Pseudeuophrys pascualis (♂) (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax: now light greyish brown with eye field lighter, surrounding of eyes dark; lighter lines radiating from fovea, this character being shared by several Euophrys species in Israel. Abdomen originally "black brown with some white squamose hairs towards fore extremity, ... indistinct pale ... chevrons on the hinder half"; dorsal spinnerets "white tipped with black, ventral one black". Frontal aspect: coloration like cephalothorax, without contrasting pattern, surrounding of ALE darker pigmented, almost black, no distinct setae; diameter of AME equal to 150 % of that of ALE, clypeus under AME lighter, its height equal to half of diameter of ALE; chelicerae short and slender, with an oval space left between their inner bent edges.
Pedipalps: femur and patella "yellow with white hairs", tibia "brown" with long thin apophysis, cymbium "brown-black". Palpal organ: with large hole inside coil of the embolus, on anterior surface of bulbus, tibial apophysis long and thin, small, apically bent and hooklike. Ventral aspect whitish. Legs: originally "dark brown", now faded, tarsus I dorsally whitish, prolaterally darkened; II-IV uniformly whitish yellow. (Based on original description of O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 334-335 and on his specimen).
Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax 1.14; length of abdomen 1.08.

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Diagnosis. Palpal organ very similar to Euophrys obsoleta (cf: Prószyński 1979: 307, Figs 80-83; Prószyński 1991: Figs 1333.1-2 - mislabelled Eu. herbigrada), differing by tibial apophysis being equally narrow along major part of its length and by minute terminal hook; possibly conspecific, the establishment of which require examination of female and of fresh male.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Male - IV.