 1890, kuloni PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2012, longapophysis (LEI & PENG, 2012), meinei YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, mercuryi YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, nietzschei YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, pakse YU & ZHANG, 2023, perakensis (SIMON, 1901), proszynskii (SONG, GU & CHEN, 1988), qogyigyacani YANG & ZHANG, 2024, shuyuani YU & ZHANG, 2023, sica WU & YANG, 2008, sokoli (PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013), timburtoni YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, wuliang YU & ZHANG, 2023, yahaha YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, zabkai YU, MADDISON & ZHANG, 2023, zu YU & ZHANG, 2023,

Type species: Orcevia keyserlingi (♂,♀) THORELL, 1890

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Genus Parabathippus with 11 species:

birmanicus (THORELL, 1895), cuspidatus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, digitalis (ZHANG, SONG & LI, 2003), kiabau ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, macilentus (THORELL, 1890), magnus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, petrae (PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2012), rectus (ZHANG, SONG & LI, 2003), sedatus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), serenus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), shelfordi PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907,

Type species: Parabathippus shelfordi (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907

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Genus Paraeuophrys with 2 species:

bryophila (BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996), sumatrana LOGUNOV, 2020,

Type species: Paraeuophrys sumatrana (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 2020

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Genus Paraharmochirus with 2 species:

monstrosus SZOMBATHY, 1915, tualapaensis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Paraharmochirus monstrosus (♂) SZOMBATHY, 1915

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Genus Parasaitis with 1 species:

femoralis BRYANT, 1950,

Type species: Parasaitis femoralis (♂,♀) BRYANT, 1950

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Genus Parvattus with 1 species:

zhui ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Parvattus zhui (♂) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Pensacola with 9 species:

castanea SIMON, 1902, cyaneochirus SIMON, 1902, gaujoni SIMON, 1902, murina SIMON, 1902, ornata SIMON, 1902, poecilocilia CAPORIACCO, 1955, radians (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), signata PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1885, sylvestris (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896),

Type species: Pensacola signata (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1885

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Genus Pensacolatus with 0 species:

Type species: Pensacolatus coxalis (♂) WUNDERLICH, 1988

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Genus Pensacolops with 1 species:

rubrovittata BAUAB, 1983,

Type species: Pensacolops rubrovittata (♂) BAUAB, 1983

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Genus Petemathis with 5 species:

luteopunctata (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), minuta (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), portoricensis (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), tetuani (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930), unispina (FRANGANILLO, 1930),

Type species: Petemathis portoricensis (♂,♀) (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930)

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Genus Phasmolia with 1 species:

elegans ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Phasmolia elegans (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Platypsecas with 1 species:

razzabonii CAPORIACCO, 1955,

Type species: Platypsecas razzabonii (♀) CAPORIACCO, 1955

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Genus Popcornella with 4 species:

furcata ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, nigromaculata ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, spiniformis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, yunque ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Popcornella spiniformis (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Pristobaeus with 16 species:

albofasciatus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), arboreus (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), beccarii (THORELL, 1881), clarus (ROEWER, 1938), dearmatus (THORELL, 1881), discedens (KULCZYNSKI, 1910), fuscoannulatus (STRAND, 1911), igneus (HOGG, 1915), jocosus SIMON, 1902, kuekenthali (POCOCK, 1897), namosi (BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996), nemoralis (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1907), taveuniensis (PATOLETA, 2008), trigyrus (BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996), vanuaensis (PATOLETA, 2008), vitiensis (PATOLETA, 2008),

Type species: Pristobaeus jocosus (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Prostheclina with 7 species:

amplior RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, basilonesa RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, boreoaitha RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, boreoxantha RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, bulburin RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, eungella RICHARDSON & ŻABKA, 2007, pallida KEYSERLING, 1882,

