Survey of the genus Phlegra

Phlegra abessinica (♀) STRAND, 1906


Phlegra abessinica (juv.) STRAND, 1906: 664
Phlegra abessinica: (♀) CAPORIACCO 1941: 140
Phlegra abyssinica: PRÓSZYŃSKI 1990: 281 (lapsus)





Arachnida. Missone Biologica Sagan-Omo. 12: 1-159.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
STRAND, E. (1906)

Diagnosen nordafrikanischer, hauptsächlich von CARLO FREIHERR VON ERLANGER gesammelter Spinnen. , Jena. 30: 604-637 & 655-690.

Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani (♂) PRAJAPATI, 2019


Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani (♂) PRAJAPATI, 2019: 575




Fig.: D-46808
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - left palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: D-46809
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - left palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: D-46810
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - embolus, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12387
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - general appearance, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12388
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - general appearance, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12389
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - carapace, frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12390
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - chelicera and endites, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12391
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - left palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

Fig.: F-12392
Phlegra abhinandanvarthamani - ♂ - left palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)


PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

A new species of the jumping spider genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 from India (Aranei: Salticidae: Aelurillina). , Moscow. 28 4: 575-578.

Phlegra albostriata (♂) SIMON, 1901


Phlegra albostriata (♂) SIMON, 1901: 73


Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa


Fig.: D-29535
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2014)

Fig.: D-29536
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2014)

Fig.: D-29537
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2014)

Fig.: D-29538
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - palpal tibia, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2014)

Fig.: D-31000
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - Tibia des pattes - mâchoires, face externe- © LESSERT, R. DE (1936)

Fig.: F-11666
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11667
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11668
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11669
Phlegra albostriata - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11670
Phlegra albostriata - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11671
Phlegra albostriata - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11672
Phlera albostriata - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11673
Phlera albostriata - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11674
Phlera albostriata - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)


CLARK, D. J. (1974)

Notes on SIMON's types of African Salticidae. Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc. 3 1: 11-27.
CUTLER, B. (1976)

A catalogue of the jumping spiders of southern Africa (Araneae: Lyssomanidae and Salticidae). Cimbebasia (A) 4 6: 129-136.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.
LESSERT, R. DE (1936)

Araignees de l´Afrique orientale portugaise recueillies par MM. P. LESNE et H.-B. COTT. , Genève. 43 9: 207-306.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Etudes arachnologiques. 31e Mémoire. L. Descriptions d´espèces nouvelles de la famille des Salticidae (suite). 70: 66-76.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

An overview of the jumping spiders of Lesotho (Araneae: Salticidae), with descriptions of six new species. African Invertebrates 55 2: 229-268.

Phlegra amitaii (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra amitaii (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 171

description female

Specimen brown with striking white stripes, its general features shown on drawing. Face has a single row of white setae on clypeus, stretching horizontally forwards, making a sort of a "shelf", clypeus below that row is almost bald. In European Ph. bresnieri the whole clypeus is covered by dense fur of long white setae, also stretching forward.
Epigyne with copulatory openings hidden under anterior rims of almost circular grooves, separated by elevated space, which is not stronger sclerotized from remaining epigyne. Width of that space is equal to the half of diameter of the groove, its posterior edge is curved anteriorly. with well translucent internal, darker, sclerotized roof of vagina. Copulatory channels, thin and long, runs laterally and parallel, before turning into spermathecae, located medially and consisting of several convoluted chambers. There is thin, membraneous scent pore channel, arising near anterior bend of channels, running from there posteriorly and ending under mid length of the channels, where can possibly open by an opening, invisible on my preparation. That shape and internal structure of epigyne differs distinctly from other stripped Phlegra of Israel, but resembles closely European Ph. bresnieri (from which differs by shorter channels) and several species from Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Senegal (Ph. chrysops Simon 1890, Ph. bairstowi Simon 1885, also a little Ph. tibetana Proszynski, 1978). (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 1998


Etymology: named for an arachnologist and author on books on spiders of Israel, Mr. Pinhas AMITAI, a very efficient field collector, who has contributed a large number of specimens to the Israel National Collection of Arachnids.
Diagnosis. Striped, with epigyne as on drawing, channels and spermathecaeas on drawing.
Remark. Species described on single female specimen, the holotype, different from all known species from Israel, and sufficiently distinct from other related species, known from other geographical areas. There are no premises to match it with any male specimens, described below, although that possibility cannot be excluded.
Etymology. Named for Mr. Pinhas Amitai, an arachnologist, author of books on spiders of Israel, and a very efficient field collector, who has contributed a large number of specimens to the Israel National Collection of Arachnids. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003




Fig.: D-1386
Phlegra amitai - ♀ - En Kerem - general appearance - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1387
Phlegra amitai - ♀ - En Kerem - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1388
Phlegra amitai - ♀ - En Kerem - epigynum, its internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Additions to the knowledge of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of Yemen. Fauna of Arabia 23: 189-269.

Phlegra andreevae (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 1996


Phlegra andreevae (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 1996: 541


Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan


Fig.: D-9447
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9448
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9449
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9450
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - embolic division, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9468
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9469
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9470
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-18920
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18921
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18922
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18923
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18924
Phlegra andreevae - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18925
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - Epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18927
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18926
Phlegra andreevae - ♀ - Epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

A review of the genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 in the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) . , Wroclaw. 7 3: 533-567.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (1999)

Miscellaneous notes on Palaearctic Salticidae (Arachnida: Aranei). , Moscow. 8 4: 263-292.

Phlegra arborea (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009


Phlegra arborea (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009: 70


South Africa


Fig.: D-24440
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - habitus- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24441
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24442
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24443
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24444
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24445
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - embolus, dorsolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: F-11675
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11676
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11677
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11678
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-13206
Phlegra arborea - ♂ - habitus dorsal view - © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)


METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Ndumo Game Reserve, Maputaland, South Africa. African Invertebrates 50 1: 13-103.

Phlegra atra (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008


Phlegra atra (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008: 39




Fig.: D-24047
Phlegra atra - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24048
Phlegra atra - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)



New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

Phlegra bairstowi (♀) SIMON, 1885


Phlegra bairstowi (♀) SIMON, 1885: 389


South Africa


CLARK, D. J. (1974)

Notes on SIMON's types of African Salticidae. Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc. 3 1: 11-27.
CUTLER, B. (1976)

A catalogue of the jumping spiders of southern Africa (Araneae: Lyssomanidae and Salticidae). Cimbebasia (A) 4 6: 129-136.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1885)

Études arachnologiques. 18e Mémoire. XXVI Matériaux pour servir à la faune des Arachnides du Sénégal. (Suivi d´une appendice intitulé: Descriptions de plusieurs espèces africaines nouvelles). 6 5: 345-396.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.

Phlegra bicognata (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003


Phlegra bicognata (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003: 78


Phlegra fuscipes: MINORANSKIJ 1995: 49 [AZARKINA 2003: 78]
Phlegra fuscipes: PRÓSZYŃSKI 1979: 315 [AZARKINA 2003: 78]
Phlegra fuscipes: ESYUDIN et al. 1998: 325 [AZARKINA 2003: 78]
Phlegra fuscipes: ASHIKBAEV 1981: 20 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 78]
Phlegra fuscipes: ASHIKBAEV 1976: 20 [AZARKINA 2003: 78]
Phlegra fuscipes: LOGUNOV & MARUSIK 2000: 177 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 78]


Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine


Fig.: D-9478
Phlegra bicognata - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9479
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9486
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - Variation of the median septum of epigyne. Scale bars 0.1 mm.- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9500
Phlegra bicognata - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Taganrog Area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9501
Phlegra bicognata - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view - Taganrog Area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9502
Phlegra bicognata - ♂ - embolic division - ventral view - Dzhanybek. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9503
Phlegra bicognata - ♂ - embolic division - apical view - Dzhanybek. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9523
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - epigyne - Orenburg Area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9524
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - epigyne - Dzhanybek. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9525
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - spermathecae - Dzhanybek. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9526
Phlegra bicognata - ♀ - spermathecae - Taganrog Area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)


ASHIKBAEV, N. ZH. (1976)

[Spider (Araneae) fauna of wheat fields in the Kustanay Area]. Nauchnye Trudy Kazakhskogo Sel´skokozayaistvennogo Instituta 19: 20-21.
ASHIKBAEV, N. ZH. (1981)

[Spiders in the biocenosis of alfalfa fields]. Ekologiya vrediteley i bolezney rastenly v Kazakhstane i mery bor´by s nimi Alma-Ata 18-22.
AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
ESYUNIN, S. L., EFIMIK, V. E. & MAZURA, N. S. (1998)

Remarks on the Ural spider fauna, 10. New records of spider species (Aranei). , Moscow. 7 4: 319-327.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (2000)

Catalogue of the jumping spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). Editor K. G. MIKHAILOV. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., Moscow 299 pp..
MARUSIK, Y. M. & LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

New faunistic records for the spiders of Buryatia (Aranei), with a description of a new species from the genus Enoplognatha (Theridiidae). , Moscow. 10 3: 265-272.
MINORANSKIJ, V. A.  (1995)

[On the spider fauna of agroecocoenoses of the Lower Don. In: A. S. UTOTCHKIN et al. (ed): Ekologia paukoobraznykh]. Perm, PSU 48-56.
PITERKINA, T. V. (2011)

Spatial and temporal structure of the spider community in the clay semi-desert of western Kazakhstan. 40: 94-104.

Systematic studies on East Palearctic Salticidae III. Remarks on Salticidae of the USSR. , Warszawa. 34 11: 299-369.

Phlegra bifurcata (♂,♀) SCHMIDT & PIEPHO, 1994


Phlegra bifurcata (♂,♀) SCHMIDT & PIEPHO, in SCHMIDT, GEISTHARDT & PIEPHO, 1994: 115

collected material

Cabo Verde
(SMF- 58254-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Boavista, Lavafeld bei Sal Reij, 16.4.1994, (SMF- 37981-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Boavista, Sal Rei, Boden an Salzsumpf, 16.4.1994, (SMF- 37982-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapverden | Santo Vincente | Mindelo, 17.-19.12.1978, 2 ♀♀ leg.: Traub/Groh, det.: Bauer, Tobias, (SMNK-ARA 14161), publ. offline:  :
S. Nicolau, Ribeira da Prata, 5.4.1994, (SMF- 37978-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
PARATYPE - S.Antao, Ribeira Garca, 15.1.1993, (SMF- 37526-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
HOLOTYPE - S.Tiago, Tarafal, 10.2.1992, (SMF- 37553-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Santiago, Tarrafal, (SMF- 58225-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sao Antao, (SMF- 58256-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sao Nicolau, (SMF- 58275-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
St. Nicolau, Ribeira da Areia, 5.4.1994, (SMF- 38015-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Cabo Verde


Fig.: D-32164
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32165
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32166
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - palpal organ- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32167
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - palpal femur- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32168
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - tibial apophysis- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32169
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32170
Phlegra bifurcata - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32171
Phlegra bifurcata - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure ventral- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32172
Phlegra bifurcata - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure dorsal- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1998)

Fig.: D-32173
Phlegra bifurcata - ♀ - epigyne, diagrammatic course of seminal duct- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (1999)

Fig.: D-45813
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - Taster lateral- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W., GEISTHARDT, M. & PIEPHO, F. (1994)

Fig.: D-45815
Phlegra bifurcata - ♂ - Tibia des Tasters mit Apophysen- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W., GEISTHARDT, M. & PIEPHO, F. (1994)

Fig.: D-45816
Phlegra bifurcata - ♀ - Vulva- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W., GEISTHARDT, M. & PIEPHO, F. (1994)


SCHMIDT, G. E. W. (1996)

Composition of the araneofauna of the Cape Verde Islands. , Genève. 571-576.
SCHMIDT, G. E. W. & KRAUSE, R. H. (1995)

Weitere Spinnen von Cabo Verde. Entomol. Z. 105 18: 365-380.

Zur Kenntnis der Spinnenfauna der Kapverdischen Inseln. Mitt. internat. entomol. Ver. Frankfurt a.M. 19: 81-126.

Taxonomic notes on jumping spiders from the Cape Verde Islands (Araneae: Salticidae). Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal 50 291: 125-135.

Phlegra blaugrana (♂,♀) AZARKINA, PÉREZ-GÓMEZ & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, 2022


Phlegra blaugrana (♂,♀) AZARKINA, PÉREZ-GÓMEZ & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, 2022:559




Fig.: D-50214
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50215
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50216
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - tibial apophysis and basal part of cymbium, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50217
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - tibial apophysis and basal part of cymbium, ventro - retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50218
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - embolic division, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50219
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - embolic division, prolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50220
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - embolic division, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50221
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50222
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50223
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50224
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50225
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50226
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - diagrammatic course of insemination duct- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20174
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20175
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20176
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20177
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20178
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - habitus, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20179
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20180
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - OS, dorsal view - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20181
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - habitus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20182
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - habitus, frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20183
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - leg I, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20184
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - leg I, prolateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20185
Phlegra blaugrana - ♂ - carapace, frontal view - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20186
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20187
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - habitus, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20188
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - habitus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20189
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20190
Phlegra blaugrana - ♀ - habitus, frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)



Description of a stunning new species of Phlegra SIMON, 1876 from southern Spain and redescription of an enigmatic Phlegra species from northern Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). 5162 5: 557-575.

Phlegra bresnieri (♂,♀) (LUCAS, 1846)


Salticus Bresnieri (♂,♀) LUCAS, 1846: 154
Attus Bresnerii: WALCKENAER 1847: 414 (lapsus)
Parthenia bresnieri: SIMON 1864: 503
Attus Bresnieri: (♂,♀) SIMON 1868: 559
Aelurops bresnieri: CANESTRINI 1876
Phlegra bresnieri: (♂,♀) SIMON 1876: 124
Ictidops bresnieri: PAVESI 1880: 382
Phlegra bresnieri: (♂,♀) CHYZER & KULCZYNSKI 1891: 33


Phlegra bresnieri meridionalis (♀) STRAND, 1906 [NENTWIG et al. 2019: 42 ]
Phlegra simoni (♂) L. KOCH, 1882 [BOSMANS, R. & VAN KEER, J., 2012: 13]
Phlegra linearis (♂,♀) (ROSSI, 1846) [SIMON, 1876: 124]
Phlegra lippiens (♂) (L. KOCH, 1867) []

description male

PS dorsal bei gelborangener Grundfarbe dicht schwarz behaart, mit zwei medianen und zwei lateral davon gelegenen weiß behaarten Längsbanden, Flanken im vorderen Drittel abstehend weiß behaart; Kopfplatte schwarz, Behaarung lateral orangebraun, median schwarz, überall schwarz beborstet. Mediane weiße Haarbanden auch auf der Kopfplatte vorhanden oder nicht so deutlich hervortretend. CL ebenso wie CH-Basen dicht lang abstehend weiß behaart, GAB dorsal orangebraun, ventral weiß. ST orangebraun, LA und MX etwas dunkler, distal aufgehellt, allesamt abstehend dünn weiß-schwarz behaart. OS dorsal dicht schwarz behaart mit einem medianen und zwei lateral davon gelegenen schmalen weiß behaarten und braun gerandeten Längsstreifen, ventral beigefarben mit drei braunen Längsbanden und lateralem netzartigem Muster. Beine gelb mit schwarzer schleierartiger Zeichnung, MT und TA rotbraun, allesamt dicht schwarz behaart. PP wie Beine gefärbt, FE apical, PA vollständig dorsal dicht weiß behaart, EM-Spitze von lateral betrachtet distal gebogen. Bestachelung: FE: 5,5,7,7; PA: 0,1,2,2; TI: 8,6,10,11; MT: 4-6,6-7,11,12. Maße: PL: 2,4; PB: 1,7; OL: 2,4; OB: 1,6; AR 1: 1,2; AR 3: 1,2; OKL: 0,9. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,41 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1 : 1.

description female

PS dorsal bei hellgelber Grundfarbe dicht schwarz behaart, mit zwei medianen und zwei lateralen weiß behaarten Längsbanden; Kopfplatte schwarz, Behaarung lateral orangebraun, median grau, überall schwarz beborstet. CL wie beim m, GAB hellgrau, lateral hell orangebraun. ST hellgelb, LA, MX und CH etwas dunkler, allesamt abstehend dünn weiß-schwarz behaart. OS dorsal braun mit einem medianen und zwei lateralen weißen Längsstreifen, die hell orangebraun und schwarzbraun gerandet sind; ventral beigefarben mit drei braunen Längsbanden und lateralem netzartigem Muster. EP mit zwei deutlich voneinander getrennten Gruben, lateral kaum sklerotisiert. Beine hellgelb mit leichtem schwarzen Schleier, dicht schwarz behaart. Bestachelung: FE: 5,5,6,5; PA: 0,0,2,2; TI: 6,5,8,10; MT: 4,4,9,13. Maße: PL: 2,65; PB: 1,8; OL: 2,9; OB: 1,9; AR 1: 1,3; AR 3: 1,3; OKL: 1,0. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,47 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1 : 1.


Bestimmung in METZNER (1999) erfolgte nach CHYZER & KULCZYNSKI (1891), SIMON (1937), KRAUS (1955) und MILLER (1971). Die im mediterranen Gebiet weit verbreitete Art fällt durch dünne weiße orangegerandete Längsstreifen auf und ist so sehr leicht mit Phlegra lineata (KOCH C. L., 1847) zu verwechseln. Aufgrund dieser Ähnlichkeit ist es fraglich, ob die in der Literatur aufgeführten Nachweise für P. bresnieri für Griechenland korrekt sind. Zumindest bei dem Nachweis von DELTSHEV & PARASCHI sub Phlegra prope bresnieri könnte es sich um diese nahe verwandte Art handeln.

collected material

country undefined
(USNM), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
(NMNH- ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

by Rovinj, (SMF- 10525-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Istrien, Premantura, Camping Stupice, 1.6.2003, 1 ♀ leg.: Holstein, Joachim, Dr., det.: Holstein, Joachim, (SMNS- Aran-JHS0301), publ. offline:  :
Istrien, Premantura, Camping Stupice, 25.5.2004, 1 ♂ leg.: Holstein, Joachim, Dr., det.: Holstein, Joachim, (SMNS- Aran-JHS0318), publ. offline:  :
NE Istrien, 10 km n. Pazin, Nordufer Butongia Jezero, bei Vrh., 28.4.2003, (SMF- 40702-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Otok Sv. Ivan, b. Rovinj, (SMF- 10505-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Corse, Foret de Bonifato, 600-1100m, Kiefern-Bergwald, 20.09.1996, 1 juv. leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-5/20), publ. offline:  :
Corse, Ostküste, am Fuße des Monte San Petrone, 12.09.1996, 2 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-5/30), publ. offline:  :
Korsika, 26.4.1953, (SMF- 15918-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Korsika, Ghisonaccia, am Flussufer, 16.5.2005, 1 ♀ leg.: Holstein, Joachim, Dr., det.: Holstein, Joachim, (SMNS- Aran-JHS0324), publ. offline:  :
Korsika: Bonifacio, 6.4.1953, (SMF- 8865-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Korsika: Calenzana, 19.9.1953, (SMF- 8870-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Korsika: Golo- Ufer unterh. Casamozza, 23.9.1952, (SMF- 8872-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Korsika: Tal von St. Julien, 8.4.1953, (SMF- 8867-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Korsika: zw. San Martino u. Pietranera, 26.4.1953, (SMF- 8866-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Moriani, (SMF- 61232-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Roussillon, Argeles s.M., Mas Larrieu, 24.5.2002, 1 ♂ leg.: Holstein, Joachim, Dr., det.: Holstein, Joachim, (SMNS- Aran-JHS0291), publ. offline:  :
Villefranche, (SMF- 9902057-RII/2057/107-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Rheinprovinz, (SMF- 2385-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

(SMNG- 10358-38316 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Thesprotia: bei Neraida, steinig, 39°33´N 20°28´E, 07.04.1968, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Epirus, Igoumenitsa, (SMF- 61229-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
near Ajil Deka, Gortys, E-slope, 85-100 m, 9.4.1958, (SMF- 57002-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
street Larissa, Trikala, N Koutsocher, 31.3.2006, (SMF- 65100-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

2 km N of Cuglieri, n-slope, 13.4.1956, (SMF- 40704-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
2 km W of Castelbuono, 31.3.1957, (SMF- 56999-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Apulien, Gargano, Zeltplatz und Umgebung, 04.05.1986, 1 ♂ leg.: HÖFER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-3/41), publ. offline:  :
Apulien, Peschici, Manacore, 17.7.1996, 1 ♂ leg.: Holstein, Joachim, Dr., det.: Holstein, Joachim, (SMNS- Aran-JHS0198), publ. offline:  :
Camp of Riola Sardo, 7.4.1956, (SMF- 40676-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Isola di Capraia, Parco Nazionale dell' Archipelago Toscano, 25.9.1955, (SMF- 40686-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Liparian Islands, Lipari Island, south slope Mte, Guardia, 369 m, 18.4.1957, (SMF- 56996-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Liparian Islands, Ustica Island, NE- coast, 6.4.1957, (SMF- 56991-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Liparian Islands, Ustica Island, SE-coast, 6.4.1957, (SMF- 56993-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
NW of Riola Sardo, Sale Porcus, 10.4.1956, (SMF- 40690-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Prov. Foggia, Southside of the Monte Gargano near Manfredonia, 7.4.2006, (SMF- 65114-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
S of Gonnosfanadiga, steep E-slope, 6.4.1956, (SMF- 40677-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien, 7.4.1952, (SMF- 8864-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien, Cantoniera Pira é Onni (Calaressi), 14.05.1997, 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ leg.: VAN KEER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-3/33), publ. offline:  :
Sardinien, Grotta Inspignicola, Geröll, 19.09.1993, 4 juv. leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER, (PCHM-3/25), publ. offline:  :
Sardinien, Lago di Flumendosa, 21.09.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-3/6), publ. offline:  :
Sardinien, St. Maria Navarrese am Strand, 23.09.1993, 1 ♀ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-3/16), publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: Alghero, 12.4.1952, (SMF- 8868-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: Gipfel des M. Priastru, 20.4.1955, (SMF- 9327-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: l. Monte Casteddie, 6.4.1955, (SMF- 9325-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: l. Monte Casteddie, 6.4.1955, (SMF- 9321-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: Portot Torres, 1.4.1955, (SMF- 9318-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: S- Hang des Monte Padre, 18.4.1955, (SMF- 9476-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: S. Teresa, 17.9.1954, (SMF- 8871-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: Ufer des Prunelli, 18.4.1953, (SMF- 8869-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien: Villansva di Monteleone, 11.4.1955, (SMF- 9329-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sardinien:Sumpf v. Siligo w. Ardara, 23.4.1955, (SMF- 9324-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Tula, 12.4.1952, (SMF- 8873-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Kykladen, Santorin, Palea Kaimeni, 10.5.1979, (SMNG- 10359-79/46266 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

