Aelurillus faragallai (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1993

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Legs: Leg formula3-4-1-2. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Remark. Closely resemble Ae. aeruginosus, from which it differs in shape of the dark bunch of setae on femur I, ventrally and retrolaterally, much more strongly developed; also in the internal structure of epigynum. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003