Type species: Prostheclina pallida (♂,♀) KEYSERLING, 1882

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Genus Pseudemathis with 1 species:

trifida SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Pseudemathis trifida (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Pseudeuophrys with 30 species:

affaber (SIMON, 1871), agilis (HAHN, 1832), ariadneae (LOGUNOV, 2001), bacelari (SCHENKEL, 1938), browningi (MILLIDGE & LOCKET, 1955), caporiaccoi (KOLOSVARY, 1934), confusa (KULCZYNSKI, 1891), distinctus (BLACKWALL, 1841), erratica (WALCKENAER, 1826), finitimus (SIMON, 1868), gracilis (HAHN, 1832), iwatensis (BOHDANOWICZ & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1987), lanigera (SIMON, 1871), littoralis (SOYER, 1959), maderianus (WARBURTON, 1892), misera (SIMON, 1868), moesta (DENIS, 1964), nebrodensis ALICATA & CANTARELLA, 2000, obsoleta (SIMON, 1868), pallidipes (DOBRORUKA, 2002), pascualis (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872), perdifumo VAN HELSDINGEN, 2015, pictilis (SIMON, 1871), rhodiensis SCHÄFER, 2018, sengleti METZNER, 1999, talassica (LOGUNOV, 1997), tigrina (WALCKENAER, 1837), tristis (DENIS, 1957), vafra (BLACKWALL, 1867), variegata (DENIS, 1957 ),

Type species: Pseudeuophrys erratica (♂,♀) (WALCKENAER, 1826)

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Genus Pseudocorythalia with 1 species:

subinermis CAPORIACCO, 1938,

Type species: Pseudocorythalia subinermis (♂,♀) CAPORIACCO, 1938

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Genus Pystira with 5 species:

cyanothorax (THORELL, 1881), ephippigera (SIMON, 1885), karschi (THORELL, 1881), nigripalpis (THORELL, 1877), versicolor DYAL, 1935,

Type species: Pystira ephippigera (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1885)

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Genus Rarahu with 1 species:

nitida BERLAND, 1929,

Type species: Rarahu nitida (♂,♀) BERLAND, 1929

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Genus Rhyphelia with 35 species:

albipes (RUIZ, 2011), amrishi (MAKHAN, 2007), aurifrons (TACZANOWSKI, 1878), barbado NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, bicrescens (RUIZ, 2013), bilineata NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, brevistylus NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, cearensis (RUIZ, 2013), chaplini (RUIZ, 2013), cotriguacuensis NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, crispiventer (RUIZ, 2011), cymbialis (RUIZ, 2011), dromedarius (RUIZ, 2011), elongatula (RUIZ & SOBRINHO, 2016), excentrica (RUIZ, 2013), flagellator (RUIZ, 2013), gallina NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, laticlavus (RUIZ & SOBRINHO, 2016), lunatus (RUIZ, 2011), macrochelis (RUIZ, 2013), micacea (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), minima (RUIZ, 2011), muiratinga (RUIZ, 2013), novalima NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, okay NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, otti NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, paxiuba (RUIZ, 2013), planaria NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, ruizi (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), SMNK_2344 , spinipes (RUIZ, 2011), tabernarius (RUIZ, 2013), tocantinensis NOBRE & RUIZ, 2024, trombetas (RUIZ & SOBRINHO, 2016), variegata SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Rhyphelia variegata (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Rumburak with 8 species:


Type species: Rumburak lateripunctatus (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014

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Genus Saitidops with 2 species:

albopatellus BRYANT, 1950, clathratus SIMON, 1901,

Type species: Saitidops clathratus (♂) SIMON, 1901

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Genus Saitis with 34 species:

annae COCKERELL, 1894, aranukanus ROEWER, 1944, auberti BERLAND, 1938, barbipes (SIMON, 1868), berlandi ROEWER, 1951, blandus (BLACKWALL, 1870), breviusculus SIMON, 1901, catulus SIMON, 1901, chaperi SIMON, 1885, cupidon (SIMON, 1885), cyanipes SIMON, 1901, graecus KULCZYNSKI, 1904, imitatus (SIMON, 1868), insectus (HOGG, 1896), insulanus RAINBOW, 1920, kandyensis KIM, YE & OH, 2013, lacustris HICKMAN, 1944, latifrons CAPORIACCO, 1928, magniceps (KEYSERLING, 1882), marcusi SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948, mutans OTTO & HILL, 2012, nanus SOARES & CAMARGO, 1948, perplexides (STRAND, 1908), prinkiponus (ROEWER, 1951), relucens (THORELL, 1877), santaeeufemiae KOLOSVARY, 1938, scriptus (SIMON, 1868), signatus (KEYSERLING, 1883), spinosus (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1945), splendidus (WALCKENAER, 1837), taeniatus KEYSERLING, 1883, tauricus KULCZYNSKI, 1904, variegatus MELLO-LEITÃO, 1941, virgatus OTTO & HILL, 2012,