"200- 250km SW Madrid Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 24.7.1996, (SMF- 39371-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW Madrid Estrematura, ""El- Baldio""", 1.8.1996, (SMF- 39378-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW Madrid Estrematura, ""El- Baldio""", 17.7.1996, (SMF- 39376-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW Madrid Estrematura, ""El- Baldio""", 14.7.1996, (SMF- 39375-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW Madrid Estrematura, ""El- Baldio""", 1.7.1996, (SMF- 39373-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW of Madrid, Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 10.7.1996, (SMF- 39360-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW of Madrid, Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 17.7.1996, (SMF- 39359-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200- 250km SW of Madrid, Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 24.6.1996, (SMF- 39358-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200-250km SW of Madrid, Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 7.8.1996, (SMF- 39367-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
"200-250km SW of Madrid, Estremadura, ""El- Baldio""", 6.9.1996, (SMF- 39365-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
El Fresnal, 21.5.2005, leg.: S. Montagud et al., det.: Y. Montardi / 2005, (FETS-CEGN SN9 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Feix, Prov. Tarragona, 1.1.1915, (SMF- 2387-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
La Fosca de Palamos, (SMF- 2386-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Ojos del Prado, 4.6.2005, leg.: S. Montagud et al., det.: Y. Montardi / 2005, (FETS-CEGN 040605OP3 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Palencia Prov. Canada Real de la Plata, ca. 1,5km S Torrejon el Rubio, 29.8.1996, (SMF- 39372-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Palencia Prov., Canada Real de la Plata, ca. 1,5km S of Torrejon el Rubio, 1.1.1996, (SMF- 39363-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
HOLOTYPE - Riera, 1872-05-30, leg.: Schaufuss, (ZMB- 7932 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Tenerife: Teno Alto, under stones, 17.8.1993, (SMF- 39357-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Teneriffa: Teno Alto, 3.8.1993, (SMF- 39369-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Tejeda: Mte Moriscos ca. 1.600m, 26.03.1994, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: WURST, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-4/26), publ. offline:  :


Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Balearic Islands, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Corfu, Corse, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lampedusa, Linosa, Maltese Islands, Morocco, North Macedonia, Pantelleria, Portugal, Romania, Sardinia, Serbia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-28049
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palpal organ in ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28050
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palpal organ in lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28051
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - tibial apophysis in dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28052
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - bulbus in ventrolateral view (cymbium removed)- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28053
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28054
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28055
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - internal structure of Epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-28056
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - internal structure of Epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: D-7589
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Bouaké. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7590
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palp, prolateral view - Bouaké. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7591
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view - Bouaké. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7592
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - embolus, lateral view - Bouaké. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7593
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsal view - Bouaké. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7594
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - colour pattern of face, frontal view - Bouaké - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7595
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - general appearance, dorsal view - Bouaké. Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-23769
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23770
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23771
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23772
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - tibial apophysis, ventrolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-512
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - Habitus dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-513
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - PP ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-514
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - PP retrolateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-515
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - Bulbus lateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-516
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Epigyne ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-517
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Vulva dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-18972
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18973
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18974
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18975
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - LTA and DTA, reared view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18976
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18978
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18977
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - schematic course of the insemination ducts- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-45631
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - epigyne- © KRAUS, O. (1955)

Fig.: D-43149
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - external view of the left pedipalp - © CANTARELLA, T. (1982)

Fig.: D-40056
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40057
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40058
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40222
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀- © CHYZER, K. & KULCZYNSKI, U. (1891)

Fig.: D-4584
Salticus Bresnieri - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4585
Salticus Bresnieri - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4586
Salticus Bresnieri - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4587
Salticus Bresnieri - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-30868
Phlegra simoni - ♂ - Copulationsorgane von unten- © KOCH, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-30869
Phlegra simoni - ♂ - Tibialglied der Palpe von der Seite- © KOCH, L. (1882)

Fig.: F-29608
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - Sao Marcos da Serra © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29609
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - Sao Marcos da Serra © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29610
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - Cholet © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29611
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Isère © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29612
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - RN de Scandola - île Porri © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29613
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - RN de Scandola - île Porri © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29614
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - RN de Scandola - île Porri © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-26580
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - epigynum, dorsal view - © ABDEL-GHANI, D. M. A., HASSAN, M. F. & SALLAM, G. M. E. (2023)

Fig.: F-26581
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - palp, retrolateral - © ABDEL-GHANI, D. M. A., HASSAN, M. F. & SALLAM, G. M. E. (2023)

Fig.: F-9168
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - © BOSSELAERS, J. (2018)

Fig.: F-9169
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - © BOSSELAERS, J. (2018)

Fig.: F-6489
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - habitus frontal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6490
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - habitus dorsal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6491
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Elba - habitus frontal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6492
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - Elba - habitus dorsal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-13163
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: F-13164
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: F-2947
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: F-2948
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2007)

Fig.: F-78
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-615
Phlegra bresnieri - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-616
Phlegra bresnieri - ♀ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)


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Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.
SIMON, E. (1909)

Étude sur les Arachnides recueillis au Maroc par M. MARTINEZ de la escalera en 1907. Mem. Real. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid 6: 5-43.
SIMON, E. (1917)

Liste des Arachnides recueillis a Salonique. Pendant l'occupation Francaise (1916). 85: 273-276.
SIMON, E. (1937)

Les arachnides de France. Tome VI. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Roret, Paris 6 5e et derniére partie: 979-1298 .
SOYER, B. (1959)

Contribution a l´etude ethologique et ecologique des Araignee de la provence occidentale IV.- Les Salticides des collines et des terrains sales. Bull. Soc. Linn. Prov. 22: 36-40.

Pravi Paoutzi ou Sroiji. Araneae SUND. (Les Araignées de Serbie). Muz. srpske. zem. Beograd 19: 1-65.
SUÁREZ, D. (2018)

New records of spider species from the Canary Islands (Araneae). 55: 60-63.
WALCKENAER, C. A. (1847)

Dernier Supplément. In: WALCKENAER, C. A. & GERVAIS, M. P. (eds.) Histoire naturelle des Insects. Aptères. Tome Quatrieme. Roret, Paris pp. 365-596.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

An overview of the jumping spiders of Lesotho (Araneae: Salticidae), with descriptions of six new species. African Invertebrates 55 2: 229-268.

Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

Jumping spiders from Ivory Coast collected by J.-C. LEDOUX (Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 841: 1-143.

New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

Additions to the knowledge of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of Yemen. Fauna of Arabia 23: 189-269.

Order Araneae, family Salticidae. In: van HARTEN, A. (ed.) Arthropod Fauna of the UAE. 3: 27-69.

Order Araneae, family Salticidae. Additions and the description of a new species. Arthropod fauna of the UAE 4: 23-28.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda – revised list, new species and distributional data. European Journal of Taxonomy 952: 1-171.

New data on jumping spiders of Iran, with a new species of Salticus (Araneae: Salticidae). 59: 63-66.

New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), part V. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 13 2: 183-197.

Phlegra certa (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009


Phlegra certa (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & HADDAD, 2009: 71


South Africa, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-24446
Phlegra certa - ♂ - habitus- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24447
Phlegra certa - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24448
Phlegra certa - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24449
Phlegra certa - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: D-24450
Phlegra certa - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. (2009)

Fig.: F-25383
Phlegra certa - ♂ - Mashonaland Central Province © Jonathan Whitaker - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-25384
Phlegra certa - ♂ - Mashonaland Central Province © Jonathan Whitaker - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-25385
Phlegra certa - ♂ - Mashonaland Central Province © Jonathan Whitaker - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11679
Phlegra certa - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11680
Phlegra certa - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11681
Phlegra certa - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11682
Phlegra certa - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11683
Phlegra certa - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11684
Phlegra certa - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11685
Phlegra certa - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11686
Phlegra certa - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11687
Phlegra certa - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11688
Phlegra certa - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)


METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Ndumo Game Reserve, Maputaland, South Africa. African Invertebrates 50 1: 13-103.

Phlegra chrysops (♂) SIMON, 1890


Phlegra chrysops (♂) SIMON, 1890: 119

collected material

Peloponnes, Monemvasia, (SMF- 69293-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Greece, Yemen



Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Ergebnisse der Buthan Expedition 1972 des Nat. Mus. Basel: Araneae: Fam. Salticidae; Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Cyrba. Ent. Bras. 3: 7-21.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1890)

XXXIV Etude sur les Arachnides de l´ Yemen. 10: 77-124.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.

The jumping spiders (Salticidae, Araneae) of Yemen. Yemeni-German Plant Protection Project Sana´a 1-86.

Additions to the knowledge of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of Yemen. Fauna of Arabia 23: 189-269.

Phlegra cinereofasciata (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1868)


Attus cinereo-fasciatus (♀) SIMON, 1868: 554
Phlegra cinereo-fasciata: (♂,♀) SIMON 1876: 122


Phlegra schutzae (♀) (DENIS, 1961) [MONTARDI, 2020: 40 ]
Phlegra fuscipes (♂,♀) KULCZYNSKI, 1891 [AZARKINA, 2003: 82]
Phlegra rogenhoferi (♂) (SIMON, 1868) [BREITLING et al., 2015: 74]

collected material

Pfaffenberg, (SMF- 24353-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Zadar, Razanac, (SMF- 65192-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

S. France, Pyrénées-Orientales. Ronte. Cerbére-Banyuls. Peyrefite. immat. matured November 1962, 25.06.1962, 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ leg.: D. J. CLARK, (NHMUK), publ. offline:  :
Lac de Nino, (SMF- 61230-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Pfaffenberg [= ?, there are at least 12 in Germany], (SMF- 61231-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Ioannina, E hillside of Perama, 3.4.2006, (SMF- 65157-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Corse, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye


Fig.: D-9474
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9473
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9475
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9482
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - face colour pattern. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9484
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Variation of the median septum of epigyne. Scale bars 0.1 mm.- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9487
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Daghestan. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9488
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view - Daghestan. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9489
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - embolic division - ventral view - Daghestan. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9490
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - embolic division - apical view - Daghestan. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9504
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - epigyne - Francikovac. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9505
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - spermathecae - Francikovac. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9506
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9507
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9508
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - spermathecae - Daghestan. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9509
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9510
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-18559
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-18554
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-18555
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-18556
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - embolus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-18557
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - tibial apophysis, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-18558
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Pyrenees: Banyuls - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Fig.: D-40059
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40060
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40061
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-35372
Menemerus schutzae - ♀- © DENIS, J. (1961)

Fig.: D-35373
Menemerus schutzae - ♀- © DENIS, J. (1961)

Fig.: D-524
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - Habitus dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-525
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - PP ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-526
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - PP retrolateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-527
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Epigyne ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-528
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Vulva dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-18937
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18938
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18939
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - LCP- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18940
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, ventral view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18941
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, apical view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18942
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, apical view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18943
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - LTA and DTA- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18944
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18945
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18946
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, ventral view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18947
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18948
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - CSE, apical view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18949
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Khakassia - epigne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18950
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Khakassia - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18951
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Chita Area - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18953
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - Tuva - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18955
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18956
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18957
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18958
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-20393
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigyne- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1982)

Fig.: D-20394
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1982)

Fig.: D-20200
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20201
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20202
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20203
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20204
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20205
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20206
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20207
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀ - epigynum, internal structures- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-40223
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂- © CHYZER, K. & KULCZYNSKI, U. (1891)

Fig.: D-40224
Phlegra fuscipes - ♂- © CHYZER, K. & KULCZYNSKI, U. (1891)

Fig.: D-40225
Phlegra fuscipes - ♀- © CHYZER, K. & KULCZYNSKI, U. (1891)

Fig.: D-40062
Phlegra rogenhoferi - ♂- © ()

Fig.: F-29615
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Causse Comtal © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29616
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - Causse Comtal © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29617
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - St Léon © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29618
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Corte, Gorge de la Restonica © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29619
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Corte, Gorge de la Restonica © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29620
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Corte, Gorge de la Restonica © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-27078
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27079
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27080
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-15273
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - © MONTARDI Y. (2020)

Fig.: F-15274
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - épigyne - © MONTARDI Y. (2020)

Fig.: F-14631
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♀ - Galia, MNHN-Paris. © S. Heciak - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2016)

Fig.: F-14632
Phlegra cinereofasciata - ♂ - © A. Tok - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2016)



Salticidae (Araneae) del Massiccio del Pollino. Animalia Catania 11 1-3: 135-142.

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AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

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The Aelurillina Simon, 1901 (Aranei: Salticidae) of Iran: a check-list and three new species of Aelurillus Simon, 1884 and Proszynskiana Logunov, 1996. , Moscow. 28 1: 83-97.

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COŞAR, İ. & VAROL, M. I. (2016)

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HANSEN, H. (1985)

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KOMNENOV, M. (2005)

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New records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) for Slovenia. Natura Sloveniae 7 1: 5-11.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Taxonomic remarks on the genera Neaetha SIMON, 1884 and Cembala WESOŁOWSKA, 1993. , Wroclaw. 7 3: 515-533.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2015)

Taxonomic-faunistic notes on the jumping spiders of the Mediterranean (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 24 1: 33-85.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2023)

On the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Iran collected by Antoine Senglet (1927–2015). Arachnology 19 4: 732-768.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & GUSEINOV, E. F.  (2001)

Faunistic review of the jumping spiders of Azerbaijan (Aranei: Salticidae), with additional faunistic records from neighbouring Caucasian countries. , Moscow. 10 3: 243-260.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (2000)

Catalogue of the jumping spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). Editor K. G. MIKHAILOV. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., Moscow 299 pp..
LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Miscellaneous notes on Middle Asian jumping spiders (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 7 2: 117-144.
MARUSIK, Y. M., GUSEINOV, E. F. & ALIEV, H. A. (2004)

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MIKHAILOV, K. G. (1996)

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MIKHAILOV, K. G. (1997)

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MONTARDI Y. (2020)

De araneis Galliae IV. Actualisation du référentiel des araignées de France – deuxième note. Mise en synonymie de deux espèces du genre Menemerus (Salticidae). Bulletin de l´Association Française d´Arachnologie 5: 33-41.
MORITZ, M. & FISCHER, S. (1983)

Die Typen der Arachniden-Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin V. Araneae: Salticidae. 59 2: 329-362.
NENILIN, A. B. (1985)

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Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata 53, Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae. Science Press, Beijing 612 pp.
PESARINI, C. (1994)

Arachnida Araneae. In: MINELLI, A.; RUFFO S. & LA POSTA S. (eds.) Checklist delle speciie della fauna italiana. Calderini, Bologna 23: 1-42.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Studium systematyczno-zoogeograficzne nad rdzina Salticidae regionow palearktycznego i nearktycznego. Wyższa Szkola Pedagogiczna Siedlcach 6: 260 pp.

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REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at .

Picking pearls from the Silk Road: insights into the spider (Arachnida, Araneae) diversity in Georgia from the Caucasus barcode of life project. Part II. . Caucasiana 2: 231-297.
SIMON, E. (1868)

Monographie des espèces europeennes de la famille des Attides. 8 4: 11-72, 529-726, pl. V-VII.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.
SIMON, E. (1937)

Les arachnides de France. Tome VI. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Roret, Paris 6 5e et derniére partie: 979-1298 .
SOYER, B. (1959)

Contribution a l´etude ethologique et ecologique des Araignee de la provence occidentale IV.- Les Salticides des collines et des terrains sales. Bull. Soc. Linn. Prov. 22: 36-40.

New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), part V. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 13 2: 183-197.

Phlegra crumena (♀) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994


Phlegra crumena (♀) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994: 37




Fig.: D-41483
Phlegra crumena - ♀ - general appearance, dorsal- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41484
Phlegra crumena - ♀ - carapace, lateral- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41485
Phlegra crumena - ♀ - cheliceral teeth, posterior- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41486
Phlegra crumena - ♀ - epigyne- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41487
Phlegra crumena - ♀ - vulva- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)



The jumping spiders of the Ethiopian Region. Part II. New species of Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Stenaelurillus (Araneae, Salticidae) from Kenya and Tanzania. , Warszawa. 45: 33-41.

Phlegra dhakuriensis (♂,♀) (TIKADER, 1973)


Marpissa dhakuriensis (♀) TIKADER, 1973: 207
Phlegra dhakuriensis: (♀) NENILIN 1984: 6
Phlegra dhakuriensis: (♂,♀) MUSHTAQ, BEG & WARIS 1995: 241


India, Pakistan


Fig.: D-37097
Marpissa dhakuriensis - ♀ - dorsal view- © TIKADER, B. K. (1973)

Fig.: D-37098
Marpissa dhakuriensis - ♀ - Epigyne- © TIKADER, B. K. (1973)


BISWAS, B. & BISWAS, K. (1992)

Araneae: Spiders. State Fauna Series 3: Fauna of West Bengal 3: 357-500.
CALEB, J. T. D. (2019)

An annotated checklist of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of India. AkiNik Publications, New Delhi 75 pp.
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Spiders of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (Arachnida: Araneae). 227: 1-154.
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Studies on some spiders from eastern coastal region of India. 20 3: 1-57.
MUSHTAQ, S., BEG, M. A. & WARIS, M. (1995)

A new species and a new record for the genus Phlegra SIMON (Araneae: Salticidae) from Pakistan. 27: 241-244.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1989)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1981-1987. A supplement to Brignoli´s "A catalogue of the Araneae described between 1940 and 1981". Manchester University Press 673 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
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Checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of South Asia including the 2006 update of Indian spider checklist. 22 2: 2551-2597.
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Indian spiders (Arachnida: Araneae): updated checklist 2005. 20 10: 1999-2049.
TIKADER, B. K. (1973)

Studies on some jumping spiders of the genus Marpissa from India (Family Salticidae) . Bangalore 79: 204-215.
TIKADER, B. K. & BISWAS, B. (1981)

Spider fauna of Calcutta and Vicinity. Part-I. Rec. Zool. Sur. India 1-149.

Phlegra dimentmani (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra dimentmani (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 171

description female

Cephalothorax brown with lighter streaks of adpressed, sparse, whitish setae along dorsal edges, separated by brown area without whitish setae; eye field dark brown, sides brown, almost bald, somewhat lighter near ventral edge, the latter without white setae. Abdomen altered now by preservation, uniformly greyish brown and partially shrunken.
Frontal aspect: dorsal part of orbital setae on rims of AME fawn, of ALE slightly lighter; lateral and median parts whitish; ventral inconspicuous. Clypeus bald with a few dark bristles; there are a few short, adpressed, whitish setae along the rim, and also scattered over the remainder of the clypeus. Chelicerae light brown; pedipalps light brown with darker annulations. Ventral aspect: coxae yellowish brown; sternum greyish brown with yellowish brown, broad margin; abdomen, uniformly light brownish grey. Legs: brown with darker annulations. Epigynum with grooves oval, encircled with sclerotized rims and separated by narrow septum with parallel edges. Copulatory openings very broad, channels short, triangular posterior parts of spermathecae thinner than in other species.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 2.29; length of abdomen 4.08; length of 5 segments of leg I 3.27.


Diagnosis. Species with abdomen grey, without visible traces of contrasting stripes. Clypeus without conspicuous white streak, orbital setae of AME dorsally fawn (those around ALE slightly lighter), laterally and medially whitish. Epigynal depressions longitudinally oval, separated by a narrow septum.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - V.




Fig.: D-1390
Phlegra dimentmani - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1391
Phlegra dimentmani - ♀ - epigynum, its internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra dunini (♀) AZARKINA, 2003


Phlegra dunini (♀) AZARKINA, 2003: 85


Azerbaijan, Iran, Türkiye


Fig.: D-9532
Phlegra dunini - ♀ - general appearance. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9533
Phlegra dunini - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9534
Phlegra dunini - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
AZARKINA, G. N. & ZAMANI, A. (2019)

The Aelurillina Simon, 1901 (Aranei: Salticidae) of Iran: a check-list and three new species of Aelurillus Simon, 1884 and Proszynskiana Logunov, 1996. , Moscow. 28 1: 83-97.
MARUSIK, Y. M., GUSEINOV, E. F. & ALIEV, H. A. (2004)

Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Azerbaijan 4. Fauna of Naxçivan. , Moscow. 13 3: 135-149.

New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), part V. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 13 2: 183-197.

Phlegra etosha (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006


Phlegra etosha (♂) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006: 730
Phlegra etosha: (♂,♀) HADDAD & WESOŁOWSKA 2011: 102


Namibia, South Africa


Fig.: D-24721
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - carapace, dorsal view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24722
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24724
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24725
Phlegra etosha - ♀ - epigyne- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24726
Phlegra etosha - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-7596
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7597
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7598
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - embolus, median view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7599
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7600
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7601
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - embolus, lateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7602
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - colour pattern of face, frontal view - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7603
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: F-13165
Phlegra etosha - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: F-13166
Phlegra etosha - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)



New species and new records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from central South Africa. African Invertebrates 52 1: 51-134.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Phlegra fasciata (♂,♀) (HAHN, 1826)


Attus fasciatus (♀) HAHN, 1826: 1
Salticus fasciatus: (♂,♀) HAHN 1832: 54
Attus fasciatus: WALCKENAER 1837
Parthenia fasciata: C. L. KOCH 1850: 65
Atta (Parthenia) fasciata: SIMON 1864: 313
Euophrys fasciata: OHLERT 1867: 161
Phlegra fasciata: SIMON 1876: 123
Aelurops fasciata: (♂,♀) MENGE 1877: 475
Aelurops fasciata: L. KOCH 1878: 177
Ictidops fasciata: BERTKAU 1880: 234
Yllenus fasciata: DAHL 1883: 78
Phlegra fasciata: ROEWER 1954: 1140


Phlegra divisus (♂) (WALCKENAER, 1837) []
Phlegra loripes (♂,♀) SIMON, 1876 [MONTARDI et al. 2023: 12]
Phlegra nobilis (♂,♀) ( L. KOCH, 1876) [HÄNGGI, 1990: 163]
Phlegra aprica (♂) (C. L. KOCH, 1846) [WESTRING, 1862: 566]
Phlegra luteofasciata (♂) (SIMON, 1871) [PROSZYNSKI 1971:251]
Phlegra fasciata subfasciata (♂) (SIMON, 1868) [PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1971: 251]
Phlegra delesserti (♂) SCHENKEL, 1918 [HÄNGGI, 1990: 163]
Phlegra niger (♂,♀) (SUNDEVALL, 1832) [THORELL, 1873: 384]

description male

PS dorsal orangebraun, enganliegend schwarz behaart, thoracaler Bereich mit zwei weißen Längsbanden; Kopfplatte schwarz, lateral und frontal lang abstehend dunkel beborstet und dünn weiß behaart, Flanken im unteren Drittel im vorderen Bereich hell orangebraun. CL und CH weiß behaart und schwarz beborstet, GAB hellgrau. CH, MX und LA hellorange, letztere distal weiß, ST hellgelb mit weißer Behaarung. OS dorsal dicht schwarz behaart mit drei mehr oder weniger deutlichen silbergrauen Längsbanden, von denen die mediane im zweiten Drittel beginnt und die SP erreicht. Hinterleib ventral beigefarben, dicht weiß behaart. Beine proximal hell orangefarben (FE oder FE & PA), distal in dunkel rostbraun übergehend, abstehend schwarz behaart. Cymbium hell rotbraun mit abstehend weißer Behaarung, distal grau; EM meißelförmig. Bestachelung: FE: 6,6,9,7; PA 1,1,2,2; TI: 6,8,10,11; MT: 5,6,12, 13. Maße (n = 5): PL: 2,3-2,85; PB: 1,55-1,9; OL: 2,0-2,9; OB: 1,4-1,95; AR 1: 1,1-1,35; AR 3: 1,15-1,4; OKL: 0,85-1,0. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,52 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1 : 1,04.

description female

PS dorsal wie beim m, Kopfplatte mit dünner weißer medianer Haarlinie, ventral etwas heller. OS dorsal beige mit zwei ausgefransten dunkelbraunen Längsbanden, welche die SP-Basis erreichen; median mit zwei kurzen braunen Streifen im vorderen Bereich. Hinterleib ventral hellbeigefarben und mit wenigen dunklen Flecken, lateral mit dunkelbraunem Äquatorialstreifen, der die Basis der braunen SP nicht erreicht. EP mit zwei rundlichen Gruben und schwarz durchschimmernden, darüberliegenden Samentaschen. Beine hellgelb-orangebraun gefleckt, z.T. auch geringelt, FE in den hinteren beiden Dritteln gelb. TS gelborange, distal etwas dunkler, weiß behaart. Bestachelung: FE: 5,5,7,5; PA: 0,0,2,2; TI: 6,5,0,10; MT: 4,4,12,13. Maße (n = 3): PL: 2,9-3,0; PB: 1,9-2,05; OL: 2,5-4,2; OB: 1,8-2,55; AR 1: 1,3-1,4; AR 3: 1,35-1,45; OKL: 1,0-1,1. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,48 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1,03 : 1.


