In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:MALECephalothorax distinctly broader in mid length; brown; lateral eyes dark encircled; white scales along posterior edge of carapace. Abdomen dark, in preserved specimen brown and contracted, with hardened tegument (presumably less distinct in fresh specimens); two pairs of contrasting lateral tufts of white scales and an anterior marginal line. Frontal aspect dark brown; pedipalps light brown, with white scales on cymbium and tibia, less numerous on patella. Legs yellow, with indistinct white scales; prolateral surfaces of femur I brown. Palpal organ: femoral apophysis single, long, prominently bent posteriorly, accompanied laterally by a low conical protuberance; two tibial apophyses: ventral one broad and straight, dorsal one thin, long, bent and directed ventrally and perpendicularly to the ventral apophysis, and posteriorly to its base.Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 1.59; length of abdomen 1.25. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003 Body: Markings: basic colouring dark. Eyes: AER: dorsal edge procurve. Labium: Length: wider than long. Distribution: Geographical Distribution: Europe. Afrika. Middle East. FEMALECephalothorax dark brown, covered with small adpressed whitish, light-reflecting scales, somewhat larger on anterior part of eye field; sides with median belt bald, submarginal thin line of denser whitish scales, marginal line bald, black. Abdomen: integument dark greyish black, covered with whitish scales, light-reflecting, locally falling out, leaving dark spots of naked integument, concentration of these scales make white anterior marginal line, two pairs of white spots followed by two white marginal spots more posteriorly, at the level of dorsal pairs of spots; spinnerets dark. Frontal aspect without contrasting pattern, except light yellow pedipalps. Face blackish brown, eyes black surrounded by colourless setae with striking whitish tips; clypeus reduced to nil but extended ventrally by blackish membrane, with a few longer scales, arranged diagonally downwards. Chelicerae blackish brown, without scales. Pedipalps much lighter than legs, whitish with a slight greenish hue, except femur which is brown; patella and tibia dorsally with whitish, light reflecting scales, light tarsus with sparse black setae apically. Legs uniform, yellowish fawn with short, dark, sparse setae dorsally and with sparse whitish, light-reflecting scales. Ventral aspect: chelicerae dark brown, mouth parts brown with lighter rims, sternum dark brown with a rim of larger whitish, light reflecting scales. Coxae greyish fawn, coxa IV with 2 rows of light-reflecting scales, abdomen dark greyish brown with colourless scales, two indistinct whitish spots in front of spinnerets. Epigynum dark brown depressed, sclerotized plate with anterior and lateral rise encircling central depression, posterior edge lighter, almost whitish, with two peculiar semitransparent whitish flaps; copulatory openings anterior; channels short running posteriorly and turning medially, spermathecae transverse; comparable posterior edge of epigynum occurs in Heliophanus equester but is more sclerotized and spermathecae are strikingly different.Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 1.62; length of abdomen 2.34. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003 Body: Markings: basic colouring dark. Eyes: AER: dorsal edge procurve. Labium: Length: wider than long. Distribution: Geographical Distribution: Europe. Afrika. Middle East. COMMENTSDiagnosis.Legs yellow, abdomen dark with 2 pairs of white spots. male femoral apophysis strongly bent posteriorly accompanied by a small triangular protuberance; female posterior rim of epigynum with two peculiar semitransparent flaps. Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - IV, IX; females - III, IV. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003 |