MALESBody: Habitus: spider-like, Markings: Opistosoma with dark or bright spots , basic colouring dark, integument constitution: covered by clavate setae, Carapace: Height: relative high, Length: longer than wide, Cephalic area: ratio length : thoracic area = 1 : 1, basic colouring dark, basic colouring bright, Ocular area: basic coloring dark, Thoracic area: basic coloring dark, basic coloring bright, Thoracic fovea: short, Clypeus: Ø AME - height Clypeus: Ø AME : height Clypeus : > 2:1, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginal: unidentat, Base furrow teeth number promarginal: unidentat, pluridentat, Base anterio-medio-distal lobe presence: present, Base furrow teeth shape-size promarginal: very small, Base furrow teeth shape-size retromarginal: very small, Claw length: short, Eyes: Number eye rows: three, AER: dorsal edge recurve, PER: equidistant between anterior and posterior margin of carapace, PER - AER width: PER < AER, AME: separated of each other, touch each other, ALE: separated from AME, PME: small, < 1/3 as ALE, equidistant between ALE & PLE, PLE: PLE = ALE, Labium: Length: longer than wide, Sternum: Length : width ratio: < 2 : 1, Anterior border: wider than Labium, Shape: shield-shaped, Palp: Gnathocoxa: Serrula present, Tibia - retrolateral tibial apophysis - characteristics: retrolateral process - RTA, Tibia - ventral bump - characteristics: present, absent, Cymbium: General shape: elongated, Scopula length: moderate or short (covering less than distal 1/2 of dorsal cymbium), Tegulum: General shape: elongated, Shape of proximal half: proximal tegulum lobe present, proximal tegulum lobe as such absent, proximal tegulum lobe absent, Median hematodocha - presence: present, Terminal hematodocha - presence: present, Embolus: Shape: circular curved, bent counterclockwise, Legs: Tarsal Claws: I: present, II: present, III: present, IV: present, Peculiarities: with fringe hairs on tibiae and metatarsi of leg III (and legs I-II; but there maybe less distinct), Distribution: Geographical Distribution: South America, North America,
FEMALESBody: Habitus: spider-like, Markings: Opistosoma with dark or bright spots , basic colouring dark, integument constitution: covered by clavate setae, Carapace: Height: relative high, Length: longer than wide, Cephalic area: ratio length : thoracic area = 1 : 1, basic colouring dark, basic colouring bright, Ocular area: basic coloring dark, Thoracic area: basic coloring dark, basic coloring bright, Thoracic fovea: short, Clypeus: Ø AME - height Clypeus: Ø AME : height Clypeus : > 2:1, Chelicera: Base furrow teeth number retromarginal: unidentat, Base furrow teeth number promarginal: unidentat, pluridentat, Base anterio-medio-distal lobe presence: present, Base furrow teeth shape-size promarginal: very small, Base furrow teeth shape-size retromarginal: very small, Claw length: short, Eyes: Number eye rows: three, AER: dorsal edge recurve, PER: equidistant between anterior and posterior margin of carapace, PER - AER width: PER < AER, AME: separated of each other, touch each other, ALE: separated from AME, PME: small, < 1/3 as ALE, equidistant between ALE & PLE, PLE: PLE = ALE, Labium: Length: longer than wide, Sternum: Length : width ratio: < 2 : 1, Anterior border: wider than Labium, Shape: shield-shaped, Palp: Gnathocoxa: Serrula present, Legs: Tarsal Claws: I: present, II: present, III: present, IV: present, Peculiarities: without peculiarities, with fringe hairs on tibiae and metatarsi of leg III (and legs I-II; but there maybe less distinct), Epigyne: Field - presence: present, absent, Field - width: (slightly) longer than broad, broader than long, clearly broader than long, Window - presence: present, absent, instead other structures appear, e.g. more or less helical structures, Copulatory opening - location: located in anterior half of epigyne, located centrally or more or less centrally in epigyne, located in posterior half of epigyne, Vulva: primary spermatheca - shape: round, slightly elongated, anteriorly converging (drop-shaped), elongated sac-like, transversal oval, diagonal oval, primary spermatheca - position: (all parts) clearly anterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view with gap between the two), anteriorly in line with secondary spermatheca (may reaching further posteriorly than secondary spermatheca), (all parts) clearly posterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view with [clearly recognisable] gap between the two), (main parts) posterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view without gap between the two; may touching each other), no statement possible (e.g. because secondary spermatheca missing), secondary spermatheca - presence: present, absent (at least not recognisable as such; spermathecal heads may be located on a slightly widened section of the copulatory duct), secondary spermatheca - shape: (approximately) round, kidney-shaped, "volumnious crescent"-shaped, drop-shaped, longitudinally oval, transversally oval, different, secondary spermatheca - visibility: visible through cuticle of the epigyne, Distribution: Geographical Distribution: South America, North America, |