Bestimmung in METZNER (1999) erfolgte nach PECKHAM & PECKHAM (1909), HARM (1977), WEISS (1979), PRÓSZYŃSKI (1971, 1976, 1991), FLANCZEWSKA (1981), WESOŁOWSKA (1991) und ROBERTS (1993). P. fasciata bevorzugt trockenen, sandigen, stark besonnten Boden (HEYDEMANN 1964, ALMQUIST 1973, HARM 1977, THALER 1985) und ist bis auf eine Höhe von 1900 m zu finden (BOSMANS et al., 1986). TRETZEL (1952) und HÄNGGI (1987) fanden die Art auch in Feuchtgebieten. Die von mir gesammelten Tiere hielten sich in trockenen Habitaten auf Sand bzw. Schotter auf. Bei einem Vergleich mit mitteleuropäischen mm, die einen relativ dunklen Habitus mit rostbraun gefärbten Beinglieder besitzen, konnten bei den griechischen mmn eben einer deutlichen hellen Längszeichnung am PS eine auffällig variable helle Färbung der Beinglieder festgestellt werden: es konnten mm mit hellgelben Femora, andere mm wiederum mit hellgelben Femora und Patellen gefunden werden. Desweiteren besitzen die griechischen mm einen dichter weiß behaarten CL als die mitteleuropäischen Vertreter dieser Art. Diese morphologischen Unterschiede bei den mm ließen Zweifel an der Artzugehörigkeit offen, weshalb ein Vergleich mit der sehr ähnlichen P. cinereofasciata (SIMON 1868) durchgeführt wurde.

collected material

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Genk, 3.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 47461 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Genk, 25.5.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 45522 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Genk, 3.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 45297 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Grootlo, 28.6.1986, leg.: Van Keer J/ Van keer K/ Verbruggen A, det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279995 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Gruitrode, 1.1.2000, leg.: aeolus, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226681 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Gruitrode, 1.1.1999, leg.: Thys Nobby, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57514 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Ham, 1.1.1995, leg.: Thys Nobby, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57511 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Heppen-Leopoldsburg, 28.2.1994, leg.: Alderweireldt M./ Maes D., det.: Alderweireldt M./ Maes D., (RBINS- 229977 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Heppen-Leopoldsburg, 28.2.1994, leg.: Alderweireldt M./ Maes D., det.: Alderweireldt M./ Maes D., (RBINS- 61893 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Heusden-Zolder, 1.1.2000, leg.: Lim, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 222124 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Heusden-Zolder, 1.1.2000, leg.: Lim, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 53118 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Houthalen-Helchteren, 12.5.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 218179 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Houthalen-Helchteren, 12.5.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 48588 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Houthalen-Helchteren, 19.7.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 48328 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kanne, 1.1.1996, leg.: Crevecoeur Luc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 54520 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 6.4.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 289892 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 5.7.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 289894 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 7.7.1985, leg.: Van Keer K, det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 289891 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 1.6.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 289893 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 5.7.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 280000 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 7.7.1985, leg.: Van Keer K, det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279993 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 15.6.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279999 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 1.6.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279998 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kapelle-op-den-Bos, 20.4.1996, leg.: Van Keer J., det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279997 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Keerbergen, 28.6.1986, leg.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279994 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Knokke, 6.3.1992, leg.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 284715 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Knokke, 6.3.1992, leg.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 284643 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Knokke, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 199448 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Knokke, 26.2.1962, leg.: Ransy, M., det.: Ransy, (RBINS- 117624 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Koksijde, 19.2.1994, leg.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., det.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., (RBINS- 231149 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Koksijde, 6.4.1996, leg.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., det.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., (RBINS- 229634 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Koksijde, 19.2.1994, leg.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., det.: Bonte D./ Hendrickx F., (RBINS- 64135 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Limelette, 24.5.1961, leg.: Derenne, E., det.: Ransy, (RBINS- 112325 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Lombardsijde, 6.4.1990, leg.: Baert L./ Desender K., det.: Baert L./ Desender K., (RBINS- 61530 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 19.7.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 216973 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 25.5.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 216943 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 7.7.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 216968 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 7.6.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 216956 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 3.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 216507 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 6.10.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 47033 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 23.6.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 47005 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 23.6.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 46857 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 23.6.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 46558 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Maasmechelen, 16.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 46563 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meeuwen, 9.3.1991, leg.: Janssen Marc/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre/ Alderweireldt M./ Desender K., det.: Janssen Marc/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre/ Alderweireldt M./ Desender K., (RBINS- 273945 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meeuwen, 9.3.1991, leg.: Janssen Marc/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre/ Alderweireldt M./ Desender K., det.: Janssen Marc/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre/ Alderweireldt M./ Desender K., (RBINS- 232405 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meeuwen, 1.1.1991, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226675 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meeuwen, 1.1.1991, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57507 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meeuwen, 1.1.1991, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 53813 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Neeroeteren, 1.1.1995, leg.: Crevecoeur Luc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 222362 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Neeroeteren, 1.1.1995, leg.: Crevecoeur Luc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 53310 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Nieuwpoort, 5.3.1993, leg.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Baert Léon/ Malfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 284394 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Nieuwpoort, 1.5.1975, leg.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 228025 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Nieuwpoort, 1.5.1975, leg.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 228026 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Nieuwpoort, 1.5.1975, leg.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 58768 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Nieuwpoort, 1.5.1975, leg.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, det.: Hublé Jan/ Maelfait Jean-Pierre, (RBINS- 58769 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Opoeteren, 1.1.1998, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 222214 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Ozo, 6.6.1958, leg.: Kekenbosch Jean, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 289895 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Ozo, 6.6.1958, leg.: Institut Agronomique de Gembloux, det.: Ransy, (RBINS- 244115 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Ozo, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 199447 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Redu, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 199449 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sy, 10.7.1958, leg.: Kekenbosch Jean, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 280004 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sy, det.: Kekenbosch Jean, (RBINS- 199446 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Sy, 10.7.1958, leg.: Rouard, M., det.: Ransy, (RBINS- 111016 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Tessenderlo, 1.1.2000, leg.: aeolus, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226680 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Tessenderlo, 1.1.1997, leg.: Thys Nobby, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226678 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Tessenderlo, 1.1.1996, leg.: Thys Nobby, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57512 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Turnhout, 21.7.2000, leg.: Domir De Bakker/ Frederik Hendrickx/ Wouter De Koninck, det.: Domir De Bakker/ Frederik Hendrickx, (RBINS- 214842 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Viron (Nismes), 5.6.1998, det.: De Bakker Domir/Hendrickx Frederik, (RBINS- 15280 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Vroenhoven, 1.1.1993, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226677 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Vroenhoven, 1.1.1993, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57509 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Waasmunster, 26.6.1986, leg.: Kekenbosch, J., det.: Ransy, (RBINS- 110845 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Waterschei, 1.1.1993, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57510 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zedelgem, 24.5.1986, leg.: Alderweireldt Mark/ Pollet Marc, det.: Alderweireldt Mark/ Pollet Marc, (RBINS- 273223 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zedelgem, 24.5.1986, leg.: Alderweireldt Mark/ Pollet Marc, det.: Alderweireldt Mark/ Pollet Marc, (RBINS- 273188 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zemst, 25.4.1986, leg.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, det.: Van Keer K/ Van Keer J, (RBINS- 279996 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zemst, 1.4.1986, leg.: Van Keer Johan/ Van Keer Koen, det.: Van Keer Johan/ Van Keer Koen, (RBINS- 62906 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zolder, 1.1.1998, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 226679 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zolder, 1.1.1998, leg.: Janssen Marc, det.: Janssen Marc, (RBINS- 57513 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 18.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215674 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 2.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215667 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 12.5.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215604 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 26.4.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215593 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 8.6.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215176 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 8.7.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215201 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 3.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 215220 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zonhoven, 18.8.1999, leg.: Jorg Lambrechts, det.: Marc Janssen, (RBINS- 44992 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Crete, Chania, Aghia Marina, 01.05.1997, 2 ♀♀ leg.: KRONESTEDT, det.: METZNER , (NHRS), publ. offline:  :
Crete, Chania, Fluß zwischen Kolimvari & Rapaniana in Meernähe, Bachbett mit spärlicher Vegetation und Detritus, 01.05.1997, 1 ♂ leg.: KRONESTEDT, det.: METZNER , (NHRS), publ. offline:  :
Greece, Crete, N of Lake Curna, 16.4.1958, (SMF- 57005-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
W-Crete, 8 km W of Chania, NW-shore of reservoir near Ajia, 23.4.1958, (SMF- 57014-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

(SMF- 9911140-RII/11140/-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Boh. c., Radotin, 21.9.1961, (SMF- 17731-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Kessulaid (Kesselaid), from junipers on a beach berm, 26.6.1956, leg.: Asta Vilbaste, det.: Asta Vilbaste, (EMY- IZBE0304142 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Koiva, an oak wooded meadow, 23.6.1962, leg.: Asta Vilbaste, det.: Asta Vilbaste, (EMY- IZBE0304141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Loobu, from a farm yard, 22.6.1973, leg.: Asta Vilbaste, det.: Asta Vilbaste, (EMY- IZBE0304143 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Vainupea, Pajuveski, 27.6.1973, leg.: Asta Vilbaste, det.: Asta Vilbaste, (EMY- IZBE0304144 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

21.10.1946, leg.: Bruyning C., Leentvaar P., (RMNH- ARA.2331 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
(MACN-Ar 8379 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Vosges, near Gerardmer, (SMF- 61226-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

(SMF- 24352-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Stuttgart, Wilhelma Zoo, Betriebshof, Pflaster, 17.07.1996, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/206), publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 1.1.1992, (SMNG- 5680-92/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 1.1.1992, (SMNG- 5645-92/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 5.7.1992, (SMNG- 5507-92/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 6.7.1991, (SMNG- 5154-91/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 6.7.1991, (SMNG- 4434-91/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Arnstadt, Ilmtal, Wüster Berg, 18.8.1990, (SMNG- 5422-90/32444 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF- S-8B, 23.4.2010, 1 juv. leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Hemm,V., (SMNK-ARA 07365), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-N-5B, 30.4.2010, 1 ♂ leg.: Hemm, Verena, det.: Hemm, Verena, (SMNK-ARA 07771), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-N-7A, 22.6.2010, 1 ♀ leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Hemm,V., (SMNK-ARA 07643), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-N-7B, 4.5.2010, 1 ♀ leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Hemm,V., (SMNK-ARA 07367), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-S-11B, 23.4.2010, 1 juv. leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Hemm,V., (SMNK-ARA 07366), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-S-4A, 18.5.2010, 1 ♀ leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Meyer,F., (SMNK-ARA 07368), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-S-4B, 6.7.2010, 4 ♀♀ leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Hemm,V., (SMNK-ARA 07644), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Alter Flugplatz | AF-S-9B, 18.5.2010, 1 ♀ leg.: Hemm, V., det.: Meyer,F., (SMNK-ARA 07369), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Karlsruhe | Hohenwettersbach, 6.5.2012, 1 ♀ leg.: Höfer, Hubert, Dr., det.: Höfer, Hubert, Dr., (SMNK-ARA 08107), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Ostelsheim, 8.6.2008, 2 ♂♂ leg.: Höfer,H., det.: Meyer,F., (SMNK-ARA 05912), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Sandweier | SW-C-P, 25.4.2011, 1 ♂ leg.: Höfer, Hubert, Dr., det.: Meyer, Franziska, (SMNK-ARA 10329), publ. offline:  :
Baden-Württemberg | Ulm | Eselsberg | Oberer Eselsberg, 8.6.1984, 1 juv. leg.: Höfer,H., det.: Höfer,H., (SMNK-ARA 00722), publ. offline:  :
Barnim - Hohensaaten, Kiesgrube, 12.7.2011, leg.: K.H. Kielhorn, det.: Karl-Hinrich Kielhorn, (ZSM- BC ZSM ARA 00523 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Barnim, Hohensaaten, Kiesgrube, 12.7.2011, (SNSB-ZSM- BCARACH00523 / 620160 / 510546 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Bayern | Bad Windsheim, 20.6.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: Metzner, det.: Metzner,H., (SMNK-ARA 01795), publ. offline:  :
Berlin, Pfaueninsel, (SMNG- 10354-66/38283 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Bingen, 12.8.1957, (SMF- 10289-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Dessau-Roßlau, Törtensche Schweiz, Süd-Hang, 27.4.1934, (SMF- 19272-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Dresden Klotzsche, nordwestlicher Zipfel der Dresdner Heide, Sandfläche nahe Hakenweg, (SNSD- 1447-S-S1447 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Erlangen, Umgebung, Strasse nach Spardorf, 1.9.1945, leg.: Tretzel, Erwin, (SNSB-ZSM- A-20070092 / 608776 / 497053 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Gleistal, Flachsleite, 18.6.1997, (SMNG- 5990-97/32462 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Gleistal, Flachsleite, 19.10.1997, (SMNG- 5679-97/32462 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Gleistal, Flachsleite, 18.8.1997, (SMNG- 5510-97/32462 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Gleistal, Flachsleite, 19.8.1997, (SMNG- 5499-97/32462 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Leutratal, NSG, 28.8.1989, (SMNG- 5163-89/32431 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Leutratal, NSG, 28.8.1973, (SMNG- 5028-73/32418 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Leutratal, NSG 8, 20.7.1971, (SMNG- 1229-71/7718 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Rothenstein, TÜP, 10.6.1994, (SMNG- 10921-94/32457 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Rothenstein, TÜP, 10.6.1994, (SMNG- 5950-94/32457 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Rothenstein, TÜP, 18.6.1994, (SMNG- 5959-94/32457 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Steudnitz, 15.7.1991, (SMNG- 4036-91/32387 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Steudnitz, 26.8.1991, (SMNG- 4032-91/32387 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Steudnitz, 1.6.1992, (SMNG- 5873-92/32387 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Steudnitz, 1.6.1992, (SMNG- 5801-92/32387 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Jena, Steudnitz, 13.8.1991, (SMNG- 4046-91/32387 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kaiserberg, Untergrombach, 12.3.-2.4.1991, 1 ♂ det.: Höfer, Hubert, Dr., (SMNK-ARA 14864), publ. offline:  :
Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain, Sand- und Silikatmagerrasen, Biotop 19, (SNSD- 903-S-903 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain, Sand- und Silikatmagerrasen, Biotop 19, (SNSD- 266-S-266 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain, trockene Sandheide, Biotop 112, (SNSD- 181-S-181 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain, trockene Sandheide, Biotop 112, (SNSD- 167-S-167 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Krs. Aschaffenburg, Hochspessart, Rothenbuch, 23.7.1976, (SMF- 31370-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Kyffhäusergebirge, (SMF- 19277-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Lohberg [?], Vogelsberg, (SMF- 31971-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Lohberg [?], Vogelsberg, (SMF- 31972-1413 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Lübbenau, Schlabendorf-Nord, N-CFM26, 21.5.2003, (SMNG- 9135-03/36613 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Lübbenau, Schlabendorf-Nord, N-CFM26, 26.7.2001, (SMNG- 9134-01/36327 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meißen, Piskowitz, Ketzerbachtal, 28.8.1965, (SMF- 19274-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Neustadt, 2.4.1992, (SMF- 64033-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Oder-Spree - Kienbaum, Loecknitztal, 10.9.2011, leg.: K.H. Kielhorn, det.: Karl-Hinrich Kielhorn, (ZSM- BC ZSM ARA 00558 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Oder-Spree, Kienbaum, Loecknitztal, 10.9.2011, (SNSB-ZSM- BCARACH00558 / 620195 / 510581 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Oppenheim a.Rh., 1.1.1914, (SMF- 6103-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Pfaueninsel, (SMF- 33943-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Rheingau-Taunus, Heidenroth - Dickschied, 21.5.1913, (SMF- 65444-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Siebengebirge, 1883-01-01, (SMF- 2388-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Taunus, Bad Soden, 18.4.1994, (SMF- 6250-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Weinberg, 2010-09-07T14:30:00Z, leg.: Caroline Ring, det.: Caroline Ring, (EDIT- ATBI_S4_1-3 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Weinberg, 2010-09-07T14:30:00Z, leg.: Caroline Ring, det.: Caroline Ring, (EDIT- ATBI_S4_1-3 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Weißwasser, Nochten, TÜP Oberlausitz, 22.7.2002, (SMNG- 8572-02/25946 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Weißwasser, Nochten, TÜP Oberlausitz, 8.7.2002, (SMNG- 8167-02/25689 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Wetteraukrs., Nidda-Eichelsdorf, Eichköppel, (SMF- 31970-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Wetteraukrs., Nidda-Eichelsdorf, Eichköppel, (SMF- 31969-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Wetteraukrs., Nidda-Eichelsdorf, Eichköppel, (SMF- 31986-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zweibrücken, Contwig, Gestüter Höhe der Steppenheide, 18.5.1959, (SMF- 15231-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Baden, Trockengebiet am Rhein bei Neuenburg, 24.06.1973, 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bad Windsheim, Garten Fam. BOENIGK, 27.06.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/42), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bad Windsheim, Gräfwald auf Sandstraße Richtung Oberntief, 20.04.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/19), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bad Windsheim, Gräfwald, Sandstraße nach Oberntief, 20.04.1993, 1 juv. leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/15), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bad Windsheim, Haus Fam. Boenigk, 25.09.1992, 1 juv. leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/20), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Bad WIndsheim, Terrasse Haus BOENIGK, 20.06.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-0/43), publ. offline:  :
Bayern, Mittelfranken, Külsheim, 06.07.1991, 2 juv. leg.: TÖPFER, det.: TÖPFER, (PCHM-0/150), publ. offline:  :
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Ehemaliger Standortübungsplatz Wittenborn. Neben kleiner Heidefläche auf Waldweg., 2013-06-15, 1 ♀ leg.: Lemke, det.: LEMKE, (PCML), publ. offline:  :
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Heidkaten. Ackerbrache. Auf niedriger Vegetation., 2013-08-12, 1 ♀ leg.: Lemke, det.: LEMKE, (PCML), publ. offline:  :
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Heidkaten. Ackerbrache. In Moos., 2013-08-12, 1 ♂ leg.: Lemke, det.: LEMKE, (PCML), publ. offline:  :
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Östlich Göttin. Trockene kurzgrasige Weide. Boden mittels Vegetationssauger., 2015-04-19, 3 juv. leg.: Lemke, det.: LEMKE, (PCML), publ. offline:  :
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Segrahn, 2014-07-27, 1 juv. leg.: L, det.: LEMKE, (PCML), publ. offline:  :
Krs Hessen, Main-Kinzing, Gelnhausen, 21/VI/2007, 1 ♂ leg.: Schule, (IBSP-118390), publ. offline:  :

1 km E Itea, am Strand mit Lagurus, 30.04.1994, 1 ♀ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
1 km E Itea, steiniger Hügel, WSW-Neigung, auf/unter Steinen, 29.04.1994, 2 ♂♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Alikamon-Mündung bei Nea Agathoupolis, Ruderalstelle neben Straße, 20.04.1968, 1 ♀ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Bachtal oberhalb Vitoli, östlich Karpenision, steinige und sandige Flächen auf der Terrasse des Bachtales und angrenzender Platanenhainsaum, 01.-05.06.1985, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Évia, bei Alveron, 38°24´N 24°00´E, 18.06.1981, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Évia, Dystos - See, 38°21´N 24°09´E, 01.09.1972, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Évia, Iliki-See, 38°24´N 23°14´E, 11.07.1968, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Évia, Loutra, Aidipsou, 38°53´N 22°59´E, 29.05.1983, 2 ♀♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Falakron, Kiefernwaldgrenzbereich, 1640 - 1700 m, NW exponierte Wiese mit Kiefernjungwuchs oberhalb der Waldgrenze, 17.06.-05.07.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: WOLF, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/383), publ. offline:  :
Fthiótida, Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, 18.06.1982, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Fthiótida, Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, 18.06.1982, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Fthiótida, Tràgana, 38°37´N 27°07´E, 13.07.1968, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Karpenisi, 04.1992, 1 ♀ leg.: CORDES, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/272), publ. offline:  :
Larissa, bei Gonnos, 39°51´N 22°30´E, 30.05.1982, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Larissa, Gonnos, 39°51´N 22°28´E, 19.05.1968, 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Nestos oberhalb Paranestion, 29.05.-01.06.1985, 1 ♂ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Olymp bei der Klosterruine Agios Dionysios, 06.06.1985, 1 ♀ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Ossa, N-O-Hang ca. 500m über NN, Laubwald, 21.04.1968, 2 ♂♂ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Thesprotía, bei Igoumenitsa, 39°31´N 20°12´E, 27.05.1982, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thessaloniki, Aghia Triada, 40°30´N 22°52´E, 12.06.1984, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thessaloniki, Agios Vassilios, 40°40´N 23°07´E, 18.05.1982, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thessaloniki, Agios Vassilios, 40°40´N 23°07´E, 08.04.1995, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thessaloniki, Saloniki, 40°43´N 22°58´E, 13.-18.05.1968, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: SENGLET / METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thrakien, Bachbett Zwischen Avas und Aisimi, Kelempek-Gebirge, 09.05.1968, 1 ♂ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Epirus | Óros Týmfi, 14.7.1994, 1 juv. leg.: Wolf, P., det.: Metzner, Heiko, (SMNK-ARA 01801), publ. offline:  :
NW coast Peloponnes, Ligia, 1.6.1998, (SMF- 65242-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Peleponnes, Leonidion, (SMF- 9906124-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Bassai, oberhalb Petra, 1070 m, Schotterfläche & Kalkfelsen, 09.06.1995, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01802), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Kloster Kaltezon bei Vlahokerassia, 10.06.1995, 1 ♀ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/345), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Kounoupelli, Sand-Kiefernwald, Kalkfelsen am Meer, 30.05.-01.06.1993, 1 ♀ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01800), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Kounoupelli, Sand-Kiefernwald, Kalkfelsen am Meer, 22.-26.05.1994, 2 ♂♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01798, ARA 01799), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Livadi unterhalb Livarzi am Erimanthos-Fluß, 04.06.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01797), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Oros Oligirtos, Paßhöhe, Steine & Wiese, 12.06.1995, 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ 2 juv. leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/295), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Petra bei Bassai, Bachtal, Macchie, 25.-27.05.1997, 3 ♂♂ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Tal des Pineios unterhalb Kakotari (bei Chani Panopoulos), 02./03.06.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01796), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, unterhalb Matesi am Fluß Alphios, 28./29.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/60), publ. offline:  :