Type species: Saitis barbipes (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1868)

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Genus Saitissus with 1 species:

squamosus ROEWER, 1938,

Type species: Saitissus squamosus (♂) ROEWER, 1938

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Genus Saphrys with 14 species:

a-notata (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1940), cruziana SIMON, 1905, flordellago (RICHARDSON, 2010), laetata (SIMON, 1904), mapuche (GALIANO, 1968), patagonica (SIMON, 1905), pehuenche GALIANO, 1968, quilpuensis (SIMON, 1901), rapida (C. L. KOCH, 1846), rusticana (NICOLET, 1849), saitiformis (SIMON, 1901), tehuelche (GALIANO, 1968), vana (NICOLET, 1849), vestitus (NICOLET, 1849),

Type species: Saphrys tehuelche (♂,♀) (GALIANO, 1968)

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Genus Semnolius with 6 species:

albofasciatus MELLO-LEITÃO, 1941, brunneus MELLO-LEITÃO, 1945, chrysotrichus SIMON, 1902, imberbis (SIMON, 1902), lunatus (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947), rubrolunatus (MELLO-LEITÃO, 1945),

Type species: Semnolius chrysotrichus (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Servaea with 10 species:

incana (KARSCH, 1878), melaina RICHARDSON & GUNTER, 2012, morrisoni (DUNN, 1951), murina SIMON, 1902, narraweena RICHARDSON & GUNTER, 2012, spinibarbis SIMON, 1909, valida (URQUHART, 1893), vestita (L. KOCH, 1879), villosa (KEYSERLING, 1881), zabkai RICHARDSON & GUNTER, 2012,

Type species: Servaea incana (♂,♀) (KARSCH, 1878)

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Genus Sidusa with 26 species:

albopalpis (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), angulitarsis SIMON, 1902, beebei (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1914), carinata KRAUS, 1955, dominicana PETRUNKEVITCH, 1914, erythrocras (CHAMBERLIN & IVIE, 1936), femoralis BANKS, 1909, flavens (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896), gratiosa PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1895, guianensis (CAPORIACCO, 1947), inconspicua BRYANT, 1940, incurva (CHICKERING, 1946), marmorea F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901, nigrina F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901, obscura (CHICKERING, 1946), olivacea F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901, pallida F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901, perdita (BANKS, 1898), scintillans (CRANE, 1943), seclusa (CHICKERING, 1946), stoneri BRYANT, 1923, subfusca (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1900), tarsalis BANKS, 1909, turquinensis BRYANT, 1940, unica KRAUS, 1955, viridiaurea (SIMON, 1902),

Type species: Sidusa gratiosa (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1895

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Genus Sigytes with 3 species:

albocinctus (KEYSERLING, 1881), diloris (KEYSERLING, 1881), paradisiacus SIMON, 1902,

Type species: Sigytes paradisiacus (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Sobasina with 16 species:

alboclypea WANLESS, 1978, amoenula SIMON, 1897, aspinosa BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, coriacea BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, cutleri BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, hutuna WANLESS, 1978, magna BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, paradoxa BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, platnicki PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2013, platypoda BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, scutata WANLESS, 1978, solomonensis WANLESS, 1978, sylvatica EDMUNDS & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2001, tanna WANLESS, 1978, wanlessi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, yapensis BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998,

Type species: Sobasina amoenula (♂,♀) SIMON, 1897

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Genus Spilargis with 2 species:

ignicolor SIMON, 1902, ignicolor bimaculata STRAND, 1909,

Type species: Spilargis ignicolor (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Spiralembolus with 2 species:

yinggeling WANG & LI, 2023, yui WANG & LI, 2023,

Type species: Spiralembolus yinggeling (♂,♀) WANG & LI, 2023

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Genus Stoidis with 2 species:

pygmaea (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1893), squamulosa CAPORIACCO, 1955,

