Aelurillus aeruginosus (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1871)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax: tegument dark brown covered with short white adpressed setae, making lighter belt on eye field and dorsum and a thin, intensively white line along ventral rim of cephalothorax, setae less dense, yellowish, on sides, which appears darker. Eye field with scales: posteriorly whitish, anteriorly arranged into three longitudinal white lines, lateral of which slightly diagonal and longer. Femora dorsally yellow, with whitish setae.
Abdomen covered densely with adpressed and smooth, elongate, scale like setae, white, with slightly fawn hue, a few dark bristles marginally.
Face: tegument dark brown, densely covered with white setae, dense enough to give it whitish appearance,denser than in Ae. kochi, AME surrounded by thin intensively white rings, diagonal setae overhanging cheliceral bases, distinct whitish setae on anterior surface of chelicerae; on dorsal rim of ALE a group of light fawn (light orange) setae. Eyes I set in a diagonal plane directed part way down, diameter of AME = 1.8 diameter of ALE. ALE set practically above AME, their ventral rim almost aligned with dorsal rim of AME. Chelicerae light brown with white setae, sparser and thinner on lower parts.
Pedipalps whitish yellow with white setae, cymbium and tibia dorsally dark, covered with white setae; pedipalpal femur whitish yellow with long mane of white setae on prolateral surface and on retrolateral edge. Palpal organ. Cymbium blackish, with lighter tip, bulbus intensive black; ventral apophysis sclerotized brown, broadly triangular, with dorsal edge running transversally, ventral edge gently bent; dorsal ramus yellow and fleshy, hidden beneath dense white setae, in a form of much narrower, low triangle. Ventral view: sternum dark brown, coxae whitish yellow, abdomen light.
Legs I whitish yellow, with prolateral surface of tibia I and dorsal surface of tarsus and metatarsus dark brown, but covered with whitish setae. Femur I yellowish to brown with lighter spots laterally, retrolateral surface with sparse adpressed whitish setae, gradually longer ventrally, forming narrow mane along apical half of ventral edge of the segment, longer at apical 1/3rd with two spots of admixed grey setae, in some specimens darker setae are dark brown and harder, their ends may appear to make a kind of sharp blade, coming into contact with retrolateral surface of patella I. Prolateral surface of femur I lighter with adpressed whitish setae.
Measurements (mm): Length of cephalothorax 2.18; length of abdomen 1.93; length of 5 segments of leg I 3.38. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Legs: Leg formula3-4-1-2. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEurope. Afrika. Middle East.


Cephalothorax dorsally covered with whitish scales, with groups of slightly darker fawn scales; dorsal surface distinctly more white than sides. Eye field with adpressed greyish fawn scales, without distinct white lines, black bristles over eye field more prominent than in male.
Abdomen dorsally yellow with greyish dots scattered, covered with tiny adpressed scales, more smooth than in female of Ae. cognatus.
Face covered with dense small white setae, on black tegument. ALE located 3/4 of their diameter above rim of AME, surrounding of AME medially pale fawn, ventrally white; setae around ALE pale fawn, ventrally whitish making transverse, slightly diagonal line, stretching from the rim of AME onto sides. Clypeus covered with a belt of pale fawn setae, almost white, but not strikingly so, setae arranged horizontally, under AME turning diagonally ventralwards, on the edge of clypeus more strikingly white; height of the clypeal belt equal to 1/2 diameter of AME.
Ventral aspect: sternum greyish yellow with shorter but denser white setae, abdomen ventrally - light yellow with minute sparse setae. Epigynum transversely narrower than in Ae. bokerinus.
Leg lengths in % of leg I (= 100%): II 1.04%; III 153%; IV 154%; legs III and IV longer than in Ae. cognatus by about 20%. Measurements (mm):Length of cephalothorax 2.70; length of abdomen 4.05; length of 5 segments of leg I 4.11. (c)PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionEurope. Afrika. Middle East.


DiagnosisMale cephalothorax covered with light setae on black tegument, yellowish on sides, contrasting white dorsum and a thin line along ventral edge; face white, anterior slope of eye field whitish with three stronger white lines, pedipalps yellow with long yellow setae; legs yellow, femora dorsally uniformly light, tarsus- metatarsus I contrasting dark. Female anterior slope of eye field whitish, clypeus covered with sparse and short white setae, longer white setae, if present, overhang cheliceral bases but leave relatively darkerband below AME; abdomen with indistinct dark dots.

Seasonal appearance of adult specimens Males - I, III, IV, V, VIII. (c)PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003