(SMF- 9911986-RII/11986/-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Trento, Padergone, E-Werk Trockenrasen & Steine Unterhalb Weinberg , 09.06.2009, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER, (PCHM-3/49), publ. offline:  :
Piano del Valasco, 11.7.2009, leg.: Marco Isaia & Mauro Paschetta, det.: Isaia & Paschetta, (EDIT- ATBI_M184_2009-Field-18/14 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Torre del Lago Puccini u. Pisa, (SMF- 40715-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Kelebek mountains, between Avas and Esimi, (SMF- 65147-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Kos, am Strand, 25.04.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: SPOEK, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Kos, Gebirge oberhalb Zia, 500-800 m, lockerer Cupressus Wald, 29.04.1968, 1 ♀ leg.: HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER , (PCVH), publ. offline:  :

Lesbos, 2 km NE von Parakila, am Strand, unter/auf Steinen, 13.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Lesbos, 6 km S von Agiassos, 700 m, unter/auf Steinen entlang der Straße, 21.05.1994, 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Lesbos, oberhalb Agiassos, 500-600 m, offener Kiefernwald, am Boden, unter Steinen etc., 20.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Lesbos, Vatera, camping "Dionysos", 22.-25.05.1994, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :

bay of Kotor, from, Stoliv to Vrmac, 12.5.2010, (SMF- 65181-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

(RMNH- ARA.6839 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
(RMNH- ARA.6840 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
(RMNH- ARA.6841 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
(RMNH- ARA.6842 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meyendell, 25.5.1931, leg.: Groenewegen J.A.W., (RMNH- ARA.6000 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Meyendell, leg.: Groenewegen J.A.W., (RMNH- ARA.5982 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Mostranda, Tjøme, 24.5.1985, leg.: T.Andersen, det.: Erling Hauge, (ZMBN-ENT C-10853 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Prinsen, Ostøya, 18.9.2018, leg.: Olberg, S., Olsen, K.M., Gammelmo, Ø., Lønnve, O., det.: Olsen, K.M., (BioFokus- 600399 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

near Gliwice, Smolnica, (SMF- 35694-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
near Myszków, Podlesice, Posrednia Góra, 17.8.1984, (SMF- 35889-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Zabrze - Viskupice, (SMF- 35827-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Siedlce, VII/2010, 1 ♂ leg.: G.R.S. Ruiz, (IBSP-167268), publ. offline:  :

Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve, 1.1.2015, leg.: R.R. Seyfulina, det.: R.R. Seyfulina, (PTBR- ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Prioksko-Terrasnyi Biosphere Reserve, 1.1.2016, leg.: R.R. Seyfulina, det.: R.R. Seyfulina, (PTBR- ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Oberwald, upper Rhône valley, 24.8.1967, (SMF- 67711-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Taurus 20km N Mersin Kiefernforst/Sumach, 09.07.1996, 1 ♂ leg.: BRECHTEL & EHRMANN, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-7/11), publ. offline:  :
W affluente of Sapanca Gölü, N of Kurzöy, 1.1.1984, (SMF- 65103-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Colorado, Fremont Co, Phantom Canyon, Penrose off Hwy 50, 7.7 mi N on RD 67, Under a rock, Lower foot-Hills Life Zone, 1840m, 11:37 hr., 26 degrees C, 22, 1 ♂ leg.: Morrison, Buzz, det.: Haas, Francis X., (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.23058), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands, Archbold Biological Station, Hopping on litter in scrub, , 22.01.82, 1 ♂ leg.: D.B. Richman, det.: D.B. Richman, (NMSU-ACA0002384), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands, Archbold Biological Station, Scrub oak litter, , 20.04.82, 1 ♂ leg.: D.B. Richman, det.: D.B. Richman, (NMSU-ACA0002383), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands County, Archbold Biological Station: 8mi. S. of Lake Placid, in oak scrub leaf litter, exemplar, 22.07.91, leg.: S. Marshall, (ABS-ARTHARCH00050602), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands County, Archbold Biological Station: Florida scrub habitat east of Pine Cottage, det. G. B. Edwards (no year), 25.03.98, leg.: Mark Deyrup, (ABS-ARTHARCH00052325), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands County, Archbold Biological Station: Florida scrub habitat of Pine Cottage, det. G. B. Edwards (no year), 26.03.98, leg.: Mark Deyrup, (ABS-ARTHARCH00052326), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Florida, Highlands County, Archbold Biological Station: hopping in scrub oak litter W. of Sta., exemplar, det. D. Richman, 23.02.82, leg.: D. Richman, (ABS-ARTHARCH00050601), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, 10 mi E Donegal, 823m, , 24.06.65, 1 ♀ leg.: Durden B & C, det.: Vogel, Beatrice R., (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.1559), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, PNR 3 mi S Rector, 886m, , 27.05.67, 1 ♂ leg.: Vogel, Beatrice R., det.: Vogel, Beatrice R., (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.1528), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Tennessee, Sevier, Greenbrier, Ramsey Prong, 762m, , 14.06.39, 1 ♂ 1 juv. leg.: D.C. Lowrie, det.: D.C. Lowrie, (UNM-MSBA-23481), publ. online: "SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019", publ. offline:  :


Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Chios, Corfu, Crete, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Maltese Islands, Mongolia, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rhodes, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, USA, Ukraine, United Kingdom


Fig.: D-49450
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - habitus. Scale: 1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49451
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49452
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49453
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - habitus. Scale: 1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49454
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - left chelicera, posterior view. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49455
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - maxillae, labium, part of sternum. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49456
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-49457
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - internal epigyne, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm- © ALMQUIST, S. (2006)

Fig.: D-9539
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - general appearance. Scale bar: 0.5 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9540
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9541
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-8314
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - face. Scale bar: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8309
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Tibial apophysis, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8315
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Embolus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8316
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-48456
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © NAMKUNG, J. (2002)

Fig.: D-48458
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © NAMKUNG, J. (2002)

Fig.: D-48459
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © NAMKUNG, J. (2002)

Fig.: D-518
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Habitus dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-519
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - PP ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-520
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - PP retrolateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-521
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Embolus - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-522
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Epigyne ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-523
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Vulva dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-18165
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18166
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18167
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18168
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18169
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18170
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © ŻABKA, M. (1997)

Fig.: D-18928
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18929
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18930
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - CSE, ventral view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18931
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - CSE, apical view- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18932
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18933
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - lateral cymbial process and tibial apophysis. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18934
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - unusual process on coxa. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18935
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigyne- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18936
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - spermathecae- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-12337
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Ontario: Long Oint - bulb of left palpus, cleared. Scale: 0.1 mm- © MADDISON, W. P. (1996)

Fig.: D-32297
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Bulbusspitze mit Embolus- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32299
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32300
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32298
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Bulbusspitze mit Embolus- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32301
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32302
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32303
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-48908
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © HU, J. L. & WU, W. G. (1989)

Fig.: D-48909
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © HU, J. L. & WU, W. G. (1989)

Fig.: D-48910
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © HU, J. L. & WU, W. G. (1989)

Fig.: D-48911
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © HU, J. L. & WU, W. G. (1989)

Fig.: D-20195
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20196
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20197
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20198
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigynum, internal structures- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20199
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - abdominal pattern- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-7439
Phlegra fasciata - Praetarsi. Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-35462
Phlegra fasciata- © KASTON, B. J. (1978)

Fig.: D-40483
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palpus, ventral view- © CHICKERING, A. M. (1944)

Fig.: D-40484
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - palpus, retrolateral view- © CHICKERING, A. M. (1944)

Fig.: D-40485
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - left cheliceral teeth- © CHICKERING, A. M. (1944)

Fig.: D-40486
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - epigynum- © CHICKERING, A. M. (1944)

Fig.: D-40051
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40052
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40053
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-40055
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-21842
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © BECKER, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-21839
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © BECKER, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-21840
Phlegra fasciata - ♀- © BECKER, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-21841
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © BECKER, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-21843
Phlegra fasciata - ♂- © BECKER, L. (1882)

Fig.: D-6026
Salticus fasciatus - ♂ - © HAHN, C. W. (1832)

Fig.: D-40063
Phlegra loripes - ♀- © SIMON, E. (1937)

Fig.: D-5585
Euophrys aprica - ♂ - © KOCH, C. L. (1846)

Fig.: D-19817
Phlegra luteofasciata - ♂ - palpal ogan, ventral view- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1971)

Fig.: D-19818
Phlegra luteofasciata - ♂ - palpal ogan, lateral view- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1971)

Fig.: D-19819
Phlegra luteofasciata - ♂ - dorsal view of tibia- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1971)

Fig.: D-32295
Phlegra lesserti - ♂ - Bulbusspitze mit Embolus- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32296
Phlegra lesserti - ♂- © HÄNGGI, A. (1990)

Fig.: D-32304
Phlegra delesserti - ♂- © SCHENKEL, E. (1918)

Fig.: F-29621
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Ste Reine © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29622
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - Ste Reine © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29623
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Réserve de Sclaigneaux © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-29624
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Réserve de Sclaigneaux © Pierre Oger - © OGER, P. (2024)

Fig.: F-27081
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27082
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27083
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27084
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27085
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-27086
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fig.: F-21125
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21126
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21127
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21128
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21129
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21130
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-21131
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © ZHANG, F., PENG, J. Y. & ZHANG, B. S. (2022)

Fig.: F-17745
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Fig.: F-17746
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Fig.: F-9170
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © BOSSELAERS, J. (2018)

Fig.: F-9171
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © BOSSELAERS, J. (2018)

Fig.: F-17375
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © NAMKUNG, J. (2002)

Fig.: F-18053
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Fig.: F-18054
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Fig.: F-618
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-24719
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Sept. 2008, Saarlouis-Picard - © STAUDT, A. (2010)

Fig.: F-24720
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - Sept. 2008, Saarlouis-Picard - © STAUDT, A. (2010)

Fig.: F-544
Phlegra fasciata - 05.05.2005, Canton, Ma. - © MURRAY, T. (2023)

Fig.: F-767
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Fig.: F-768
Phlegra fasciata - ♀ - © BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Fig.: F-1017
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-1018
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-1019
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-1020
Phlegra fasciata - ♂ - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)


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Phlegra ferberorum (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra ferberorum (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 172

description female

Cephalothorax brown; eye field blackish brown; dorsum of thorax lighter brown with sparse adpressed dark setae; very indistinct lighter streak along dorso-lateral edge with indistinct, short thin whitish and slightly denser setae; sides brown; ventral edge of carapace dark with minute sparse, whitish setae ventrally. Abdomen dark brown, sparsely mottled yellow; median streak along the posterior half lighter and narrow (3/10 of abdomen width) with remnants of a mixture of dark and colourless setae.
Frontal aspect: AME surrounded dorsally by reddish setae, laterally and medially by whitish setae which ventrally become sparser, short and very inconspicuous;
ALE surrounded dorsally by longer whitish setae with yellowish hue, laterally and ventrally by shorter whitish setae; clypeus brown, almost bald, with a few thin, very sparse and inconspicuous whitish, adpressed setae, not influencing its appearance, and a few brown bristles. Chelicerae brown; pedipalps brown, their patellae lighter with whitish setae; legs I brown with remnants of inconspicuous transverse rows of thin white adpressed setae across prolateral edge of tibia and patella. Ventral aspect light brown, margin of ventral abdominal surface lighter but sides of abdomen much darker. Epigynum: grooves almost oval, with slight anterolateral expansion, encircled by sclerotized rim; septum narrow, slightly boadened posteriorly; copulatory openings narrower than in Phlegra fulvastra and Ph. pori, narrowing funnel-like before passing into first convoluted chamber, located laterally to the median, indistinctly narrower chain of chambers, which reaches level of rim of copulatory opening.
Legs I: tarsus light brown, darker brown basally, with indistinct short scopula; metatarsus short, brown, darker brown at both extremities; tibia broadened and somewhat swollen medially, with three pairs of ventral spines, brown, with two indistinct transverse stripes of white, adpressed setae, prolaterally lacking conspicuous setae; patella similar with two indistinct, lighter stripes prolaterally; femur apical half brown, basally slightly lighter, with both dark and white setae, small, thin and short. Legs II: similar to I, but lighter and darker stripes developed into somewhat more visible annuli. Legs III-IV: general coloration brown, pattern similar to I but annuli more contrasting.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 2.63; length of abdomen 3.31; length of 5 segments of leg I 3.97.


Diagnosis. Specimen without distinct striped abdominal pattern. Orbital setae around AME dorsally reddish, laterally and medially whitish; clypeus brown without strikingly contrasting setae. Epigynal grooves oval, narrowing posteriorly.
Remark. The species is entirely different from Phlegra v-epigynalis, also collected on slopes of Mt. Hermon, but at higher altitude - of 2000 m.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - IV
Etymology. Named for Miss Ilana Ferber and her parents. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003




Fig.: D-1393
Phlegra ferberorum - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1394
Phlegra ferberorum - ♀ - epigynum internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra flavipes (♂,♀) DENIS, 1947


Phlegra flavipes (♂,♀) DENIS, 1947: 72




Fig.: D-40599
Phlegra flavipes - ♂ - palp from below- © DENIS, J. (1947)

Fig.: D-40600
Phlegra flavipes - ♂ - tibia of palp from the outer side- © DENIS, J. (1947)

Fig.: D-40601
Phlegra flavipes - ♀ - epigyne- © DENIS, J. (1947)


DENIS, J. (1947)

Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935. Spiders (Araneae). Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Entom. 31 17: 17-103.
EL-HENNAWY, H. K. (1990)

Annotated checklist of Egyptian spider species. , Cairo. 1: 1-49.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

Phlegra fulvastra (♀) (SIMON, 1868)


Attus fulvaster (♀) SIMON, 1868: 556
Salticus fulvaster: O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE 1872: 323
Phlegra fulvaster: SIMON 1876: 127

description female

Cephalothorax light brown with sparse, adpressed, dark setae and with two lighter streaks along dorsal edge; eye field, dark; indistinct spots of white setae antero-medially and laterally on eye field and also along lighter, thoracic streaks; sides of cephalothorax light brown, lighter ventrally; ventral edge of carapace dark with dense but inconspicuous, minute whitish setae. Abdomen with dense brown pigmented dots of darker setae on lighter yellow pigmented background with colourless setae; median light row of 7 small, whitish chevrons (containing both pigmentation and setae, the latter denser on the arms of the chevrons), about 1/4 abdomen width, also a few indistinct spots posteriorly. Frontal aspect: face light brown; eyes I surrounded with short whitish setae; on O. Pickard- Cambridge’s specimen, these setae are entirely white, whereas on the fresh specimen there are reddish setae dorsally, on rims of AME and the ALE; these setae are shorter than in Ph. ferberorum and Ph. levyi; ventral to both AME and ALE, the setae are sparser, short and inconspicuous. Clypeus is light fawn with colourless setae and a few brown bristles, not giving impression of being bald; also, white setae on clypeal margin of the old specimen are not so distinct as on the fresh one; chelicerae, light brown; lighter areas at extremities of pedipalpal segments as seen in Ph. levyi, here expand over almost whole segments, leaving narrow brown rings basally on tibia and metatarsus. Legs I brown with broad, transverse, lighter spots on the tibia and patella. Ventral aspect: sternum and coxae brownish yellow; abdomen light whitish yellow with small darker, grey spots, more concentrated along the median line; in O. P.- Cambridge’s specimen there is, ventrally on abdomen, a brown, median streak with some 4–5 pairs of spots of the same colour, connected by thin lines with streaks, all on a whitish grey background; margins, like the sides of the abdomen, dark brown with lighter grooves. Legs I–II similar to Ph. ferberorum, with their retrolateral surfaces brown and little differentiated, whilst prolateral and dorsal surfaces are much more differentiated with dark and light stripes and annuli appearing distinctly more contrasting; legs III–IV with yellow and dark brown annuli, particularly striking on femora, patellae and tibiae. Epigynum with two large grooves, oval anteriorly, opening broadly posteriorly; divided by a broad elevated space, slightly narrowing posteriorly; copulatory opening very broad, rounded and divided by a median spur; a narrowing, funnel-like, copulatory duct leads to a large spherical chamber located anterior to the openings, from whence a narrow passage leads to a much smaller anterior chamber, the first in a median chain of several convoluted chambers which ends midway along the spermathecae.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 2.70–2.85; length of abdomen 2.83–3.40.


Diagnosis. Species without typical striped abdominal pattern. Face light brown, orbital setae above eyes I reddish, whitish laterally and medially; clypeus light fawn without contrasting setae. Epigynal depressions long and broad, with only antero-median rims sclerotized, openings very broad, first chamber of spermathecae particularly large, globular.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females – IV, V.


Israel, Italy, Lampedusa, Sicily, Syria


Fig.: D-1396
Phlegra fulvastra - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1397
Phlegra fulvastra - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



I Salticidi di Sicilia: stato della conoscenza e descritione di due nuove specie (Araneae Salticidae). 78 2: 484-498.

I Salticidi (Arachnida, Araneae) di Sicilia: un popolamento determinato dal gradiente climatico. Biogeographia XXX: 393-401.

I Salticidi (Arachnida, Araneae) di Sicilia: un popolamento determinato dal gradiente climatico. Biogeographia XXX: 393-401.

Catalogo sistematico degli Araneidi italiano. Arch. zool. anat. fisiol. Bologna 2: 60-64, 1-44.
HANSEN, H. (1985)

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New data on spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from the islands of the Strait of Sicily (Southern Italy) with taxonomic notes on Poecilochroa loricata KRITSCHER, 1996 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) and eight new records for Europe. The European Zoological Journal 91 2: 1009-1034.
PESARINI, C. (1994)

Arachnida Araneae. In: MINELLI, A.; RUFFO S. & LA POSTA S. (eds.) Checklist delle speciie della fauna italiana. Calderini, Bologna 23: 1-42.

General list of the spiders of Palestine and Syria, with descriptions of numerous new species and characters of two new genera. 1870: 212-354.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.

Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1868)

Monographie des espèces europeennes de la famille des Attides. 8 4: 11-72, 529-726, pl. V-VII.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.

Phlegra fulvotrilineata (♂) (LUCAS, 1846)


Salticus fulvo-trilineatus (♂) LUCAS, 1846: 155
Attus fulvotrilineata: WALCKENAER 1947: 414
Atta (Parthenia) fulvotrilineata: SIMON 1864: 313
Phlegra fulvotrilineata: SIMON 1876: 127




Fig.: D-4588
Salticus fulvotrilineatus - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4589
Salticus fulvotrilineatus - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4590
Salticus fulvotrilineatus - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)


LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.
LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Histoire naturelle des Animaux Articulés. Premiére Partie. In: Exploration scientifique de L'Algérie pendant les annales 1840, 1841, 1842. Sciences Physiques Zoologie I, Paris.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1864)

Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris 1-540.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.
WALCKENAER, C. A. (1847)

Dernier Supplément. In: WALCKENAER, C. A. & GERVAIS, M. P. (eds.) Histoire naturelle des Insects. Aptères. Tome Quatrieme. Roret, Paris pp. 365-596.

Phlegra gagnoa (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006


Phlegra gagnoa (♂) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006: 731
Phlegra gagnoa: (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH 2011: 590


Ivory Coast, Nigeria


Fig.: D-24907
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-24908
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-24909
Phlegra gagnoa - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-24910
Phlegra gagnoa - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-7604
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7605
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7606
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7607
Phlegra gagnoa - ♂ - tibial apophysis, retrolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)


LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Southern Nigeria. , Warszawa. 61 3: 553-619.

Phlegra hentzi (♂,♀) (MARX, 1890)


Attus leopardus (♀) HENTZ, 1846: 359-360 (preocc. WALCKENAER, 1837)
Attus hentzi MARX, 1890: 578 (nom. nov.)
Phlegra leoparda: (♂,♀) EMERTON 1891: 242
Phlegra leopardus: (♂,♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM 1909: 512
Phlegra hentzi: LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264


Aelurops fasciatus: EMERTON 1875: 130 (syn. nov.) [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: CHICKERING 1944: 203 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: CHAMBERLIN & Ivie 1944: 213 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: KASTON 1948: 460-461 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: ROEWER 1954: 1140-1141 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: BONNET 1958: 3594-3596 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: RICHMAN & CUTLER 1978: 97, 103 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: KASTON 1981: 460-461 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: CUTLER 1988: 424 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: GUARISCO et al. 2001: 8 [LOGUNOV & KOPONEN 2002: 264]
Phlegra fasciata: VOGEL 1966: 58

collected material

Ontario, Parry Sound distr.|Archipelago, N shore of Black Oak Lk|Mixed boreal forest on granite, 242m, Free Hand Collection, freehand sampling freehand sampling, 24.08.10, leg.: A.V.Borisenko, det.: Gergin A. Blagoev, (BIOUG-ARONW181-11), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :

Alabama, sex: male, 1 ♂ leg.: Nathan Banks Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27725), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Arkansas, Berryville, 22.04.39, 1 ♂ leg.: C. Wilton, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27720), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Arkansas, Washington, Cove Creek Valley, 15 miles south of Prairie Grove, Boston Mts., 305m, 01.01.57, 1 ♂ leg.: M. Hite, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27724), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
California, Stanislaus, Patterson Off del Puerto Canyon Road, down road from Frank Raines Park, 369m, Pitfall Trap, , 10.08.09, 1 ♀ leg.: Cushing, P.E., Winters, B., det.: Teichler, Rick, (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.40430), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Georgia, Jasper, 26.07.03, 1 ♀ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27726), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Indiana, New Harmony, 1 ♂ leg.: Nathan Banks Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27733), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Iowa, Winnesheik, 1 mile north of Decorah, age class: immature, 31.05.60, 1 ♀ leg.: Herbert W. Levi, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27739), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Kansas, Manhattan, 1 ♀ leg.: Scheffer (Peckham Coll.), det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27722), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Kansas, Manhattan, 25 May ---, 1 ♀ leg.: Nathan Banks Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27735), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Hampden/Hampshire, Mt. Tom, 1873-07-04, 1 ♀ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27728), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Middlesex, Tyngsboro, 24.05.12, 1 ♀ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27719), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Norfolk, Blue Hills, 18.06.15, 1 ♂ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27731), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Norfolk, Milton, Blue Hill, 1889-07-21, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27727), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Norfolk, Sharon, 12.06.25, 1 ♂ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27729), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Massachusetts, Norfolk, Sharon, 01.06.19, 1 ♂ leg.: James H. Emerton Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27730), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Michigan, Stony Lake, 01.07.30, 1 ♂ leg.: Arthur M. Chickering, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27736), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Michigan, Calhoun, probably Albion, 1 ♂ leg.: Arthur M. Chickering, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27740), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Montana, Lewis and Clark, East side of Mount Helena, 1482m, , 15.07.08, 1 ♀ leg.: Vogel, B., det.: Teichler, Rick, (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.40448), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
North Carolina, Black Mt., North Fork of Swannanoa, 18-30 May ---, , leg.: Nathan Banks Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27734), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Oklahoma, Comanche Co, Fort Sill East Range, E. Cache Ck., mixed grass site, 392m, , 24.04.03, leg.: Schmidt J, det.: Hank Guarisco, (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.6989), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Oklahoma, Comanche Co, Fort Sill West Range, Rocky outcrop N. of Man Dam Pond, under rocks, 475m, Look Down, 12:20 - 13:30, 10.07.04, 4 ♀♀ leg.: Cushing, Paula E., det.: Hank Guarisco, (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.6916), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Tennessee, Robertson, Glenraven, 01.01.04, 1 ♂ leg.: William H. Fox, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27718), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Texas, Austin, 1 ♂ leg.: Peckham Coll., det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27721), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
West Virginia, Monongalia/Preston, West Virginia University Forest, Chestnut Ridge pitfall trap, stand 14, plot 17, reference: Voucher: US Forest Service Study NE 4507-27, 25.06.91, 1 ♂ leg.: Daniel T. Jennings, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27738), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
West Virginia, Monongalia/Preston, West Virginia University Forest, Chestnut Ridge pitfall trap, stand 16, plot 10, reference: Voucher: US Forest Service Study NE 4507-27, 14.05.91, 1 ♂ leg.: Daniel T. Jennings, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27737), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Wisconsin, Dane, Madison, 29.05.55, 1 ♀ leg.: Herbert W. Levi, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27723), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Wisconsin, Trempealeau, , age class: immature, 1 ♂ leg.: G. W. P. (#167), Nathan Banks Collection, det.: Dmitri V. Logunov, (MCZ-IZ:27732), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :


