Aelurillus jerusalemicus (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax broad, uniformly brown with white adpressed setae, eye field dark with indistinct white and darker streaks - visible in frontal position; posterior slope lighter yellowish, posterior edge of thorax rounded.
Abdomen with two lines of indistinct darker spots surrounding whitish center. Frontal aspect: ALE set 1/5th of their diameter above dorsal rim of AME; clypeus light brown with sparse colourless setae, some overhanging the chelicerae and some basally on chelicerae themselves; orbital setae all white; diagonal line consists of thin whitish setae with tops more intensively white. Legs: tips of tarsi I-II dark brown with broad dark scopula.
Epigynum shape differs by medial swelling, narrow, expanded antero-posteriorly and not transversely along main body axis; also "wings" directed more parallel to main axis, narrow and slightly winding: starting diagonally, then turning posteriorly, expanding again and ending parallel to main axis, the wings being very narrow.
Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 5.19-5.55; length of abdomen 6.82-7.57; length of 5 segments of leg I 8.08-8.83. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Seasonal occurrence of adult specimens. Female - VII. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 2003