Chalcoscirtus diminutus (♂,♀) (BANKS, 1896)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax: light brown with eye field grey and its anterior and lateral margins darkening to almost black; indistinct lighter transverse area behind eye field; thin ventral edge of carapace blackish and traces of indistinct darker vertical lines across the sides; no conspicuous setae, tegument partially light reflecting. Abdomen: brown with white anterior marginal line, a pair of diagonal white lines in anterior half of abdomen, and two pairs of very short diagonal lines or dots in front of spinnerets; somewhat resembling patter in some Evarcha, from which is much smaller; similar in both male and female, type specimen is presumably discolored. Frontal aspect: face brown, with lighter clypeus covered by dense and long whitish setae directed transverse, sparse minute whitish setae around rims of eyes I, chelicerae dark yellow; pedipalps dark yellow with darker setae on cymbium. Ventral aspect: mouth parts, sternum and coxae yellow, abdomen light greyish brown. Legs uniformly dark yellow, sparse darker setae (legs I missing); in Talavera minuta legs with contrasting dark and light rings. Palpal organ: embolus straight, located anteriorly on rounded flap, meandering channel not visible on the specimen studied, tibial apophysis prominent. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2000 (www)

Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Embolus: Shapecircular curved. bent counterclockwise. Distribution: Geographical DistributionNorth America.


Cephalothorax dark brown, eye field blackish brown, type specimen light brown; sides slightly lighter brown with faint greyish shade, traces of indistinct darker vertical lines; no conspicuous setae, tegument partially light reflecting; ventral edge thin black. Abdomen: brown with white anterior marginal line, a pair of diagonal white lines in anterior half of abdomen, and two pairs of very short diagonal lines or dots in front of spinnerets; similar in both male and female, type specimen light brown with white anterior marginal line, presumably discolored. Frontal aspect: face brown, the majority of its height taken by AME, eyes ALE set along the middle of the AME, below their dorsal edge; sparse minute whitish setae around rims of eyes I, a few longer colorless thin setae overhanging diagonally bases of greyish brown chelicerae, lighter apically; pedipalps dark yellow, without more conspicuous setae. Ventral aspect: mouth parts greyish brown, sternum light brownish yellow, coxae light, abdomen light greyish brown. Legs uniformly brown, in one specimen with lighter joint areas, sparse darker setae; in Talavera minuta legs with contrasting dark and light rings; in holotype light yellowish brown, tibia I with three pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus I two pairs. Epigyne: simple transverse sclerotized spermathecae, slightly bent, with opening at median end, no channels. I abstain from dissecting epigyne of the holotype specimen. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2000 (www)

Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionNorth America.