Canada, USA


Fig.: D-8307
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8308
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8310
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - Embolus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8311
Phlegra hentzi - ♀ - Epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8312
Phlegra hentzi - ♀ - Spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-8313
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - face. Scale bar: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Fig.: D-15803
Phlegra leopardus - ♀- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-15804
Phlegra leopardus - ♀ - sternum and mouthparts- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-15805
Phlegra leopardus - ♂ - palpus- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-15806
Phlegra leopardus - ♂ - palpus- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-15807
Phlegra leopardus - ♂ - palpus- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-15808
Phlegra leopardus - ♀ - epigynum- © EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

Fig.: D-5993
Attus leopardus - ♀ - © HENTZ, N. M. (1846)

Fig.: F-23052
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - © MADDISON, W. P. (2015)

Fig.: F-23053
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - © MADDISON, W. P. (2015)

Fig.: F-23054
Phlegra hentzi - ♀ - © MADDISON, W. P. (2015)

Fig.: F-7674
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - Massachusetts - © HILL, D. E. & EDWARDS, G. B. (2013)

Fig.: F-572
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - 30.08.2007, Groton, Ma. - © MURRAY, T. (2023)

Fig.: F-24638
Phlegra hentzi - ♂ - © MURRAY, T. (2023)


BARROWS, W. M. (1918)

A list of Ohio spiders. XVIII 8: 297-318.
BODNER, M. R. & MADDISON, W. P. (2012)

The biogeography and age of salticid spider radiations (Araneae: Salticidae). Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 65: 213-240.
BONNET, P. (1958)

Bibliographia araneorum. Toulouse 2 4: 3027-4230.
CHAMBERLIN, R. V. & IVIE, W. (1944)

Spiders of the Georgia Region of North America. Bull. Univ. Utah 35 9: 1-267.
CHICKERING, A. M. (1944)

The Salticidae (jumping spiders) of Michigan. Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters 29 1943: 139-222.
COMSTOCK, J. H. (1912)

The spider book; a manual for the study of the spiders and their near relatives, the scorpions, pseudoscorpions, whipscorpions, harvestmen and other members of the class Arachnida, found in America north of Mexico, with analytical keys for their classification and popular accounts of their habits. Garden City New York 721 pp.
CUTLER, B. (1988)

Jumping spiders, In: B. COFFIN & P. LEE (eds.). Minnesota´s endangered flora and fauna Univ. Minnesota Press 423-431.
EMERTON, J. H. (1875)

Notes and descriptions, in, The Spiders of the United States, a collection of the arachnological writings of Nicholas Marcellus Hentz. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Natur. Hist. 2: 1-171.
EMERTON, J. H. (1891)

New England spiders of the family Attidae. , Connecticut. 8: 220-252.

Checklist of Kansas jumping spiders. Emporia State University 47 1: 1-15.
HENTZ, N. M. (1846)

Descriptions and figures of the Araneides of the United States. J. Nat. Hist., Boston 5: 352-370.
HILL, D. E. & EDWARDS, G. B. (2013)

Origins of the North American jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). , Simpsonville. 107.1: 1-67.
KASTON, B. J. (1938)

Checklist of the spiders of Connecticut. Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey 60: 175-201.
KASTON, B. J. (1948)

Spiders of Connecticut. Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey 70: 1-874.
KASTON, B. J. (1981)

Spiders of Connecticut (revised edition). Bull. Conn. St. geol. nat. Hist. Surv. 70: 1-1020.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & KOPONEN, S. (2002)

Redescription and distribution of Phlegra hentzi (MARX, 1890) comb. n. (Araneae, Salticidae). 12 6: 264-267.
MADDISON, W. P. (2015)

Images of Salticidae. Version 1.0. Available from: .
MARX, G. (1890)

Catalogue of the described Araneae of temperate North America. , Washington. 12: 497-594.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .
MURRAY, T. (2023)

Gallery of Salticidae. Online at: .
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1909)

Revision of the Attidae of North America. , Madison, Wisconsin. 16: 355-646.

A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America with all adjacent islands, Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Terra Del Fuego, Galapagos, etc.. Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. XXIX: 1-720.
RICHMAN, D. B. & CUTLER, B. (1978)

A list of the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the United States and Canada. , Simpsonville. 1 5: 82-110.
ROACH, S. H. & EDWARDS, G. B. (1984)

An annotated list of South Carolina Salticidae (Araneae). , Simpsonville. 2 4: 49-57.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SCHEFFER, T. H. (1903)

A Preliminary List of Kansas Spiders. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 19: 182-193.

The spider species of the Great Lakes States. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 114 2: 111-206.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.
VOGEL, B. R. (1966)

Spiders from Powdermill Nature Reserve. LXXIV 1: 55-58.
WOLFF, R. J. (1984)

A preliminary list of salticids of the Great Lakes states. , Simpsonville. 2 4: 57-62.

Phlegra imperiosa (♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903


Phlegra imperiosa (♀) PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903: 242

collected material

South Africa
HOLOTYPE - Table Bay, Robben Island, citation: 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 14: 242, pl. 23, f. 7, 1 ♀ leg.: R. M. Lightfoot, Peckham Collection, det.: G.W. and E.G. Peckham, (MCZ-IZ:21608), publ. online: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019, publ. offline:  :
Malmesbury, near village., 1897-11-01, leg.: Purcell, F., (SAM- ENW-X002852 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
Robben Island, 1896-12-01, leg.: Lightfoot, (SAM- ENW-X000951 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


South Africa


Fig.: D-27623
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2012)

Fig.: D-27624
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - spermathecae- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2012)

Fig.: D-27625
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2012)

Fig.: D-27626
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - spermathecae- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2012)

Fig.: D-15395
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - epigynum- © PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1903)

Fig.: D-15396
Phlegra imperiosa - ♀ - epigynum- © PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1903)


CUTLER, B. (1976)

A catalogue of the jumping spiders of southern Africa (Araneae: Lyssomanidae and Salticidae). Cimbebasia (A) 4 6: 129-136.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1903)

New species of the family Attidae from South Africa, with notes on the distribution of the genera found in the Ethiopian region. , Madison, Wisconsin. 14: 173-278.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

Redescriptions of some salticid species (Araneae: Salticidae) from South Africa and Zimbabwe described by G. and E. PECKHAM. African Entomol. 20: 325-342.

Phlegra insulana (♀) SCHMIDT & KRAUSE, 1998


? Phlegra insulana (♀) SCHMIDT & KRAUSE, 1998: 425

collected material

Cabo Verde
PARATYPE - Ilheu do Sal Rei, 20.2.1996, (SMF- 39209-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
HOLOTYPE - St. Antonio, 2.3.1995, (SMF- 39191-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Cabo Verde


Fig.: D-37011
? Phlegra insulana - ♀ - Epigyne- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W. & KRAUSE, R. H. (1998)

Fig.: D-37012
? Phlegra insulana - ♀ - Vulva- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W. & KRAUSE, R. H. (1998)

Fig.: D-37013
? Phlegra insulana - ♀ - Körperumriß- © SCHMIDT, G. E. W. & KRAUSE, R. H. (1998)


FERNANDEZ, J. (1998)

Noticia de nuevos taxones para la ciencia en el ambito Iberio-Balear y Macaronesico. Graellsia 54: 143-168.
SCHMIDT, G. E. W. & KRAUSE, R. H. (1998)

Spinnen von Santo Antão und Maio sowie zwei Salticidae von Fogo und São Nicolau (Cabo Verde) (Arachnida: Araneae). Ent. Z. Frankf. a. M. 108: 416-428.

Phlegra jacksoni (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra jacksoni (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 174

description female

Cephalothorax dark brown, covered with mixed dark, whitish and white, adpressed, very small and indistinct setae; eye field blackish; dorsum of thorax lighter brown; sides blackish brown; more noticeable concentrations of white setae produce an indistinct elongated spot around dorsal rim of eyes III, which extends slightly behind, and fragments of two loose white streaks on the lighter brown, posterior, thoracic slope. There are no dorsal white streaks, at least in the studied specimen; sides with sparse whitish setae, there is no white, ventral margin.
Abdomen covered with dark grey setae and devoid of contrasting stripes; there is a median longitudinal row of several dark and light chevrons, not sharply outlined, which are slightly larger and more contrasting than in related, similarly coloured species; the stripe is separated from margins of abdomen with thin darker lines. Sides of abdomen are slightly lighter than dorsum. Frontal aspect: anterior end of eye field with dense, black bristles stretching horizontally or diagonally forwards above eyes I; there is a concentration of dense white setae between the bases of these bristles, and partially hidden by them. Eyes I surrounded by spots of inconspicuous, light fawn and dark setae; clypeus brown, with sparse, colourless and brown setae, appearing almost bald. Pedipalps appear light yellow; legs I dark, annulated.
Ventral aspect generally brown, including abdomen. Legs brown with darker annuli, tarsi I with indistinct scopula.
Epigynum has a pair of large grooves with sclerotized rims, separated by a narrow sclerotized septum. Copulatory openings are hidden beneath the anterior rim of the depression and are unusual by their longitudinal, median orientation. The copulatory channels are short, broad at the openings, runs first sideways, then turning anteriorly and narrowing and finally joining spermathecae. Spermathecae are unusual by their transverse position in the anterior part of the epigynum, without a part turned posteriorly; they are heavily sclerotized, oval bodies with internal convoluted chambers.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 3.06; length of abdomen 3.23; length of 5 segments of leg I 4.17.


Diagnosis. Abdomen grey without contrasting stripes, epigynal depressions transversally oval, shorter than half length of epigynum, separated by a septum.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - II.
Etymology. Named for Dr. Robert Jackson of Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand, prominent arachnologist and student of Salticidae behavior, who contributed a number of species which he collected in Israel. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003




Fig.: D-1399
Phlegra jacksoni - ♀ - general appearance- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1400
Phlegra jacksoni - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1401
Phlegra jacksoni - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra karoo (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA, 2006


Phlegra karoo (♂) WESOŁOWSKA, 2006: 250
Phlegra karoo: (♂,♀) HADDAD & WESOŁOWSKA 2011: 104


Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-25035
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25036
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, ventrolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25037
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25038
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25039
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-24727
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24728
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24729
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - bulb, ventrolateral view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24730
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - embolus, apical view- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24731
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - tip of embolus- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24732
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24733
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24734
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-24735
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: D-23385
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23386
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, retrolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23387
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23388
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - palpal tibia, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23389
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - bulb, ventro-retrolateral view (cymbium removed)- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23390
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - embolus, apical view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23391
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - tip of embolus- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: F-24542
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © VAN DER WALT, V. (2023)

Fig.: F-24543
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © VAN DER WALT, V. (2023)

Fig.: F-24544
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © VAN DER WALT, V. (2023)

Fig.: F-24545
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © VAN DER WALT, V. (2023)

Fig.: F-24546
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © VAN DER WALT, V. (2023)

Fig.: F-11689
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11690
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11691
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11692
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11693
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11694
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11695
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11696
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-11697
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - © Dr. AZARKINA 2020 - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-13167
Phlegra karoo - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)

Fig.: F-13168
Phlegra karoo - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © HADDAD, C. R. & WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2011)



New species and new records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from central South Africa. African Invertebrates 52 1: 51-134.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .
VAN DER WALT, V.  (2023)

Jumping spiders of South Africa, online at .

Jumping spiders from the Brandberg massif in Namibia (Araneae: Salticidae). African Entomology 14 2: 225-256.

New species and new records of jumping spiders from Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe (Araneae: Salticidae). , Wroclaw. 22 2: 307-346.

Redescriptions of some salticid species (Araneae: Salticidae) from South Africa and Zimbabwe described by G. and E. PECKHAM. African Entomol. 20: 325-342.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

Phlegra kulczynskii (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003


Phlegra kulczynskii (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003: 90


Phlegra fuscipes ERMOLAEV 1937: 605 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes NENILIN 1984: 140 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes NENILIN 1985: 130 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes RAKOV 1998: 309 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes MARUSIK et al. 2000: 100 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes DANILOV & LOGUNOV 1993: 35 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes LOGUNOV et al. 1998: 141 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes DANILOV 1990: 89 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes SAVELYEVA 1979: 144 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes KOPONEN & MARUSIK 1992: 166 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra fuscipes LOGUNOV & MARUSIK 2000: 177 (e. p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra cinereofasciata: SAVELYEVA 1970: 6 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra cinereofasciata: SAVELYEVA 1976: 52 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]
Phlegra cinereofasciata: SAVELYEVA 1979: 145 [AZARKINA 2003: 90]

collected material

PARATYPE - East Siberia, Baikal, Buryatia, ca. 24 km NW of Mukhorshibir, Tugnuiskaya hollow, (SMF- 57531-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
PARATYPE - East Siberia, Baikal, Buryatia, W of Lake Gusinoe Ozero, (SMF- 57532-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia


Fig.: D-9476
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9477
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9483
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - face colour pattern. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9485
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - Variation of the median septum of epigyne. Scale bars 0.1 mm.- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9491
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♂ - palp, ventral view - Khakassia. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9492
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view - Yakutia. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9493
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♂ - embolic division - ventral view - Tuva. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9494
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♂ - embolic division - apical view - Tuva. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9511
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - epigyne - Chita area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9512
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - spermathecae - Chita area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9515
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - epigyne - Khakassia. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9516
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - epigyne - Khakassia. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9517
Phlegra kulczynskii - ♀ - spermathecae - Tuva. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
DANILOV, S. N. (1990)

[The spider fauna of Transbaikalia]. Fauna i ekologia chlenistonogikh Zabaikal´ya i Pribaikal´ya 75-92.
DANILOV, S. N. & LOGUNOV, D. V. (1993)

Faunistic review of the jumping spiders of Transbaikalia (Aranei Salticidae). , Moscow. 2 4: 25-39.
ERMOLAJEV, W. (1937)

Beitrag zur Kenntnis der altaischen Spinnen. Festschrift Strand 3: 596-606.
KOPONEN, S. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (1992)

Spiders (Araneae) from Central Yakutia, Siberia. Entomol. Fennica 3: 163-166.

A check-list of the spiders in Tuva, South Siberia with analysis of their habitat distribution. Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 85: 125-159.

Spiders of Tuva, south Siberia. Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Magadan 253 pp.
NENILIN, A. B. (1984)

[Contribution to the knowledge of the spider family Salticidae from USSR. III. Salticidae of Kirghizia]. Entomologiceskie issledovanija v Kirgizii 17: 132-143.
NENILIN, A. B. (1985)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. II. Results of the study in the USSR.]. Trudy. zool. Inst. Leningrad 139: 129-134.
RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

On the fauna of jumping spiders of the southern part of West Siberia (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 7 4: 305-311.
SAVELJEVA, L. G. (1970)

[Fauna and zoogeographical connections of spiders of the East-Kazakhstan Area]. Biologiya i geographiya 6: 78-88.
SAVELJEVA, L. G. (1976)

[Zonal-spatial distribution of spiders on the territory of the Eastern-Kazakhstan Area]. Biologitcheskie nauki 1: 50-54.
SAVELJEVA, L. G. (1979)

Zoogeographical complexes of spiders (Aranei) in East Kazakhstan. In: Prioda i khozyaistvo Vostochnogo Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata 139-148.

Phlegra langanoensis (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008


Phlegra langanoensis (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008: 40


Ethiopia, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-25040
Phlegra langanoensis - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25041
Phlegra langanoensis - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-24049
Phlegra langanoensis - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24050
Phlegra langanoensis - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)



Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of a wildlife and cattle savanna ranch in South-Western Zimbabwe. Koedoe 65 1: 1-7.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

Phlegra levis (♀) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994


Phlegra levis (♀) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994: 37




Fig.: D-41488
Phlegra levis - ♀ - general appearance, dorsal- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41489
Phlegra levis - ♀ - epigyne- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41490
Phlegra levis - ♀ - vulva- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41491
Phlegra levis - ♀ - cheliceral teeth, posterior- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41492
Phlegra levis - ♀ - carapace, lateral- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)



The jumping spiders of the Ethiopian Region. Part II. New species of Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Stenaelurillus (Araneae, Salticidae) from Kenya and Tanzania. , Warszawa. 45: 33-41.

Phlegra levyi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra levyi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 175

description female

Cephalothorax brown; eye field blackish brown; dorsum of thorax lighter brown with sparse, adpressed, dark setae with median, darker brown area separated by very indistinct, lighter streaks with some short weak, whitish setae along dorso-lateral edge; sides of cephalothorax brown; edge of carapace ventrally dark with sparse minute, whitish setae. Abdomen - dorsal surface damaged.
Frontal aspect similar to Ph. ferberorum but better preserved and more distinct: AME surrounded dorsally by longer reddish setae, laterally and medially by whitish, ventrally by sparser, short and very inconspicuous whitish setae; ALE surrounded dorsally by longer red setae, laterally and ventrally by shorter, whitish setae; clypeus almost bald, brown with two lighter pigmented spots, medially (perhaps an individual feature), with a few thin, very sparse and inconspicuous whitish, adpressed setae, not affecting its appearance, and a few brown bristles; chelicerae brown; pedipalps brown, lighter patella with whitish setae and lighter extremities of segments; legs I brown with remnants of inconspicuous, transverse rows of thin white, adpressed setae across the prolateral edge of tibia and patella. Ventral aspect light brown. Legs I-IV similar to Ph. ferberorum but with slightly more contrasting light stripes and annuli. Epigynum with two posterior grooves, about half the length of the epigynum, expanded angularly anterolaterally, closed posteriorly by a rim, divided by a narrow septum; copulatory opening, narrower than in Ph. fulvastra and Ph. pori, narrowing funnel-like and passing into the first convoluted chamber located lateral to the median chain of chambers, but not broader than them, the median chain ending at level of rim of copulatory opening.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 3.08, length of abdomen: 3.33.


Diagnosis. Face with dorsal orbital setae reddish, laterally and medially whitish. Clypeus brown, without contrasting setae. Epigynal grooves rimmed around, anteriorly broad with antero-lateral angles expanded, narrowing posteriorly, septum narrow with edges parallel.
Etymology. Named for Dr. Gershom Levy, the curator of the Israel National Arachnid Collection, kept in the Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.




Fig.: D-1403
Phlegra levyi - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1404
Phlegra levyi - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra lineata (♂,♀) (C. L. KOCH, 1846)


Euophrys lineata (♂) C. L. KOCH, 1846: 43
Atta (Parthenia) lineata: SIMON 1864: 313
Attus lineatus: (♂) SIMON 1868: 555
Aelurops lineata: PAVESI 1873
Phlegra lineata: SIMON 1876: 127
Ictidops lineata: PAVESI 1878: 395
Phlegra lineata: REIMOSER 1919: 113
Phlegra lineata: (♂,♀) METZNER 1999: 70

description male

PS dunkelbraun mit zwei dorsalen und zwei lateralen enganliegend weiß behaarten Längsbanden, die teilweise orangebraun gerandet sind; Kopfplatte lateral dunkel beborstet, Augenumrandungen schwarz, gesamter cephaler Teil orangebraun behaart. CL lang abstehend weiß behaart, GAB orangebraun, ventral weiß. CH rostbraun, ST, LA und MX dunkelbraun und schwarz behaart, letztere distal weiß. OS dorsal dunkelbraun mit einem medianen und zwei lateralen orangebraun gerandeten weißen Längsstreifen, welche die SP-Basis erreichen; ventral dunkelbraun, lateral lang weiß behaart. Beine dunkelbraun mit hellbrauner Längszeichnung, überall abstehend schwarz und enganliegend grauweiß behaart, TA orangebraun. PP dunkelbraun, Gelenk zwischen FE und PA dorsal weiß-schwarz, Cymbium schwarz behaart, distal mit grauem Haarbüschel. EM dünn, umgekehrt S-förmig gebogen und median durchscheinend. Bestachelung: FE: 5,5,6,7; PA 0,1,2,2; TI: 6,6,9,10; MT: 6,6,12,13. Maße (n = 4): PL: 1,85-2,05; PB: 1,2-1,3; OL: 1,75-2,1; OB: 1,05-1,3; AR 1: 0,98-1,08; AR 3: 0,95-1,05; OKL: 0,65-0,8. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,56 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1,03 : 1.

description female

PS dorsal hell sandfarben, überall weiß behaart, lateral je ein mit dunkelbraunen Haaren bedeckter Längsstreif, der von den VLA ausgehend bis kurz vor den hinteren Rand des Vorderkörpers zieht und mit einer medianen braunen Längsbande, die im vorderen Drittel der dunklen Kopfplatte V-förmig beginnt und sich posterior verjüngt. CL dicht abstehend weiß behaart, GAB silbergrau, lateral rötlich. CH, MX und LA hell orangefarben, distal weiß; ST hell sandfarben, abstehend weiß behaart. OS dorsal dicht weiß behaart mit zwei schmalen lateralen und zwei breiten medianen orange eingefassten Längsbanden aus schwarzen Haaren, welche die dunkelbraunen SP erreichen. Hinterleib ventral hellbeige, dicht weiß behaart, EP mit zwei deutlich voneinander getrennten Gruben und anterior gelegenen Samentaschen. Beine hell sandfarben, schwarz behaart. TS ebenfalls hell, abstehend weißen und dünn schwarz behaart. Bestachelung: FE: 5,5,6-7,5-6; PA: 0,0,2,2; TI: 6,5,9,10; MT: 4,4,11,13. Maße: PL: 2,35; PB: 1,65; OL: 2,25; OB: 1,6; AR 1: 1,2; AR 3: 1,28; OKL: 0,9. Verhältnisse: PL : PB = 1,42 : 1; AR 1 : AR 3 = 1 : 1,07.


