Heliophanus (Heliophanus) curvidens (♂,♀) (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax black bearing minute setae, almost unnoticeable but light reflecting; surface rugose. Abdomen black, with thick anterior white line of setae, two pairs of small abdominal white spots. Frontal aspect: face black; chelicerae dark brown; pedipalps black with a broad streak of white scales along patella-tibia-cymbium; weaker white streak along black part of patella-tibia I. Legs: metatarsi, tibiae and patellae black with single thin white streak along segments; tarsi I-II brown, III-IV yellow; femora dorsally black, laterally covered with white setae. Ventral aspect black. Palpal organ: large single femoral apophysis; the ventral tibial apophysis long, straight and bent apically, bulbus resembles broad triangular bag; triangular protuberance ventrally directed near embolus, embolus located apically, broad and bent.
Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax 1.59; length of abdomen 2.05.

Body: Markingsbasic colouring dark. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEastern Europe & Asia.


Cephalothorax entirely black, without contrasting pattern. Abdomen elongate oval, dorsally flattened, blackish, covered with colourless light-reflecting scales in addition to dark scales. A pair of slightly elongated spots of white setae posteriorly near spinnerets and a second pair of very small spots located medially, apparently variable; a thin white marginal line around almost whole of abdomen. Frontal aspect uniformly blackish brown without any contrasting pattern (pedipalps missing in the studied specimen); eyes I surrounded by indistinct whitish scales. Legs blackish, with light yellow tarsi; also lighter, olive coloured dorsal surface of patellae, tibiae and metatarsi. Ventral aspect blackish brown, sternum black; abdomen ventrally blackish with some whitish scales; a pair of small whitish spots in front of spinnerets. Epigynum opening to the epigynal chamber triangular-oval, with depressed margins; copulatory openings lateral, hidden under rims of chamber; channels lateral, relatively broad loops bent forward, then posteriorly, their distal part transverse.

Body: Markingsbasic colouring dark. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEastern Europe & Asia.


Legs dark; abdomen black, with anterior white line and two pairs of small white spots. Male bulbus apically with a triangular ventral protuberance; embolus arising medially, broad, sinuated. Female opening to the epigynal chamber triangular, located in a depression, copulatory openings hidden laterally under rims at the mid-lenght of epigynum; copulatory channels lateral to chamber, bent "c" shaped anteriorly.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - II, III, IV, V; females - III. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003