Type species: Stoidis pygmaea (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1893)

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Genus Talavera with 18 species:

aequipes (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1871), aequipes ludio (SIMON, 1871), aperta (MILLER, 1971), esyunini LOGUNOV, 1992, ikedai LOGNOV & KRONESTEDT, 2003, inopinata WUNDERLICH, 1993, krocha LOGUNOV & KRONESTEDT, 2003, logunovi KOVBLYUK & KASTRYGINA, 2015, milleri (BRIGNOLI, 1983), minusculus (BANKS, 1896), minuta (BANKS, 1895), monticola (KULCZYNSKI, 1884), parvistyla LOGUNOV & KRONESTEDT, 2003, petrensis (C. L. KOCH, 1837), sharlaa LOGUNOV & KRONESTEDT, 2003, thorelli (KULCZYNSKI, 1891), trivittata (SCHENKEL, 1963), tuvensis LOGUNOV & KRONESTEDT, 2003,

Type species: Talavera minuta (♂,♀) (BANKS, 1895)

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Genus Tanzania with 7 species:

meridionalis HADDAD & WESOŁOWSKA, 2011, minutus (WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSEL-SMITH, 2000), mkomaziensis (WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000), parvulus WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, pusillus (WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000), striatus WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, yellapragadai PRAJAPATI & DUDHATRA, 2022,

Type species: Tanzania mkomaziensis (♂,♀) (WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000)

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Genus Tarodes with 1 species:

lineatus POCOCK, 1899,

Type species: Tarodes lineatus (♂) POCOCK, 1899

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Genus Thiania with 31 species:

abdominalis ŻABKA, 1985, aura DYAL, 1935, bamian LI, LIU & PENG, 2024, bhamoensis (THORELL, 1887), cavaleriei SCHENKEL, 1963, chiriatapuensis (TIKADER, 1977), chrysogramma SIMON, 1901, coelestis (KARSCH, 1880), cupreonitens (SIMON, 1899), demissa (THORELL, 1892), flacata LI, LIU & PENG, 2024, formosissima THORELL, 1890, gazellae (KARSCH, 1878), humilis (THORELL, 1877), indica ASIMA, CALEB & PRASAD, 2023, inermis (KARSCH, 1879), jucunda THORELL, 1890, latefasciata (SIMON, 1887), latibola ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, longapophysis YU & ZHANG, 2022, luteobrachialis SCHENKEL, 1963, oppressa (THORELL, 1891), pulcherrima C. L. KOCH, 1846, simplicissima (KARSCH, 1880), sinuata THORELL, 1890, suboppressa STRAND, 1907, subserena SIMON, 1901, subtilis LOGUNOV, 2024, tenuis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, viscaensis BARRION & LITSINGER, 1995, zabkai LOGUNOV, 2021,

Type species: Thiania pulcherrima (♂) C. L. KOCH, 1846

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Genus Thianitara with 2 species:

spectrum SIMON, 1903, thailandica PRÓSZYŃSKI & DEELEMAN-REINHOLD, 2012,

Type species: Thianitara spectrum (♂,♀) SIMON, 1903

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Genus Thorelliola with 19 species:

aliena ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, biapophysis GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 1997, crebra ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, cyrano SZŰTS & DE BAKKER, 2004, dissimilis GARDZIŃSKA, 2009, doryphora (THORELL, 1881), dumicola BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1997, ensifera (THORELL, 1887), glabra GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 1997, javaensis GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 1997, joannae ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, mahunkai SZŰTS, 2002, monocerus (KARSCH, 1881), pallidula GARDZIŃSKA, 2009, squamosa ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, tamasi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, truncilonga GARDZIŃSKA & PATOLETA, 1997, tualapa ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, zabkai ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Thorelliola ensifera (♂,♀) (THORELL, 1887)