Bestimmung in METZNER (1999) erfolgte nach KOCH C. L. (1847). P. lineata ähnelt stark P. bresnieri, weshalb AUSSERER (1867) eine Synonymie mit dieser Art angenommen hatte. Die beiden Arten lassen sich aber sowohl durch das Zeichnungsmuster als auch aufgrund der Genitalmorphologie unterscheiden: Die EP unterscheiden sich aufgrund der Grubensklerotisierung. Die PA des m - PP ist weiß-schwarz und nicht wie bei P. bresnieri rein weiß behaart, der PP-FE ist hier dorsal durchgängig weiß behaart, bei P. bresnieri hingegen nur im vorderen Drittel. Die weißen Haarbanden des PS sind hier breiter und enganliegend behaart, bei P. bresnieri fällt v.a. beim m die weit abstehenden weißen Haare lateral am cephalen Teil des PS und am CL auf. Das Tegulum ist von lateral betrachtet weniger stark ausgebuchtet als bei P. bresnieri, die TI-Apophysen sind unterschiedlich ausgebildet. Bei P. lineata ist der EM distal gerade verlaufend, bei P. bresnieri zum Tegulum hin gebogen. P. lineata wurde von mir sowohl in einem Bachtal am Fluß als auch an sehr trockenen Habitaten (Kalkfelsen am Meer, Sandstrand) gesammelt, STEINMETZ & GÜCK erbeuteten ein m mit Hilfe einer Barberfalle an der Küste im Supralitoral auf mittel- grobkiesigen Untergrund. Eine weitere sehr ähnliche Art ist die in Israel beheimatete P. particeps (PICKARD-CAMBIDGE O., 1872), deren Validität noch überprüft werden muss.

collected material

E Sitia, 21.3.2007, (SMF- 65196-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Trodos at least Trodos Mountains, 14.04.1992, 1 ♂ leg.: JONSSON, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/448), publ. offline:  :

2 km E von Delphi, unter & auf Steinen, vorwiegend aus Gras bestehender dichter Bewuchs, 27.04.1994, 2 ♂♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
2 km E von Itea (bei Delphi), von Steinen, Hügel mit SW-Exposition, 03.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
2 km W Delphi, 400m, schafbeweideter Südhang, unter & auf Steinen, 27.04.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :
Etolía Akarnanía, Aghios Nikolaos, 38°52´N 20°47´E, 18.06.1983, 2 ♂♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Fthiótida, Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, ekd.: 01.06, 10.-26.04.1995, 2 ♀♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Thessaloniki, Agios Vassilios, 40°40´N 23°07´E, 13.05.1968, 2 ♀♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Ahaia, Arla, 38°04´N 21°36´E, 25.05.1981, 1 ♂ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Eláda, Andritsaina, 37°30´N 21°53´E, 29.05.1981, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Kounoupelli, Kalkfelsen am Meer, 22.-26.05.1994, 2 ♂♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/61), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Lakonia, Monemvasie, 36°41´N 28°03´E, 02.06.1981, 1 ♀ leg.: SENGLET, det.: METZNER , (PCAS), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Livadi unterhalb Livarzi am Erimanthos Fluß, 04.06.1993, 1 ♂ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01804), publ. offline:  :
Peloponnes, Tal des Pineios, unterhalb Kakotari, 02./3.06.1993, 1 ♀ leg.: METZNER, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-6/50), publ. offline:  :

Napoli stazione centrale, 1.1.2018, leg.: Kaarel Sammet | Miina Oras, det.: Kaarel Sammet, (EMY- IZBE0310447 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :

Lesbos, Mytilini, Sandstraße entlang der Küste, unter & auf Steinen, 26.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: NOORDAM, det.: METZNER , (PCAN), publ. offline:  :

Kykladen, Paros, 19.04.-01.05.1994, 1 ♂ leg.: GÜCK & STEINMETZ, det.: METZNER , (SMNK-ARA 01803), publ. offline:  :

03°53´E 36°47´N Malaga Frigiliana 6km NNW Nerja 300-450m , 28.03.1998, 1 ♀ 1 juv. leg.: SPELDA, det.: METZNER , (PCHM-2/7), publ. offline:  :
Mallorca, Arta, (SMF- 61228-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Chios, Corfu, Crete, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Kos, North Macedonia, Palestine, Russia, Sicily, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Türkiye


Fig.: D-529
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - Habitus dorsal- © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-530
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - PP ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-531
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - PP retrolateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-532
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - Bulbus lateral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-533
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - Epigyne ventral - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-1416
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - Vulva dorsal - © METZNER, H. (1999)

Fig.: D-5608
Euophrys lineata - ♂ - © KOCH, C. L. (1846)

Fig.: F-12383
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 2.5 mm - © PONOMAREV, A. V., ALIEV, M. A., KHABIEV, G. N. & SHMATKO, V. Y. (2019)

Fig.: F-12384
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.25 mm - © PONOMAREV, A. V., ALIEV, M. A., KHABIEV, G. N. & SHMATKO, V. Y. (2019)

Fig.: F-6485
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - habitus frontal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6486
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - habitus dorsal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6487
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - habitus frontal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-6488
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - habitus dorsal - © SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Fig.: F-12003
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - habitus - © LECIGNE, S. (2016)

Fig.: F-12004
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - pédipalpe vue ventral - © LECIGNE, S. (2016)

Fig.: F-12005
Phlegra lineata - ♂ - pédipalpe vue rétrolatérale - © LECIGNE, S. (2016)

Fig.: F-12006
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - epigyne - © LECIGNE, S. (2016)

Fig.: F-12007
Phlegra lineata - ♀ - vulve, vue dorsale - © LECIGNE, S. (2016)


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Die Arachniden Tirols nach ihrer horizontalen und vertikalen Verbreitung I. , Wien. 17: 137-170.

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Contribution à la connaissance de l´aranéofaune (Araneae) de Crète (Grèce) et description de la femelle inconnue de Neaetha absheronica LOGUNOV & GUSEINOV, 2002 (Salticidae). Nieuwsbr. Belg. Arachnol. Ver. 30 3: 95-117.
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A new species of Sintula (Linyphiidae), redescription of Brigittea innocens (Dictynidae) and eight spider species newly recorded for Turkey (Araneae). 62: 11-34.
LECIGNE, S. (2023)

New contribution to the spider fauna (Arachnida: Araneae) of Kerkyra (Corfu) and update of the provisional checklist of species from the Ionian Island. Journal of the Belgian Arachnological Society 38 1, supplement: 1-51.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & CHATZAKI, M. (2003)

An annotated check-list of the Salticidae (Araneae) of Crete, Greece. Zaragoza 7: 95-100.
METZNER, H. (1999)

Die Springspinnen (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae) Griechenlands. Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe. 14: 1-279.

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Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at .
OHLERT, E. (1854)

Beiträge zu einer auf die Klauenbildung gegründeten Diagnose und Anordnung der Preussischen Spinnen. , Wien. 4: 233-252.
PAVESI, P. (1873)

Catalogo sistematico dei ragni del cantone ticino con la loro distribuzione e verticale e cenni sulla araneologia elvetica. , Genova. 4: 5-215.
PAVESI, P. (1878)

Aggiunto un catalogo sistematico delle specie di Grecia. , Genova. 11: 336-396.
PAVESI, P. (1878)

Nuovi resultati aracnologici delle Crociere del "Violante". Aggiunto un catalogo sistematico degli arachnidi di Grecia. Mus. Civ. Stor. nat. Giacomo Doria 11: 335-396.

General list of the spiders of Palestine and Syria, with descriptions of numerous new species and characters of two new genera. 1870: 212-354.

New data on the spider fauna (Aranei) of Dagestan, Russia. , Moscow. 28 2: 309-334.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

A provisional checklist and gazetteer of the spiders of Chios, Greece (Arachnida: Araneae). 15 5: 133-167.
SCHÄFER, M. (2016)

Zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae, Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes- Insel Kos, mit zwölf Erstnachweisen. 51: 73-79.
SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Insel Kreta mit der Erstbeschreibung von Pellenes florii sp. nov.. 59: 72-87.
SCHÄFER, M. (2021)

Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Insel Korfu mit vier Erstnachweisen für die Insel und Anmerkungen zur Gattung Salticus. 61: 84-97.
SCHÄFER, M. (2022)

Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der Kanarischen Inseln mit der Erstbeschreibung von Euophrys arnograbollei spec. nov.. 64: 57-72.
SIMON, E. (1864)

Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris 1-540.
SIMON, E. (1868)

Monographie des espèces europeennes de la famille des Attides. 8 4: 11-72, 529-726, pl. V-VII.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.
SIMON, E. (1884)

Etudes arachnologiques. 16e Mémoire. XXIII. Matériaux pour servir à la faune des Arachnides de la Gréce. 6 4: 305-356.
THALER, K. (1997)

Beiträge zur Spinnenfauna von Nordtirol - 4. Dionycha (Anyphaenidae, Clubionide, Heteropodidae, Liocranidae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, Thomisidae, Zoridae). , Innsbruck. 77: 233-285.

Phlegra logunovi (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003


Phlegra logunovi (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003: 95


Phlegra sogdiana: NENILIN 1994: 26 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 95]
Phlegra sogdiana: NENILIN 1995: 130 [AZARKINA 2003: 95]
Phlegra sogdiana: LOGUNOV 1996: 556 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 95]
Phlegra sogdiana: ZYUZIN et al. 1993: 280 [AZARKINA 2003: 95]


Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan


Fig.: D-9441
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9442
Phlegra logunovi - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9443
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9444
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9451
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9452
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - embolic division, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9455
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9457
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9458
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9459
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9460
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9461
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9471
Phlegra logunovi - ♂ - palpal femora and patellae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

A review of the genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 in the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) . , Wroclaw. 7 3: 533-567.
NENILIN, A. B. (1984)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. I. Catalog of the Salticidae of central Asia]. In: UTOSCHKIN (ed.): [Fauna and ecology of Arachnids]. Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids; Univ. of Perm 6-37.
NENILIN, A. B. (1985)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. II. Results of the study in the USSR.]. Trudy. zool. Inst. Leningrad 139: 129-134.

The spiders fauna of the Karatau mountain range. In: xne Colloque europeen d´ Arachno1ogie, Neuchatel, 2-6 sept. 1991. Bulletin de fa Societe neuchateloise de Sciences naturelles 116 1: 279-285.

Phlegra lugubris (♂,♀) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941


Phlegra lugubris (♂) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941: 310
Phlegra lugubris: (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA 2006: 732


Phlegra lugubris senegalensis (♂) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941 [LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006: 732]
Phlegra tuzetae (♀) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941 [LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006: 732]


Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal


Fig.: D-7610
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7608
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7609
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7665
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - tibial apophysis, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7614
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7615
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7616
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - embolus, median view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7617
Phlegra lugubris - ♂ - Touba - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7611
Phlegra lugubris - ♀ - Thyssé region - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7613
Phlegra lugubris - ♀ - Thyssé region - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7612
Phlegra lugubris - ♀ - Thyssé region - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-36556
Phlegra lugubris - ♂- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Fig.: D-36557
Phlegra lugubris - ♂- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Fig.: D-36558
Phlegra lugubris - ♂- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Fig.: D-7645
Phlegra tuzetae - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7646
Phlegra tuzetae - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-36561
Phlegra Tuzetae - ♀- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Fig.: D-36562
Phlegra Tuzetae - ♀- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)


BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Les araignees de l´Afrique Occidentale Francaise I.- Les Salticides. Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris (N.S.) 12 2: 297-421.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SZÜTS, T. (2004)

Problematikus nyugat-afrikai ugrópók-menek (Araneae: Salticidae) taxonómiai revíziója. Doktori Értekezés. 1-109.

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Southern Nigeria. , Warszawa. 61 3: 553-619.

Jumping spiders from Ivory Coast collected by J.-C. LEDOUX (Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 841: 1-143.

Phlegra memorialis (♂) (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1876)


Attus memorialis (♂) O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1876: 617
Phlegra memorialis: (♂) DENIS 1947: 74




Fig.: D-40619
Phlegra memorialis - ♂ - palp from the outer side- © DENIS, J. (1947)


DENIS, J. (1947)

Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935. Spiders (Araneae). Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Entom. 31 17: 17-103.
EL-HENNAWY, H. K. (1990)

Annotated checklist of Egyptian spider species. , Cairo. 1: 1-49.

Catalogue of a collection of spiders made in Egypt, with descriptions of new species and characters of a new genus. 1876: 541-630, pls. LVIII-LX.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

Phlegra micans (♂) SIMON, 1901


Phlegra micans (♂) SIMON, 1901: 64


China, Hong Kong


HU, J. L. (1984)

The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Press of Science and Techniques 482 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Etudes arachnologiques. 31e Mémoire. XLIX. Descriptions de quelques Salticides de Hong-Kong faisant de la collection du O.-P. CAMBRIDGE. 70: 61-66.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.
ZHU, C.-D. (1983)

[A list of chinese spiders (revised in 1983)]. J. Bethune Med. Univ. 9: 1-130.

Phlegra nitidiventris (♂,♀) (LUCAS, 1846)


Salticus nitidi ventris (♂) LUCAS, 1846: 138
Attus nitidiventris: WALCKENAER 1847: 414
Heliophana nitidiventris: SIMON 1864: 333
Phlegra nitidiventris: SIMON 1876: 127
Ictidops nitidiventris: PAVESI 1880: 383
Phlegra nitidiventris: REIMOSER 1919: 113


Phlegra sapphirina (♂) (THORELL, 1875) [AZARKINA et al. 2022: 564]


Phlegra nitidiventris: (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003: 138 [AZARKINA et al. 2022: 570]

collected material

2 km NE of El Houaria, stony SE-slope, 30.3.1959, (SMF- 40711-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
2 km near El Houaria, SW-valley, 2m beneath of a stream, clover, 30.3.1959, (SMF- 40717-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
close to Tunis, 2.3.1961, (SMF- 40721-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :
S of Tunis, flat S-slope, 5.4.1959, (SMF- 40710-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Algeria, Portugal, Tunisia


Fig.: D-50227
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50228
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50229
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - tibial apophysis and basal part of cymbium, ventro-retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50230
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - tibial apophysis and basal part of cymbium, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50231
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - embolic division, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50232
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - embolic division, prolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50233
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - embolic division, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50234
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50235
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50236
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50237
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-50238
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - epigyne, diagrammatic course of the insemination ducts- © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: D-4545
Salticus nitidi ventris - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-4546
Salticus nitidi ventris - ♂ - © LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Fig.: D-1455
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - North Africa - tibial apophyses - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2003)

Fig.: D-1456
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - North Africa - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2003)

Fig.: F-20191
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20192
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20193
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20195
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20196
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂,♀ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20197
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂,♀ - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20198
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20199
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - habitus, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20200
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - habitus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20201
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - habitus, frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20202
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - habitus, latero - frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20203
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♂ - leg I, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20204
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20205
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - habitus, ventral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20206
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - habitus, frontal view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)

Fig.: F-20207
Phlegra nitidiventris - ♀ - habitus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N., PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Á. & SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, I. (2022)



Description of a stunning new species of Phlegra SIMON, 1876 from southern Spain and redescription of an enigmatic Phlegra species from northern Africa (Araneae: Salticidae). 5162 5: 557-575.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2015)

Taxonomic-faunistic notes on the jumping spiders of the Mediterranean (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 24 1: 33-85.
LUCAS, M. H. (1846)

Histoire naturelle des Animaux Articulés. Premiére Partie. In: Exploration scientifique de L'Algérie pendant les annales 1840, 1841, 1842. Sciences Physiques Zoologie I, Paris.
PAVESI, P. (1880)

Studi sugli Aracnidi Africani I. Aracnidi di Tunisia. , Genova. 15: 283-388.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
RUIZ, G. R. S. & BRESCOVIT, A. D. (2008)

Redescription and resolution of some neotropical species of jumping spiders described by CAPORIACCO and description of a new species. 25 3: 487-494.
SIMON, E. (1864)

Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris 1-540.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.

Phlegra nuda (♂,♀) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994


Phlegra nuda (♂) PROCHNIEWICZ & HĘCIAK, 1994: 37
Phlegra nuda: (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA 2006: 735

collected material

Western Kenya, Kakamega Forest, Salazar Circuit, 7.10.2005, 1 ♂ leg.: Bartsch, Daniel, det.: Azarkina, Galina, (SMNS- Aran-JH0432), publ. offline:  :


Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-25042
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25043
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, ventrolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25044
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25045
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25046
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - bulb, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25047
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-24051
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24052
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24053
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24054
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - bulb, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-7618
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7619
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7620
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7621
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7622
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - embolus, lateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7623
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - tibial apophysis, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7624
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - Kampala - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7625
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - Kampala - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7626
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - Kampala - diagrammatic course of insemination duct - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7627
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - Iganda - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7628
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - Kampala - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-41493
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - general appearance, dorsal- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41494
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palp, ventral- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41495
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palp, retrolateral- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41496
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palp, dorsal- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41497
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - cheliceral teeth, posterior- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: D-41498
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - carapace, lateral- © PROCHNIEWICZ, M. & HĘCIAK, S. (1994)

Fig.: F-10046
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - © HOLSTEIN - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Fig.: F-10047
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - © HOLSTEIN - © METZNER, H. (1996-2024)


LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at .

The jumping spiders of the Ethiopian Region. Part II. New species of Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Stenaelurillus (Araneae, Salticidae) from Kenya and Tanzania. , Warszawa. 45: 33-41.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda – revised list, new species and distributional data. European Journal of Taxonomy 952: 1-171.

Phlegra obscurimagna (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003


Phlegra obscurimagna (♂,♀) AZARKINA, 2003: 98


Phlegra fuscipes: NENILIN 1984: 25 [AZARKINA 2003: 98]
Phlegra fuscipes: NENILIN 1985: 130 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 98]
Phlegra fuscipes: LOGUNOV & RAKOV 1998: 128 (e.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 98]
Phlegra fuscipes: ASHIKBAEV 1981: 20 (i.p.) [AZARKINA 2003: 98]


Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan


Fig.: D-9480
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9481
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9496
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - Variation of the median septum of epigyne. Scale bars 0.1 mm.- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9495
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9497
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9498
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♂ - embolic division - ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9499
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♂ - embolic division - apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9518
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9519
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9520
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9521
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9522
Phlegra obscurimagna - ♀ - spermathecae - Taldy-Korgan Area. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)


ASHIKBAEV, N. ZH. (1981)

[Spiders in the biocenosis of alfalfa fields]. Ekologiya vrediteley i bolezney rastenly v Kazakhstane i mery bor´by s nimi Alma-Ata 18-22.
AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

Miscellaneous notes on Middle Asian jumping spiders (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 7 2: 117-144.
NENILIN, A. B. (1984)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. I. Catalog of the Salticidae of central Asia]. In: UTOSCHKIN (ed.): [Fauna and ecology of Arachnids]. Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids; Univ. of Perm 6-37.
NENILIN, A. B. (1985)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. II. Results of the study in the USSR.]. Trudy. zool. Inst. Leningrad 139: 129-134.

Phlegra palestinensis (♂) LOGUNOV, 1996


Phlegra palestinensis (♂) LOGUNOV, 1996: 57

description male

(holotype). Species with large and swollen bulbus, and unusually broad and robust embolus, which is split apically into 2 broad, rounded swellings. Face black, with dense pillow of contrasting white setae on clypeus; directed transversally and adpressed. Pedipalpal patella covered with whitish and colourless setae, tip of femur with striking triangle of intensely white setae. Cephalothorax uniformly blackish brown, except white lines of adpressed hairs along lateral edge of eye field, continued along edge of dorsal and lateral surfaces of thorax as slightly broader white lines, interrupted in places where setae have fallen out.Ventral surface dark brown.
Abdomen missing. Legs uniformly dark brown, with lighter brown tarsi I-IV.


Diagnosis. Species characterised by shape and size of embolus and bulbus.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Male - II.




Fig.: D-1406
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - palpal organ ventral view- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2003)

Fig.: D-1407
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - retrolaterally (note broad space between apophyses) - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2003)

Fig.: D-1408
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - prolaterally (note thickness of embolus) - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (2003)

Fig.: D-7252
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale line: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-7253
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale line: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-7254
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-7255
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral. Scale line: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-7256
Phlegra palestinensis - ♂ - CSE, dorsal. Scale line: 0.1 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)


LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Notes on a jumping spider collection from Israel (Aranei Salticidae). , Moscow. 5 1/2: 55-61.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra particeps (♂) (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872)


Salticus particeps (♂) O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872: 330
Phlegra particeps: SIMON 1876: 127

description male

Cephalothorax blackish brown, with thorax lighter brown, indistinct light brown streaks along dorsal edges of thorax, lighter streak along midheight of sides and light yellow area on sides below eyes lateral, which also extend on face below ALE. Lighter streaks and areas with remnants of sparse whitish setae, broad ventral marginal area of sides blackish grey. Abdomen blackish brown, with three narrow white lines of dense, adpressed, setae: one median and two marginal, narrow each 1/10 of abdomen width, separating two broad blackish brown longitudinal areas each 4/10 abdomen width, covered with adpressed brown setae. Upper streak on sides dark brown, remaining sides lighter grey. Dark appearance of body increased by dark general appearance of legs.
Face - upper half dark with conspicuous orange or fawn orbital setae along dorsal and lateral parts of rims of eyes I; lower half divided into yellow areas under ALE and dark brown area under AME, the latter with prominent row of strikingly white setae, adpressed and set diagonally, the ventral margin of clypeus is dark brown, bald, with a sparse row of a few inconspicuous, colourless, evenly spaced longer setae hanging down from the edge. Chelicerae brown. Pedipalps blackish with white setae on patella and in a sparse row along dorsal edge of femur, tip of cymbium light grey.
Examination of palpal organ difficult because of black or blackish coloration of parts, for this reason their descriptions and drawings often uncertain. Embolus long and thin, reaching anterior end of cymbium, bulbus blackish grey, tibial apophyses blackish, almost invisible on blackish background of cymbium, details visible only after separation of tibia from cymbium. Apophyses are long and narrow, separated by narrow, V-shaped slit; in various specimens differ in relative width, length and tip of each of these apophyses; significance of these minor differences is not certain, and some differences may be interpreted as related species. Legs blackish, femora I-IV blackish with two lighter, olive grey or yellowish lines separating median black line. Dorsal surfaces of patellae I-IV olive brown, tibiae and metatarsi I-IV dark brown with dark median line on dorsal surfaces, delimited by two lighter lines, tarsi I-IV lighter brown.


Diagnosis. Body blackish brown, with white streaks on abdomen and lighter brown on cephalothorax, legs black. Orbital setae above eyes I orange or fawn, clypeus with contrasting narrow row of short white setae, (distinctly narrower and less prominent than striking, long, white fur on clypeus of Ph. bresnieri).

Remark. Lectotype specimen deteriorated since original description by O. Pickard-Cambridge (1872: 330-331), black colour is now, after over 120 years of preservation, faded to light brown, or even dark yellow; most hairs have been lost, remnants of the characteristic "yellow-red setae" surrounding anterior eyes now appears white.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - II-IV.


Bhutan, Israel, Palestine


Fig.: D-1410
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - Ma´agan Mikhael - palpal organ ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1411
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - Ma´agan Mikhael - tibial apophyses laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1413
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - Ma´agan Mikhael - tibial apophyses laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1415
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - Ma´agan Mikhael - tibial apophyses ventro-laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1412
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - En Hanifraz - palpal organ ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1414
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - En Hanifraz - tibial apophyses laterally- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-21058
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21059
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21060
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21061
Phlegra particeps - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)


HARLAND, D. P. & JACKSON, R. R. (2001)

Prey classification by Portia fimbriata, a salticid spider that specializes at preying on other salticids: species that elict crypric stalking. , London. 255: 445-460.

General list of the spiders of Palestine and Syria, with descriptions of numerous new species and characters of two new genera. 1870: 212-354.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Ergebnisse der Buthan Expedition 1972 des Nat. Mus. Basel: Araneae: Fam. Salticidae; Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Cyrba. Ent. Bras. 3: 7-21.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.

Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SILIWAL, M. & MOLUR, S. (2007)

Checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of South Asia including the 2006 update of Indian spider checklist. 22 2: 2551-2597.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.

