Previously included anatomical/morphological characters of Agorioides


Body: Habitusant-like, Carapace: Lengthlonger than wide, Cephalic arearatio length : thoracic area > 0.5, Thoracic foveaabsent, Thoracic furrowdeep, clearely exposed, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginalunidentat, Eyes: Number eye rowsthree, Palp: Tibia - retrolateral tibial apophysis - characteristicsretrolateral process - RTA, Tegulum: General shaperounded, Shape of proximal halfproximal tegulum lobe absent, Embolus: Shapewrapped > 1 around bulbus, circular curved, Distribution: Geographical DistributionAustralia & South Pacific,


Body: Habitusant-like, Carapace: Lengthlonger than wide, Cephalic arearatio length : thoracic area > 0.5, Thoracic foveaabsent, Thoracic furrowdeep, clearely exposed, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginalunidentat, Eyes: Number eye rowsthree, Distribution: Geographical DistributionAustralia & South Pacific,