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Genus Thyenula with 27 species:

alotama WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, ammonis DENIS, 1947, arcana (WESOŁOWSKA & CUMMING, 2008), armata WESOŁOWSKA, 2001, aurantiaca (SIMON, 1902), cheliceroides WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, clarosignata WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, dentatidens WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, fidelis WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009, flava (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903), haddadi WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, hortensis WESOŁOWSKA & CUMMING, 2008, juvenca SIMON, 1902, leighi (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903), magna WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009, montana WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, munda (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903), natalica (SIMON, 1902), ogdeni (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903), oranjensis WESOŁOWSKA, 2001, rufa WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, sempiterna WESOŁOWSKA, 1999, splendens WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2018, tenebrica WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, virgulata WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, vulnifica WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014, wesolowskae ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Thyenula juvenca (♂,♀) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Truncattus with 5 species:

cachotensis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, dominicanus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, flavus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, manni (BRYANT, 1943), mendicus BRYANT, 1943,

Type species: Truncattus flavus (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Tylogonus with 12 species:

auricapillus SIMON, 1902, chiriqui GALIANO, 1994, miles SIMON, 1903, parabolicus GALIANO, 1985, parvus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, pichincha GALIANO, 1985, prasinus SIMON, 1902, putumayo GALIANO, 1985, vachoni GALIANO, 1960, viridimicans (SIMON, 1901), vittatus (F. O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1901), yanayacu ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Tylogonus auricapillus (♂) SIMON, 1902

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Genus Udvardya with 3 species:

bellatrix GARDZIŃSKA, 2020, elegans (SZOMBATHY, 1915), fortis GARDZIŃSKA, 2020,

Type species: Udvardya elegans (♂,♀) (SZOMBATHY, 1915)

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Genus Vallvonas with 1 species:


Type species: Vallvonas zarandi (♂) SZÜTS, ZHANG, GALLÉ-SZPISJAK & DE BAKKER, 2020

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Genus Variratina with 1 species:

minuta ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Variratina minuta (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Viribestus with 1 species:

suyanensis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Viribestus suyanensis (♂) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Viroqua with 1 species:

ultima (L. KOCH, 1881),

Type species: Viroqua ultima (♂) (L. KOCH, 1881)

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Genus Wallaba with 1 species:

metallica MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947,

Type species: Wallaba metallica (♂) MELLO-LEITÃO, 1947

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Genus Xenocytaea with 12 species:

agnarssoni ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, albomaculata ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, anomala BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, daviesae BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, maddisoni BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, proszynskii ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, stanislawi PATOLETA, 2011, taveuniensis PATOLETA, 2011, triramosa BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998, victoriensis PATOLETA, 2011, vonavonensis PATOLETA, 2011, zabkai BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998,

Type species: Xenocytaea triramosa (♂,♀) BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998

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Genus Yacuitella with 1 species:

nana GALIANO, 1999,

Type species: Yacuitella nana (♂,♀) GALIANO, 1999

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Genus Yimbulunga with 1 species:


Type species: Yimbulunga foordi (♂) WESOŁOWSKA, AZARKINA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2014

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Genus Zabka with 2 species:

cooki (ŻABKA, 1985), xuyei (LIN & LI, 2020),

Type species: Zabka cooki (♂,♀) (ŻABKA, 1985)

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Genus Zabkattus with 4 species:

brevis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, furcatus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, richardsi ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, trapeziformis ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012,

Type species: Zabkattus brevis (♂,♀) ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012

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Genus Zenodorus with 30 species:

albertisi (THORELL, 1881), arcipluvii (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901), brevis (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), danae HOGG, 1915, darleyorum (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), durvillei (WALCKENAER, 1837), jucundus (RAINBOW, 1912), juliae (THORELL, 1881), lepidus (GUERIN, 1834), marginatus (SIMON, 1902), metallescens (L. KOCH, 1879), meyeri (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), microphthalmus (L. KOCH, 1881), niger (KARSCH, 1878), obscurofemoratus (KEYSERLING, 1883), omundseni (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), orbiculatus (KEYSERLING, 1881), papuanus (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), ponapensis BERRY, BEATTY & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1996, pupulus (THORELL, 1881), pusillus (STRAND, 1913), regulus (DOLESCHALL, 1859), rhodopae HOGG, 1915, semirasus (KEYSERLING, 1882), swiftorum (ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012), syrinx HOGG, 1915, tortuosus ZHANG & MADDISON, 2012, variatus POCOCK, 1899, varicans (THORELL, 1881), wangillus STRAND, 1911,

Type species: Zenodorus durvillei (♂,♀) (WALCKENAER, 1837)

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