Phlegra parvula (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000


Phlegra parvula (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000: 86




Fig.: D-23778
Phlegra parvula - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23779
Phlegra parvula - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)



Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

Phlegra pisarskii (♂) ŻABKA, 1985


Phlegra pisarskii (♂) ŻABKA, 1985: 431


China, Krakatau, Vietnam


Fig.: D-16836
Phlegra pisarskii - ♂ - palpal organ- © ŻABKA, M. (1985)

Fig.: D-16837
Phlegra pisarskii - ♂ - palpal organ- © ŻABKA, M. (1985)

Fig.: D-16838
Phlegra pisarskii - ♂ - palpal organ- © ŻABKA, M. (1985)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2019)

A new species of Aelurillus SIMON, 1884 (Aranei: Salticidae) from Thailand, with the first description of the male of A. afghanus AZARKINA, 2006. , Moscow. 28 3: 408-416.
MURPHY, J. A. & MURPHY, F. (2000)

An introduction to the spiders of South East Asia with notes on all the genera. Malaysian Nature Society Kuala Lumpur 388 pp.
ONO, H., THINH, T. H. & PHAM, S. D. (2012)

Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) recorded from Vietnam, 1837–2011. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo 48: 1-37.
PENG, X. J. (2020)

Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata 53, Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae. Science Press, Beijing 612 pp.
PENG, X. J., LI, S. & YANG, Z. Z. (2004)

The jumping spiders from Dali, Yunnan, China (Araneae: Salticidae). Raffles Bull. Zool. 52 2: 413-417.
PHAM, S. D., XU, X. & LI S. Q. (2007)

A preliminary note on spider fauna of Vietnam (Arachnida: Araneae). 16 2: 121-128.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1989)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1981-1987. A supplement to Brignoli´s "A catalogue of the Araneae described between 1940 and 1981". Manchester University Press 673 pp.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
SONG, D. X., ZHU, M. S. & CHEN, J. (1999)

The Spiders of China. Hebei Sci. Technol. Publ. House, Shijiazhuang 640 pp.
ZHANG, Y. Q., SONG, D. X. & ZHU, M. S. (1992)

Notes on a new and eight newly recorded species of jumping spiders in Guangxi, China (Araneae: Salticidae). J. Guangxi agric. Univ. 11 4: 1-6.
ŻABKA, M. (1985)

Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam. , Warszawa. 39 11: 197-485.
ŻABKA, M. & NENTWIG, W. (2002)

The Krakatau Islands (Indonesia) as a model-area for zoologeographical study, a Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) perspective. , Warszawa. 52 3: 465-474.

Phlegra pori (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra pori (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 177

description female

Cephalothorax light brown with lighter, yellow streaks along the dorsal edges, separated by a light brown area; eye field dark brown; upper sides fawn, lower yellow with dark ventral edge and white setae. Abdomen much damaged, soft tissues shrunken and now separated from tegument; remnants of whitish and darker setae; no positive proof of previous existence of stripes. Frontal aspect: clypeus light yellow with indistinct, colourless setae and brown bristles basally; eyes I surrounded with white setae; there is a yellowish spot, dorso-laterally at ALE. Chelicerae light yellow; pedipalps light yellow with darker spots basally on tarsus, tibia and patella. Legs I light brown with light transverse spot on tibia and patella. Ventral aspect generally whitish yellow, abdomen light whitish yellow with small, darker grey spots, more concentrated along median line. Epigynum with two grooves, truncated anteriorly, broadly open posteriorly, divided by broad septum not narrowing posteriorly. Copulatory opening very broad, funnel-like narrowing channel leads to the anterior chamber from which convoluted narrow chambers of spermathecae run medially to midway along the epigynum.


Diagnosis. Epigynal depressions large, without a posterior rim, spaced by about their diameter, septum of constant width, first chamber of spermathecae narrow.
Etymology. Named for Professor F. D. Por, of the Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, who supported and greatly assisted in the present research.




Fig.: D-1419
Phlegra pori - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1420
Phlegra pori - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra prasanna (♂,♀) CALEB & MATHAI, 2015


Phlegra prasanna (♂) CALEB & MATHAI, 2015: 11
Phlegra prasanna: (♂,♀) YU, NI & ZHANG 2024: 11


China, India


Fig.: D-52071
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palp, ventral view- © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: D-52072
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view- © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: D-52073
Phlegra prasanna - ♀ - epigynum, ventral view- © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: D-52074
Phlegra prasanna - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view- © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: D-32860
Phlegra prasanna - ♂- © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: D-32861
Phlegra prasanna - ♂- © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-28631
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-28632
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palp, ventral view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-28633
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-28634
Phlegra prasanna - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-28635
Phlegra prasanna - ♀ - epigynum, ventral view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-28636
Phlegra prasanna - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view - © YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Fig.: F-13308
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - left palp, ventral view. Scale: 0.2 mm - © CALEB, J. T. D. (2020)

Fig.: F-13309
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - left palp, retrolateral view. Scale: 0.2 mm - © CALEB, J. T. D. (2020)

Fig.: F-13310
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palpal tibia, ventro-lateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © CALEB, J. T. D. (2020)

Fig.: F-13311
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - palpal tibia, retrolateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © CALEB, J. T. D. (2020)

Fig.: F-5002
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5003
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5004
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5005
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5006
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5007
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5008
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - Scale: 0.1 mm - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Fig.: F-5009
Phlegra prasanna - ♂ - Scale: 0.1 mm - © CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)


CALEB, J. T. D. (2019)

An annotated checklist of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of India. AkiNik Publications, New Delhi 75 pp.
CALEB, J. T. D. (2020)

Spider (Arachnida: Araneae) fauna of the scrub jungle in the Madras Christian College campus, Chennai, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12 7: 15711-15766.
CALEB, T. D. J., MUNGKUNG, S. & MATHAI, M. T. (2015)

Four new species of jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) with the description of a new genus from South India. , Simpsonville. 124.1: 1-18.
PRAJAPATI, D. A. (2019)

A new species of the jumping spider genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 from India (Aranei: Salticidae: Aelurillina). , Moscow. 28 4: 575-578.
YU, K., NI, Y. & ZHANG, J. X. (2024)

Notes on jumping spiders from Xizang: three new species and two new records in China (Araneae, Salticidae). 33 1: 8-18.

Phlegra procera (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA & CUMMING, 2008


Phlegra procera (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA & CUMMING, 2008: 205




Fig.: D-24220
Phlegra procera - ♂ - general appearance- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24221
Phlegra procera - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24222
Phlegra procera - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24223
Phlegra procera - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24224
Phlegra procera - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24225
Phlegra procera - ♂ - bulb, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24226
Phlegra procera - ♂ - embolus- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24227
Phlegra procera - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)

Fig.: D-24228
Phlegra procera - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2008)



Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of a wildlife and cattle savanna ranch in South-Western Zimbabwe. Koedoe 65 1: 1-7.

Taxonomy and natural history of a species rich assemblage of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae); a long - term study of a suburban site un Zimbabwe. , Warszawa. 58 1: 167-230.

Phlegra profuga (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 1997


Phlegra profuga (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 1997: 553


Phlegra sogdiana: SAVELYEVA 1990: 173 [LOGUNOV & MARUSIK 2000: 179]


Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia


Fig.: D-18959
Phlegra profuga - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18960
Phlegra profuga - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18961
Phlegra profuga - ♂ - CSE, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18962
Phlegra profuga - ♂ - CSE, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18963
Phlegra profuga - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18964
Phlegra profuga - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18965
Phlegra profuga - ♂ - CSE, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)


ESYUNIN, S. L., EFIMIK, V. E. & MAZURA, N. S. (1998)

Remarks on the Ural spider fauna, 10. New records of spider species (Aranei). , Moscow. 7 4: 319-327.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

A review of the genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 in the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) . , Wroclaw. 7 3: 533-567.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (1999)

Miscellaneous notes on Palaearctic Salticidae (Arachnida: Aranei). , Moscow. 8 4: 263-292.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (2000)

Catalogue of the jumping spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). Editor K. G. MIKHAILOV. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., Moscow 299 pp..
MARUSIK, Y. M. & LOGUNOV, D. V. (1998)

On the spiders (Aranei) collected in central Mongolia during a joint American-Mongolian-Russian expedition in 1997. , Moscow. 7 3: 233-254.
RAKOV, S. Y. (1998)

On the fauna of jumping spiders of the southern part of West Siberia (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 7 4: 305-311.
SAVELJEVA, L. G. (1990)

[The salticids (Araneae, Salticidae) from the upper Priirtyshie]. In: KAN, N. S. et al. (eds): Okhrana okruzhayushei sredy i prirodopol´zovanie Priirtyshiya.. zisy, part II. Ust´-Kamenogorsk. P. 172-174.

Phlegra proszynskii (♀) ŻABKA, 2012


Phlegra proszynskii (♀) ŻABKA, 2012: 63




Fig.: D-25437
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - epigyne- © ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Fig.: F-14752
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - dorsal view - © ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Fig.: F-14753
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - frontal view - © ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Fig.: F-14754
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - ventral view - © ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Fig.: F-14755
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - side view - © ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Fig.: F-2120
Phlegra proszynskii - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure - © ŻABKA, M. (2012)


ŻABKA, M. (2012)

Phlegra SIMON, 1876, Phintella STRAND 1906 and Yamangalea MADDISON, 2009 (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae)- new species and new generic records for Australia. 3176: 61-68.

Phlegra proxima (♀) DENIS, 1947


Phlegra proxima (♀) DENIS, 1947: 73




Fig.: D-40602
Phlegra proxima - ♀ - epigyne- © DENIS, J. (1947)


DENIS, J. (1947)

Results of the Armstrong College Expedition to Siwa Oasis (Libyan Desert), 1935. Spiders (Araneae). Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Entom. 31 17: 17-103.
EL-HENNAWY, H. K. (1990)

Annotated checklist of Egyptian spider species. , Cairo. 1: 1-49.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

Phlegra pusilla (♂,♀) WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 1994


Phlegra pusilla (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 1994: 70
Phlegra pusilla: (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA 2006: 737


Phlegra nuda: WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH 2000: 84 [WESOŁOWSKA & CUMMING 2011: 91]

collected material

Edea, (SMF- 9909654-RII/9654-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-25048
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-25049
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & CUMMING, M. S. (2011)

Fig.: D-24055
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24056
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24057
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24058
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - bulb, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-23777
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-24059
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24060
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-23773
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23774
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23775
Phlegra nuda - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23776
Phlegra nuda - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-7629
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7630
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7631
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - embolus, median view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7632
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7633
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7634
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - embolus, lateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7635
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - Sonkorong - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7636
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - Sonkorong - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7637
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - Sonkorong - diagrammatic course of insemination duct - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7638
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - color pattern of face, frontal view - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7639
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - carapace, lateral view - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7640
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - Sonkorong - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7642
Phlegra pusilla - ♀ - Sonkorong - general appearance, dorsal view - Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-28274
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - general appeance- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (1994)

Fig.: D-28275
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (1994)

Fig.: D-28276
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (1994)

Fig.: D-28277
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (1994)

Fig.: F-2037
Phlegra pusilla - ♂ - © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & VAN HARTEN, A. (2010)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A brief note on Gambian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). 114: 7-8.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

New species and records of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Sengwa Wildlife Research Area in Zimbabwe. J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 75-104.

Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Southern Nigeria. , Warszawa. 61 3: 553-619.

New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

The jumping spiders (Salticidae, Araneae) of Yemen. Yemeni-German Plant Protection Project Sana´a 1-86.

Order Araneae, family Salticidae. In: van HARTEN, A. (ed.) Arthropod Fauna of the UAE. 3: 27-69.

Phlegra rothi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra rothi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 178

description female

Cephalothorax dark brown, with eye field blackish brown, covered with inconspicuous, short and adpressed whitish and colourless setae, more dense and more intensively white along edges of dorsal surface of thorax, which give appearance of two weak white streaks. Frontal aspect: face dark brown, with lower clypeus lighter yellowish brown; orbital setae around eyes I are longer dorsally, becoming shorter laterally and absent ventrally, dorsal ones over AME are fawn, over ALE consist of two bunches: white and fawn, and laterally fawn. Clypeus almost bald, with a few longer bristles and sparse, short and inconspicuous colourless setae. Chelicerae dark brown. Pedipalps and legs I dark brown, darker ringed. Abdomen appears greyish with indistinct irregular spots, which concentrate posteriorly into indistinct median streak, about 1/3 of abdomen width, consisting of thin white and brown chevrons, delimited laterally by darker brown spots, and centrally the streak is more prominently whitish, absent in the anterior part of abdomen. Ventral aspect: sternum brown, coxae lighter, yellowish brown. Abdomen ventrally with median area delimited by light yellowish lines and with two such lines running more medially, sides darker brown, anterior area around epigynum almost white. Epigynum with two prominent deep grooves, entirely encircled with dark brown sclerotized rims; the septum separating grooves narrows posteriorly and is distinctly narrower than in Ph. amitai. The anterior half of epigynum is sclerotized, light brown, with sparse brown bristles. Legs dark brown, ringed, legs III-IV more contrastingly ringed with lighter rings and spaces.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax: 2.94, length of abdomen: 3.40.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - II, III, VI. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003


Diagnosis. Legs black, epigynal depressions rimmed around, septum narrowing posteriorly.
Remark. Male specimens of Phlegra, identified as Ph. particeps, were found in the same locality but that mutual occurrence is insufficient to consider both specimens conspecific, especially since female does not have the stripped pattern of the male.
Etymology. Named for the late Vinc Roth, an American arachnologist and collector of valuable specimens from Israel. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003




Fig.: D-1422
Phlegra rothi - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1423
Phlegra rothi - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1424
Phlegra rothi - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure, detail of spermatheca - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra samchiensis (♂) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1978


Phlegra samchiensis (♂) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1978: 12




Fig.: D-21055
Phlegra samchiensis - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21056
Phlegra samchiensis - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21057
Phlegra samchiensis - ♂ - palpal organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)



Ergebnisse der Buthan Expedition 1972 des Nat. Mus. Basel: Araneae: Fam. Salticidae; Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Cyrba. Ent. Bras. 3: 7-21.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.
SILIWAL, M. & MOLUR, S. (2007)

Checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of South Asia including the 2006 update of Indian spider checklist. 22 2: 2551-2597.

Phlegra semipullata (♂) SIMON, 1901


Phlegra semipullata (♂) SIMON, 1901: 65


China, Hong Kong


HU, J. L. (1984)

The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Press of Science and Techniques 482 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Etudes arachnologiques. 31e Mémoire. XLIX. Descriptions de quelques Salticides de Hong-Kong faisant de la collection du O.-P. CAMBRIDGE. 70: 61-66.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.
ZHU, C.-D. (1983)

[A list of chinese spiders (revised in 1983)]. J. Bethune Med. Univ. 9: 1-130.

Phlegra shulovi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra shulovi (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 179

description female

Cephalothorax brown, eye field blackish brown, dorsum of thorax lighter brown with sparse adpressed dark setae, median darker brown area separated by very indistinct, lighter streaks with a few short, whitish setae along dorso-lateral edge; sides of cephalothorax, brown, edge of carapace dark with sparse, minute, whitish setae ventral to it. Abdomen much damaged now, dark brownish grey, mottled with yellow, with remnants of two submedian rows of reddish brown spots; remnants of brown and whitish setae. Frontal aspect: eyes I surrounded by whitish setae, with an indistinct, dorsal, brownish spot; clypeus baldish, brown, with a few thin, very sparse and inconspicuous whitish, adpressed setae, not influencing its general coloration, and a few brown bristles. Chelicerae light brown; pedipalps with tarsi brown, patella and tibia yellow with brownish basal parts; legs I brown with remnants of inconspicuous, transverse rows of white, adpressed, thin setae across the prolateral edge of tibia and patella. Ventral aspect generally light brown; abdomen greyish brown. Legs I-IV similar to those of Ph. ferberorum, generally dark brown. Epigynum with two posterior grooves, longer than half epigynum length, pronouncedly expanded angularly, antero-laterally, opened posteriorly, divided by a septum, broad anteriorly but rapidly narrowing, posteriorly; copulatory opening narrower than in Ph. fulvastra and Ph. pori, with the roof cut diagonally, narrowing, funnel-like and passing into first convoluted chamber located at anterior end of the median chain of chambers and not much broader than them, the posterior end of the median chain at the level of the rim of the copulatory opening.


Diagnosis. Anterior half of epigynal partition broadly triangular, posterior narrow.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - III.
Etymology. Named for Professor A. Shulov, founder of the Israel National Arachnid Collection.




Fig.: D-1426
Phlegra shulovi - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1427
Phlegra shulovi - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra sierrana (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1868)


Attus sierranus (♀) SIMON, 1868: 557
Phlegra sierrana: SIMON 1876: 127
Phlegra sierrana: (♂,♀) AZARKINA 2003: 100


Phlegra pennata (♀) (DENIS, 1957) [AZARKINA, 2003: 100]


Portugal, Spain


Fig.: D-9527
Phlegra sierrana - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9528
Phlegra sierrana - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9529
Phlegra sierrana - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9530
Phlegra sierrana - ♂ - embolic division, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9531
Phlegra sierrana - ♂ - tibial apophysis. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-31492
Pseudomogrus pennatus - ♀- © DENIS, J. (1957)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
GALIANO, E. F. (1910)

Datos para el conocimiento de la distribucion geografica de los Aracnidos en Espana. Mem. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 6 5: 343-424.

Contribucion al conocimiento de los salticidos (Araneae, Salticidae) de la Comunidad de Madrid (Espana Central. Bol. Soc. Ent. Aragonesa 37: 289-296.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2015)

Taxonomic-faunistic notes on the jumping spiders of the Mediterranean (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 24 1: 33-85.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1993)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1988-1991. With synonymies and transfers 1940-1980. Entomol. Soc. & Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 846 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1868)

Monographie des espèces europeennes de la famille des Attides. 8 4: 11-72, 529-726, pl. V-VII.
SIMON, E. (1876)

Les Arachnides de France. Tome troisieme contenant les familles des Attidea, Oxyopidae et Lycosidae. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris 1-370.
SIMON, E. (1937)

Les arachnides de France. Tome VI. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Roret, Paris 6 5e et derniére partie: 979-1298 .

Phlegra simplex (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000


Phlegra simplex (♂) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000: 87


Tanzania, Zimbabwe


Fig.: D-23780
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23781
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23782
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - tibial apophysis, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23783
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - tibial apophysis, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23784
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - tibial apophysis, dorsocaudal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23785
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - embolus, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23786
Phlegra simplex - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)



Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of a wildlife and cattle savanna ranch in South-Western Zimbabwe. Koedoe 65 1: 1-7.

New species and new records of jumping spiders from Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe (Araneae: Salticidae). , Wroclaw. 22 2: 307-346.

Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

Phlegra sogdiana (♂,♀) CHARITONOV, 1946


Phlegra sogdiana (♂,♀) CHARITONOV, 1946: 30
Pellenes sogdiana: SOKOLOV 1979: 123 (lapsus)


Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan


Fig.: D-9439
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9440
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - body coloration. Scale bar: 0.5 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9445
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9446
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9453
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9454
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - embolic division, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9462
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9463
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9464
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9465
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9466
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9467
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9472
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - palpal femora and patellae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-18966
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18967
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - palp, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18968
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - LTA and DTA- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18969
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - CSA, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18970
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - CSA, apical view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-18971
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - CSA, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.2 mm- © LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

Fig.: D-20208
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20209
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-20210
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂ - copulatory organ- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1979)

Fig.: D-32345
Phlegra sogdiana - ♂- © CHARITONOV, D. E. (1946)

Fig.: D-32346
Phlegra sogdiana - ♀- © CHARITONOV, D. E. (1946)


ANDREEVA, E. M. (1975)

Distribution and ecology of spiders (Aranei) in Tadjikistan. Fragm. faun. Warszawa 20 19: 323-352.
ANDREEVA, E. M. (1976)

[Paiki Tadzhikistana] Spinnen aus Tadshikistan. Dyushanbe 1-196.
AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
CHARITONOV, D. E. (1946)

New forms of spiders of the USSR. Izv. est.-nauchn. Inst. Molotovsk. Univ. 12: 19-32.
CHARITONOV, D. E. (1969)

Material´i k faune paukov SSR. Uchel. Zap. Permsk. Ord. Trudy. krasn. Znam. gos. Univ. Ime A. M. Gorkogo (=Mem. Sci. Univ. Perm, Ser. Biol.) 179: 59-133.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1992)

The spider family Salticidae (Araneae) from Tuva. II. An annotated check list of species. , Moscow. 1 2: 47-71.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1996)

A review of the genus Phlegra SIMON, 1876 in the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) . , Wroclaw. 7 3: 533-567.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & MARUSIK, Y. M. (1999)

Miscellaneous notes on Palaearctic Salticidae (Arachnida: Aranei). , Moscow. 8 4: 263-292.
MIKHAILOV, K. G. (1996)

A checklist of the spiders of Russia and other territories of the former USSR. , Moscow. 5: 75-137.
MIKHAILOV, K. G. (1997)

Catalogue of the spiders of the territories of the former Soviet Union (Arachnida, Aranei). Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Moscow 416 pp.
MIKHAILOV, K. G. & FET, V. (1994)

Fauna and zoogeography of spiders (Aranei) of Turkmenistan. In: V. FET & K. I. ATAMURADOV (eds.) Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands 499-524.
NENILIN, A. B. (1984)

[Contribution to the knowledge of the spider family Salticidae from USSR. III. Salticidae of Kirghizia]. Entomologiceskie issledovanija v Kirgizii 17: 132-143.
NENILIN, A. B. (1985)

[Materials on the fauna of the spider family Salticidae of the USSR. II. Results of the study in the USSR.]. Trudy. zool. Inst. Leningrad 139: 129-134.

Studium systematyczno-zoogeograficzne nad rdzina Salticidae regionow palearktycznego i nearktycznego. Wyższa Szkola Pedagogiczna Siedlcach 6: 260 pp.

Systematic studies on East Palearctic Salticidae III. Remarks on Salticidae of the USSR. , Warszawa. 34 11: 299-369.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
SOKOLOV, Y. N. (1979)

The jumping spiders of the USSR (Araneae: Salticidae). , Simpsonville. 1 6: 122-125.

New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). , Moscow. 5: 17-53.

Phlegra solitaria (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008


Phlegra solitaria (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & TOMASIEWICZ, 2008: 43




Fig.: D-24061
Phlegra solitaria - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24062
Phlegra solitaria - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)

Fig.: D-24063
Phlegra solitaria - ♀ - diagrammatic course of seminal duct, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & TOMASIEWICZ, B. (2008)



New species and records of Ethiopian jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). J. Afrotrop. Zool. 4: 3-59.

Phlegra soudanica (♀) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941


Phlegra soudanica (♀) BERLAND & MILLOT, 1941: 311




Fig.: D-7643
Phlegra soudanica - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7644
Phlegra soudanica - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-36559
Phlegra soudanica - ♀- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Fig.: D-36560
Phlegra soudanica - ♀- © BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)


BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. (1941)

Les araignees de l´Afrique Occidentale Francaise I.- Les Salticides. Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris (N.S.) 12 2: 297-421.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SZÜTS, T. (2004)

Problematikus nyugat-afrikai ugrópók-menek (Araneae: Salticidae) taxonómiai revíziója. Doktori Értekezés. 1-109.

