Aelurillus gershomi (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax dark brown, eye field black with minute setae and some minute light reflecting scales; whitish setae along posterior half of lower sides sparser and less striking than in Ae. politiventris. Dorsal profile of cephalothorax comparable to that in Ae. politiventris but higher, the posterior slope steeper. Abdomen round, flattened and covered on whole surface by hard black or blackish brown scutum which appears polished and reflects light, sides white below scutum. Frontal aspect: diameter of AME >150% of ALE, the latter set along upper half of AME - tops of their orbits indistinctly above those of AME, orbital setae stout, dorsally longer, shortening gradually along lateral parts of orbits and very short ventrally, forming a sort of bonnet above each eye; dorsally dark with whitish tips, ventrally white. Clypeus with colourless sparse and poorly visible setae directed medially, with admixture of a few almost invisible thin white setae. Chelicerae yellowish brown, slender. Pedipalps: tip of femur, tibia and patella yellow with white setae, these are longer on tibia, radiating and forming sparse fan. Legs: tarsus and metatarsus black, remaining segments yellow to yellowish brown; femora dorsally yellow with darker distal ends.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.22; length of abdomen 2.50. (c)PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Legs: Leg formula3-4-1-2. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Cephalothorax dark brown - on live specimens presumably black, with sparse whitish adpressed setae, dorsally curved. Abdomen light yellowish brown, cryptically coloured, in studied specimens abdomen macerated without preserved pattern. Frontal aspect: eyes surrounded white, clypeus fawn with longer setae directed medially, somewhat more whitish in appearance; chelicerae brown, tibia and patella I yellow with brown rings. Legs light brown, darker ringed; femora lighter yellowish.
Measurements (mm). Length of cephalothorax 2.95; length of abdomen 4.20. (c)PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Male closely resembling Ae. politiventris with abdomen entirely covered by light reflecting scutum, differs by dark clypeus. Female with "wings" of epigynum spread narrower, closer to parallel, separated from pigmented area by lighter space.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Males - IV, X; females: - IV.
Etymology. Named for prominent arachnologist Dr. Gershom Levy, co-founder and curator of the Israel National Arachnid Collection. (c)PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003