Aelurillus conveniens (♂,♀) (O. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, 1872)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax appears light because of setae (narrow scales) covering black tegument, differentiated (less contrasted than in Ae. aeruginosus) into lighter dorsum and more fawn sides, intensive white line along ventral edge; anterior slope of eye field black, making bald semicircular black area. Abdomen covered uniformly with silver adpressed setae on dark tegument, with darker rectangular field in anterior half of abdomen. In the original description O. Pickard-Cambridge mentions "traces of double row of alternating paler yellowish and brown-blackish spots", visible as traces on Algerian specimen. Frontal aspect: very dark, practically black, orbital setae around eyes I dorsally black, ventrally colourless, thin and inconspicuous, "cheek" area under ALE brown with minute adpressed setae; clypeus brown, almost bald with a few black bristles but no white setae; pedipalpal cymbium and tibia dorsally light brown, remaining segments whitish yellow, densely covered with long white setae. Legs generally light fawn and yellow; tibia and patella I: ventral surface white setae, edge of ventral and prolateral surfaces darker brown with brown adpressed setae; femur I: basally with thin dark brown pigmented ring continuous with similarly coloured trochanter and dorsal surface of coxa, remaining prolateral surface yellow with a brown apical ring, covered with adpressed white setae, longer on the ventral surface and forming a fringe of long white setae, dark setae on retrolateral surface form a dark triangle at the mid-length of the segment near ventral edge. Ventral aspect: sternum almost black, remaining parts and areas lighter brown to greyish yellow. Palpal organ - see Figs 15-16, 22, 70-71. Type specimen faded, with distinct rectangular whitish area on dorsum of thorax, clypeus almost white, legs and pedipalps entirely white; femur I retrolaterally with long thin whitish setae, longer near ventral margin,with loose darker bunch of irregular shape, slightly transverse, in the mid length closer to ventral margin; pedipalpal femur with long mane of white setae.
Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax 2.27-2.31; length of abdomen 1.93-2.06; length of 5 segments of leg I 3.66. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Legs: Leg formula3-4-1-2. Distribution: Geographical DistributionAfrika. Middle East.


Cephalothorax uniform brown with sparse white adpressed setae. Abdomen smooth, in some specimens with two longitudinal lines of indistinct alternating darker and lighter spots. Frontal aspect: clypeus intensely white or whitish with denser line of white setae at the ventral edge beneath eyes ALE; orbital setae white. Epigynum shown in Figs 70-74, with tips of "wings" reaching pigmented area and merging with it. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionAfrika. Middle East.


Male cephalothorax covered with light setae on black tegument, anterior slope of eye field black, semicircularly bald, face dark, femora dorsally uniformly light.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - IV, V, VI, X, XI; females - III, IV, V, VI, VII, XI. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003