Menemerus illigeri (♂,♀) (AUDOUIN, 1826)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Profile of cephalothorax resembles M. davidi. Cephalothorax brown with slightly darker eye field, covered with minute adpressed whitish and colourless setae and sparse upright and inconspicuous dark bristles, remnants of sparse thin adpressed whitish setae over remaining parts of thorax; broad ventral margin of whitish setae, the ventral edge itself is black; no contrasting pattern. Abdomen divided longitudinally into median light area, actually light greyish delimited by two thin white lines, and two lateral darker brownish grey streaks with chains of yellow dots, these lateral streaks are limited by thin wavy whitish line of upper sides, lower sides grey. Frontal aspect: dense line of short intensely white setae along ventral edge of clypeus, slightly longer under AME; remaining setae colourless, face appears brown, chelicerae brown; cymbium light brown with colourless and brown setae, dorsal parts of pedipalpal tibia, patella and femur dark yellowish, the latter with distinct but not striking white setae; prolateral surface of femora I brown, remaining parts of leg I light brown, tarsus yellowish. Legs: I light brown with slightly lighter median areas of tibia and metatarsus, and dorsal surfaces, tarsus lighter brownish yellow, lateral surfaces of femur I darker; II brownish yellow with darker spots on lateral surfaces; III-IV yellow with two darker brown rings on femur, tibia and metatarsus, one on patella. Ventral aspect: mouth parts light greyish brown, external angle of maxillary plates expanded prominently into triangle with a rounded apex; sternum dark yellow with indistinct whitish setae, mainly marginally; coxae dark yellow, abdomen light.
Palpal organ: embolus appears "broken", bent apically at almost 90 degrees; tibial apophysis forms characteristic thin broad plate, directed ventrally and turning posteriorly; patella of pedipalps with small but distinct lateral apical hook; long ventral hook basally on pedipalpal femur.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.72; length of abdomen 2.79; length of 5 segments of leg I 5.84, leg length order I, IV, II, III. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEurope. Afrika.


Epigynum: copulatory openings hidden under sclerotized "hood", sclerotized pockets under posterior part of epigynum, form a prominent circle.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.96; length of abdomen 4.76; length of 5 segments of leg I 5.84, leg length order IV (123%), I, III, II. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEurope. Afrika.


Diagnosis. Male pedipalpal femur with long ventral hook basally, tibial apophysis forms characteristic thin, broad plate, directed ventrally and turning posteriorly; patella of pedipalps with small but distinct lateral apical hook; embolus looks "broken" - bent apically at almost 90 degrees; Female copulatory openings hidden under sclerotized "hood", sclerotized pockets under posterior part of epigynum, form a prominent circle.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - III, V, VI, VII; females - VII, VIII, IX.