Phlegra stephaniae (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra stephaniae (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 180

description male

Cephalothorax: thorax and upper sides of cephalothorax light yellow with thin light brown streaks on dorsum: one median and two marginal. Eye field dark brown, covered with inconspicuous adpressed, colourless setae; there are remnants of two whitish lines of denser and longer whitish setae running along eye field from a white spot on median rims of ALE, medially to eyes II and III and joining light thoracic streaks. These white lines may be much more conspicuous in some specimens. Abdomen with typical light and dark striped pattern. Two median light yellow and two darker brown stripes, whose width are each 1/5 of abdomen width, marginal light stripes are 1/10 of abdomen width. Upper sides light greyish brown, lower whitish. Dark streaks, covered with brown adpressed setae, light yellow streaks with colourless setae. Frontal aspect. Dorsal surface of eye field appears black with fawn adpressed setae, a striking spot of white setae above medial half of ALE rim, the remaining half has inconspicuous fawn setae. Orbital setae around AME dorsally fawn with a few white, laterally greyish, ventrally colourless. Clypeus low, slightly higher than 1/3 of AME diameter, space beneath AME is greyish brown, with slightly lighter median vertical line, with stronger setae dark brown, pointing diagonally down. Part of these setae diagonally overhang cheliceral bases. The dark area beneath AME is delimited laterally by light yellow area running from the rim of ALE to carapace edge and extending onto sides of cephalothorax, upper half of that lighter area, under ALE rim, is covered with conspicuous white, adpressed setae. Chelicerae laterally brown, medially fawn, with lighter, almost white apical part. This contrasts with black cymbium (with a whitish grey tip), tibia and medial half of pedipalpal patella; the retrolateral half of patella is lighter, grey with a spot of white setae. Palpal femur is dark grey with a crest of longer white setae along its dorsal surface. Legs I in this position are light yellowish grey, tibia and metatarsus I fawn; prolateral surface of femur I is darkened, which on femur II is followed by narrower dark streak. Palpal organ resembles Ph. particeps, from which it seems to differ by slightly broader bulbus, posterior part of protruding tip of embolus seems to be broadened. Ventral aspect light greyish yellow, abdomen whitish. Female. Cephalothorax yellow with dark eye field and two thin, light brown streaks of adpressed setae along marginal edges of dorsal and upper lateral surfaces of thorax. There are remnants of median streak of dark adpressed setae on slope of thorax, which may suggest presence of median streak in some specimens, dividing light dorsal surface into two light streaks, apparently somewhat broader than the dark median one, just as in males. Eye field dark brown (in the younger specimen dark olive brown) with inconspicuous colourless, adpressed setae and sparse black bristles. Abdomen whitish yellow, with two light greyish brown pigmented streaks, thinner than three light streaks, there is also a thin dark rim on the edge with sides. The setae on the dorsal surface are very inconspicuous, small, sparse and dark. Spinnerets yellowish grey. Frontal aspect: upper part of face dark with tiny white setae, eyes I surrounded by orbital setae dorsally yellow, ventrally whitish. Space beneath eyes light yellow, without any contrasting setae.In the paratype specimen clypeus is light grey, also without contrasting coloration, but partially hidden by a triangular patch of inconspicuous long whitish setae, protruding from under eye rims diagonally forward and down, there are also thin and colourless, almost invisible sparse setae overhanging cheliceral bases. Chelicerae yellow. Pedipalps whitish yellow, with tibiae and tarsi yellowish brown, covered with upright, dense and long, colourless setae. Ventral aspect almost uniformly whitish Legs yellowish or yellow except tibiae and metatarsi I-IV fawn, femora I-II with prolateral surface darkened or with dark streak, covered with small and sparse dark setae.
Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax: 1.87, length of abdomen: 1.81, length of 5 segments of leg I 2.75. Female. Length of cephalothorax: 2.00, length of abdomen: 2.37, length of 5 segments of leg 3.19.


Diagnosis. Typical striped pattern, lighter than in other species, particularly in females, in which dark streaks are reduced to thin, light brown lines. Pedipalps darkly contrasting, embolus long and thin, broader near edge of bulbus, space between tibial apophyses slit-like, tips of apophyses slightly bent. Epigynum with angular meeting point of anterior rims located in its mid-length.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Male - I, female - I.
Etymology. Named for Dr. Stefania Hęciak, of Siedlce, Poland, an arachnologist who has contributed valuable redescriptions of types of over 20 species of Phlegra (in a PhD thesis,), which I used in my studies, and also consulted for my identifications, including this species.




Fig.: D-1429
Phlegra stefaniae - ♀ - Arava - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1430
Phlegra stefaniae - ♀ - Arava - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1431
Phlegra stefaniae - ♀ - Arava - epigynum, details of spermatheca - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1432
Phlegra stefaniae - ♂ - Arava - palpal organ ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1433
Phlegra stefaniae - ♂ - Arava - palpal organ laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1434
Phlegra stefaniae - ♂ - Arava - pedipalp lateral view - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra suaverubens (♂) SIMON, 1885


Phlegra suaverubens (♂) SIMON, 1885: 349
Phlegra suaveolens: ROEWER 1954 (lapsus)




LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SIMON, E. (1885)

Études arachnologiques. 18e Mémoire. XXVI Matériaux pour servir à la faune des Arachnides du Sénégal. (Suivi d´une appendice intitulé: Descriptions de plusieurs espèces africaines nouvelles). 6 5: 345-396.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.

Phlegra swanii (♀) MUSHTAG, BEG & WARIS, 1995


Phlegra swanii (♀) MUSHTAG, BEG & WARIS, 1995: 241




Fig.: D-46438
Phlegra swanii - ♀ - dorsal view- © MUSHTAQ, S., BEG, M. A. & WARIS, M. (1995)

Fig.: D-46439
Phlegra swanii - ♀ - external view of epigyne- © MUSHTAQ, S., BEG, M. A. & WARIS, M. (1995)

Fig.: D-46440
Phlegra swanii - ♀ - internal view of epigyne- © MUSHTAQ, S., BEG, M. A. & WARIS, M. (1995)


MUSHTAQ, S., BEG, M. A. & WARIS, M. (1995)

A new species and a new record for the genus Phlegra SIMON (Araneae: Salticidae) from Pakistan. 27: 241-244.
SILIWAL, M. & MOLUR, S. (2007)

Checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of South Asia including the 2006 update of Indian spider checklist. 22 2: 2551-2597.

Phlegra tenella (♂) WESOŁOWSKA, 2006


Phlegra tenella (♂) WESOŁOWSKA, 2006: 250




Fig.: D-23392
Phlegra tenella - ♂ - body, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23393
Phlegra tenella - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23394
Phlegra tenella - ♂ - palpal organ, retrolateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)

Fig.: D-23395
Phlegra tenella - ♂ - palpal organ, dorsal view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. (2006)



Jumping spiders from the Brandberg massif in Namibia (Araneae: Salticidae). African Entomology 14 2: 225-256.

New species and new records of jumping spiders from Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe (Araneae: Salticidae). , Wroclaw. 22 2: 307-346.

Phlegra tetralineata (♀) (CAPORIACCO, 1939)


Menemerus tetralineatus (♀) CAPORIACCO, 1939: 370
Menemerus tetragrammus BONNET 1955 (lapsus)
Phlegra tetralineata: (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI 1987: 77


Ethiopia, Iran


Fig.: D-9542
Phlegra tetralineata - ♀ - general appearance. Scale bar: 0.5 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9543
Phlegra tetralineata - ♀ - epigyne. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9544
Phlegra tetralineata - ♀ - spermathecae. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-2782
Phlegra tetralineata - ♀ - Arero- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1987)

Fig.: D-2783
Phlegra tetralineata - ♀ - Arero- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1987)

Fig.: D-35138
Menemerus tetralineatus - ♀ - epigyne- © CAPORIACCO, L. DI (1939)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.
AZARKINA, G. N. & ZAMANI, A. (2019)

The Aelurillina Simon, 1901 (Aranei: Salticidae) of Iran: a check-list and three new species of Aelurillus Simon, 1884 and Proszynskiana Logunov, 1996. , Moscow. 28 1: 83-97.
BONNET, P. (1955)

Bibliographia araneorum. Toulouse 2 1: 1-918.

Arachnida. In Missione biologica nel paese dei Borana. Raccolte zoologiche. Reale Accademia d`Italia Roma 3: 303-385.

Faunistic review of the jumping spiders of Iran (Aranei: Salticidae). , Moscow. 10 2: 155-167.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1989)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1981-1987. A supplement to Brignoli´s "A catalogue of the Araneae described between 1940 and 1981". Manchester University Press 673 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.

Phlegra theseusi (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 2001


Phlegra theseusi (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 2001: 61


Crete, Greece


Fig.: D-6263
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6264
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6265
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - embolus, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6266
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - embolus, median view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6267
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - tibial apophysis, retrolateral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6268
Phlegra theseusi - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: D-6269
Phlegra theseusi - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

Fig.: F-12995
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view - © SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Fig.: F-12996
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - habitus, dorsal view - © SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Fig.: F-12997
Phlegra theseusi - ♂ - habitus, frontal view - © SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Fig.: F-12998
Phlegra theseusi - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view - © SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Fig.: F-12999
Phlegra theseusi - ♀ - habitus, frontal view - © SCHÄFER, M. (2020)



Spiders of Crete (Araneae). A catalogue of all currently known species from the Greek island of Crete. Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 28 supplement 1: 1-147.
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2001)

New and poorly known species of the jumping spiders (Aranei: Salticidae) from Afghansitan, Iran and Crete. , Moscow. 10 1: 59-66.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & CHATZAKI, M. (2003)

An annotated check-list of the Salticidae (Araneae) of Crete, Greece. Zaragoza 7: 95-100.
SCHÄFER, M. (2020)

Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Insel Kreta mit der Erstbeschreibung von Pellenes florii sp. nov.. 59: 72-87.

Phlegra thibetana (♀) SIMON, 1901


Phlegra thibetana (♀) SIMON, 1901: 73


Bhutan, China, Tibet


Fig.: D-21062
Phlegra thibetana - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21063
Phlegra thibetana - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21064
Phlegra thibetana - ♀ - epigynum- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21065
Phlegra thibetana - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)

Fig.: D-21066
Phlegra thibetana - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure- © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1978)


BROEN, B. von (1965)

Einige weitere Bemerkungen über die deutschen Atypus-Arten (Araneae, Atypidae). , Jena. 175: 409-412.
HU, J. L. (1984)

The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Press of Science and Techniques 482 pp.
PENG, X. J. (2020)

Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata 53, Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae. Science Press, Beijing 612 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Ergebnisse der Buthan Expedition 1972 des Nat. Mus. Basel: Araneae: Fam. Salticidae; Aelurillus, Langona, Phlegra, Cyrba. Ent. Bras. 3: 7-21.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
REIMOSER, E. (1919)

Katalog der echten Spinnen (Araneae) des paläarktischen Gebietes. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 10 2: 1-280.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SILIWAL, M. & MOLUR, S. (2007)

Checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of South Asia including the 2006 update of Indian spider checklist. 22 2: 2551-2597.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Etudes arachnologiques. 31e Mémoire. L. Descriptions d´espèces nouvelles de la famille des Salticidae (suite). 70: 66-76.
SIMON, E. (1901)

Histoire naturelle des Araignees. Deuxieme edition. Paris (Roret) 2 3: 381-668.
SONG, D. X., ZHU, M. S. & CHEN, J. (1999)

The Spiders of China. Hebei Sci. Technol. Publ. House, Shijiazhuang 640 pp.

Phlegra tillyae (♂) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra tillyae (♂) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 181

description male

Present body coloration, presumably faded, is yellowish, with traces of white stripes on the abdomen. Clypeus covered with adpressed whitish setae.
Palpal organ typical for Phlegra, with relatively long and robust embolus, consisting of two parts. The brown dorsal part is broad and has a complicated shape, expanded apically into flat plate, directed medially, and with a ventral rise. The second part, located ventrally to the first, is a broad black rod, apically bent under almost at right angles, and split into two processes, which may possibly be due to splitting of the tip. The tibial apophyses are separated by a U-shaped gap, and are of unequal width and length. The dorsal apophysis is longer, broad and broadly truncated; its apical edge is straight and slightly inclined. The ventral apophysis in lateral view appears shorter, thin and pointed; when examined in dorsal view, it appears hook-like, bent apically; there is also a rounded process of cymbium, apparently fitting into gap between both apophyses, presumably articulating there and locking both segments in a fixed position during copulation.


Diagnosis. Embolus unusual in consisting of two different elements and by tibial apophyses of unequal length and width.
Remark. The specimens studied are faded due to long period of storage; however, the structure of embolus and tibial apophyses are so special that there is no doubt the species is different from all known species and is apparently new. Their conspecific status is uncertain.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - III, X.
Etymology. Named for Dr. Heather "Tilly" Bromley- Schnur, formerly of the Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.




Fig.: D-1436
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - palpal organ ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1438
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - Jerusalem, tip of embolus ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1439
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - En Gedi - tip of embolus (under higher power) ventro-laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1440
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - En Gedi - tip of embolus (under higher power) ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1441
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - En Gedi - pedipalpal tibia dorsally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1442
Phlegra tillyae - ♂ - En Gedi - pedipalpal tibia laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra touba (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006


Phlegra touba (♂,♀) LOGUNOV & AZARKINA, 2006: 741


Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Uganda


Fig.: D-24911
Phlegra touba - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-24912
Phlegra touba - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-24913
Phlegra touba - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2011)

Fig.: D-7647
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - palp, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7648
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - palp, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7649
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - embolus, median view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7650
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - embolus, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7651
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7652
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - embolus, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7653
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - embolus, lateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7655
Phlegra touba - ♀ - Touba - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7656
Phlegra touba - ♀ - Touba - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7657
Phlegra touba - ♀ - Touba - diagrammatic course of insemination duct - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7658
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - colour pattern of face, frontal view - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7659
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - caparace, lateral view. Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7660
Phlegra touba - ♂ - Touba - general appeareance, dorsal view. Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7661
Phlegra touba - ♀ - Touba - general appeareance, dorsal view. Scale line: 1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)


LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Calabar area (SE Nigeria). , Warszawa. 62 4: 733-772.

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Southern Nigeria. , Warszawa. 61 3: 553-619.

Jumping spiders from Ivory Coast collected by J.-C. LEDOUX (Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 841: 1-143.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda – revised list, new species and distributional data. European Journal of Taxonomy 952: 1-171.

Phlegra tristis (♂,♀) LESSERT, 1927


Phlegra tristis (♂,♀) LESSERT, 1927: 437


Congo, Kenya


Fig.: D-7662
Phlegra tristis - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7663
Phlegra tristis - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-7664
Phlegra tristis - ♂ - tibial apophysis, prolateral view - Scale line: 0.1 mm - © LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

Fig.: D-31329
Phlegra tristis - ♂- © LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Fig.: D-31330
Phlegra tristis - ♀- © LESSERT, R. DE (1927)



Aracnidi della Colonia del Kenya raccolti da Toschi e Meneghetti negli anni 1944-1946. Commentat. pontif. Acad. Scient. 13 6: 309-492.
LESSERT, R. DE (1927)

Araignees du Congo. , Genève. 34 17: 405-475.
LOGUNOV, D. V. & AZARKINA, G. N. (2006)

New species and records of Phlegra from Africa (Araneae, Salticidae). , Genève. 113 4: 727-746.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. , Warszawa. 28 17: 367-519.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758. Siedlce 366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
SZÜTS, T. (2004)

Problematikus nyugat-afrikai ugrópók-menek (Araneae: Salticidae) taxonómiai revíziója. Doktori Értekezés. 1-109.

Phlegra v-epigynalis (♀) HĘCIAK & PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra v-epigynalis (♀) HĘCIAK & PRÓSZYŃSKI, in PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 182

description female

Cephalothorax brown, with anterior eye field and surrounds of eyes III darker; covered with adpressed, dark reddish brown and a few whitish setae, the latter located mainly posteriorly on dorsum but not forming any pattern. Sides light brown with thin, dark, sclerotized ventral edge, without any fringe of setae. Abdomen uniformly brown with reddish gold hue, without any visible pattern [there seem to be remnants medially of two parallel, longitudinal lines of denser, darker setae, however, not enough is visible to be sure of its existence], covered with mixed adpressed, reddish brown and black setae, with a few white setae, anteromedially; numerous upright, but short, blackish brown bristles give a "hairy" appearance. Frontal aspect. Eye field black with dense bristles, surrounds of eyes I dark without visible setae on the rim. Clypeus light brown, bald; chelicerae brown with reddish hue; pedipalps small and thin, brown with dark setae. Ventral aspect: coxae and sternum brownish yellow, abdomen ventrally uniformly brownish grey. Epigynum with grooves located in posterior part, delimited anteriorly by sclerotized anterior rims, meeting at posterior edge of epigynum, forming a very short V-shaped septum; the posterior rims are not developed. Copulatory channels are narrow, run parallel and are longer than spermathecae. Legs brown with some differentiation but not annulated, with sparse, dark and distinct setae. Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 2.36, length of abdomen 3.99.


Diagnosis. Abdomen brown, without stripes; epigynal depressions small, located posteriorly, separated by very short diagonal V-shaped partition made of sclerotized anterior rims, meeting at posterior edge of epigynum.
Remark. Description of an old, non-identified specimen from "Syria" in Simon collection, was contributed by Dr. S. Hęciak. Five specimens were collected in 1971 on Mt. Hermon at 2000 m, they differ from Ph. ferberorum, also from Mt Hermon but at a lower altitude.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - IX.


Israel, Syria


Fig.: D-1444
Phlegra v-epigynalis - ♀ - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1445
Phlegra v-epigynalis - ♀ - epigynum, internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)



Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

Phlegra varia (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000


Phlegra varia (♀) WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000: 87




Fig.: D-23787
Phlegra varia - ♀ - epigyne- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)

Fig.: D-23788
Phlegra varia - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure- © WESOŁOWSKA, W. & RUSSEL-SMITH, A. (2000)



Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). 13: 11-127.

Phlegra yaelae (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998


Phlegra yaelae (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1998: 183

description male

Cephalothorax brown, with contrasting white lines of adpressed setae, along light yellow dorso-lateral margins of thorax, continue as thin white lines of setae along margins of eye field until ALE.
Brown median area of thorax and upper sides covered with black adpressed setae, lower sides yellowish brown with inconspicuous whitish setae, ventral rim of sides blackish. Anterior edge of eye field covered with whitish setae.
Abdominal pattern consists of contrasting, conspicuous stripes: median streak light, posteriorly strikingly white, about 1/6 of abdomen width, followed on each side by brown streak and then by white marginal line.
Face divided into three horizontal stripes: the anterior edge of eye field with short whitish setae, merging with whitish dorsal orbital setae, ocular area dark with orbital lateral setae orange, the ventral orbital setae whitish, upright, in several rows, distinctly different from short but dense, adpressed whitish setae on clypeus under AME, clypeus under ALE yellowish or greyish yellow. Pedipalps: cymbium and tibia blackish brown, however retrolateral half of dorsal surface of tibia and whole of patella covered with white setae; a few white setae retrolaterally on cymbium, the tip of cymbium light greyish; femur light brown with dense, strikingly white setae on dorsal surface. Embolus flattened and broad with dark rims; bulbus black. Tibial apophyses separated by a broad, U-shaped gap.
Ventral aspect yellowish, abdomen whitish yellow with three thin dark lines.
Legs greyish yellow without annulation, patella and tibia I darker brown.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.31, length of abdomen 2.00, length of 5 segments of leg I 3.24. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

description female

Cephalothorax light brown with blackish brown eye field, contrasting with two broad lighter yellowish brown streaks along margins of dorsal surface of thorax, delimiting somewhat broader greyish brown median thoracic streak. Covered with inconspicuous whitish and colourless adpressed setae. Frontal aspect, eyes I surrounded with white orbital setae, longer dorsally. Upper half of face dark with indistinct whitish adpressed setae, lower half yellow with whitish bristles medially. Abdomen dorsally light yellowish grey, with indistinct light median streak posteriorly and lighter margin. Legs. Femora I-IV dorsally and prolaterally yellow, except their apical ends, which are brown; retrolateral surface brown, with lighter stripe medially. Remaining segments of legs yellow with brown rings. Ventral aspect: sternum light yellow with darker yellow margin; coxae light yellow; abdomen whitish yellow with inconspicuous light grey dots, scattered sparsely and forming median grey line. Epigynum with long grooves, sclerotized rims of openings at 1/6 of epigynum length, opening posteriorly; septum broad with parallel edges and posterior end curved anteriorly. Internal structure differs from both Ph. pori and Ph. fulvastra by shorter chain of spermathecal chambers and details of first chamber of spermathecae; also externally by shape of the septum.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.62, length of abdomen 3.20, length of 5 segments of leg I 3.65. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003


Diagnosis. Typical striped coloration, contrasting but distinctly lighter than Ph. particeps; legs also light. Embolus plate-like, gap between tibial apophyses Ushaped. Epigynal grooves long, sclerotized rims of openings at 1/6 of epigynum length, septum broad and parallel, its posterior end curved anteriorly.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - IV, VI, VII; females - V, VII.
Etymology. Named for Dr Yael Lubin, an arachnologist and ecologist, organising and carrying out important research in the Negev, including Sede Boqer area. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003


Iran, Israel, Lampedusa, Tunisia


Fig.: D-9535
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9536
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9537
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - embolic division, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-9538
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - embolic division, apical view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm- © AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

Fig.: D-1447
Phlegra yaelae - ♀ - Haluqim Ridge - epigynum - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1448
Phlegra yaelae - ♀ - Haluqim Ridge - internal structure - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1449
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - Haluqim Ridge - details of single spermatheca dorsally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1450
Phlegra yaelae - ♀ - Haluqim Ridge - details of the accessory gland - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1451
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - Haluqim Ridge - palpal organ ventrally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1452
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - Haluqim Ridge - tibia laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)

Fig.: D-1453
Phlegra yaelae - ♂ - Haluqim Ridge - tibia ventro-laterally - © PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1998)


AZARKINA, G. N. (2003)

New and poorly known palaearctic species of the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae). 14 6: 73-108.

New data on spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from the islands of the Strait of Sicily (Southern Italy) with taxonomic notes on Poecilochroa loricata KRITSCHER, 1996 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) and eight new records for Europe. The European Zoological Journal 91 2: 1009-1034.

Description of new species of Phlegra (Araneae: Salticidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 44: 159-185.

Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. , Warszawa. 53 1: 1-180.

New data on jumping spiders of Iran, with a new species of Salticus (Araneae: Salticidae). 59: 63-66.

Phlegrata pala (♂) WUNDERLICH, 1988


Phlegrata pala (♂) WUNDERLICH, 1988: 246

collected material

dominican amber
(SMF- 38193-141 ), publ. online: (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download, publ. offline:  :


dominican amber


Fig.: D-44607
Phlegrata pala - ♂ - Prosoma dorsal. Scale: 1 mm- © WUNDERLICH, J. (1988)

Fig.: D-44608
Phlegrata pala - ♂ - rechte Tibia II dorsal. Scale: 0.5 mm- © WUNDERLICH, J. (1988)

Fig.: D-44609
Phlegrata pala - ♂ - rechter Pedipalpus dorsal. Scale: 0.2 mm- © WUNDERLICH, J. (1988)

Fig.: D-44610
Phlegrata pala - ♂ - linker Pedipalpus retrolateral. Scale: 0.2 mm- © WUNDERLICH, J. (1988)

Fig.: D-44611
Phlegrata pala - ♂ - rechter Pedipalpus retroventral-apical. Scale: 0.2 mm- © WUNDERLICH, J. (1988)



Comparison of the recent and miocene Hispaniola spider faunas. 6: 203-223.

Die fossilen Spinnen im Dominikanischen Bernstein. , Hirschberg - Leutershausen. 2: 1-378.