Previously included anatomical/morphological characters of Anicius


Body: Habitusspider-like, Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes, Carapace: Heightrelative low, Lengthlonger than wide, Cephalic arearatio length : thoracic area = 1 : 1, basic colouring dark, Thoracic foveashort, Clypeus: Ø AME - height Clypeus Ø AME : height Clypeus : > 2:1, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginalfissidentat with fusioned teeth, Base furrow teeth number promarginalpluridentat, Eyes: Number eye rowsthree, Labium: Lengthlonger than wide, Sternum: Length : width ratio< 2 : 1, Palp: Tibia - retrolateral tibial apophysis - characteristicsretrolateral process - RTA, Cymbium: General shapeelongated, Scopula lengthmoderate or short (covering less than distal 1/2 of dorsal cymbium), Tegulum: General shapeelongated, Shape of proximal halfproximal tegulum lobe as such absent, proximal tegulum lobe absent, Terminal hematodocha - presencepresent, Embolus: Shapeshort chisel-like, Opisthosoma: Surfacewith iridescent scale hairs, Distribution: Geographical DistributionNorth America,


Body: Habitusspider-like, Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes, Carapace: Heightrelative low, Lengthlonger than wide, Cephalic arearatio length : thoracic area = 1 : 1, basic colouring dark, Thoracic foveashort, Clypeus: Ø AME - height Clypeus Ø AME : height Clypeus : > 2:1, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginalfissidentat with fusioned teeth, Base furrow teeth number promarginalpluridentat, Eyes: Number eye rowsthree, Labium: Lengthlonger than wide, Sternum: Length : width ratio< 2 : 1, Opisthosoma: Surfacewith iridescent scale hairs, Distribution: Geographical DistributionNorth America,