Evaneg praeclara (♂,♀) (PRÓSZYŃSKI & WESOŁOWSKA, 2003)

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax fawn, eye field with two wedge-like streaks of white adpressed setae, pointed anteriorly, running from near eyes III to medial part of rim of AME; remaining eye field covered by colourless setae appearing fawn on fawn tegument; a belt of white setae along edge of flat part of thorax runs to below eyes III, sides with tegument yellow, covered by adpressed dark setae making irregular dark areas; edge of carapace black, from under eyes II with thin line of intensely white setae turning into white belt on clypeus, areas under ALE lighter than remaining sides. No Thyene-like tufts of longer setae arising below eyes II. Abdomen: differentiated with contrasting darker marginal area, consisting of dark blackish grey ridges separating chains of yellowish dots of the same diameter, covered with yellowish setae with some almost black anteriorly, these margins surrounds intense white central spot on white tegument covered with white adpressed setae, thin streaks of whitish setae separated by bald lines cover anterior median grey tegument streaks, an almost black spot in front of spinnerets with are dark grey and yellow; lateral edge and sides below it clean whitish; anterior vertical wall of abdomen, below edge blackish grey, extending down to the lung-box area. Frontal aspect: eye field appears light fawn, darker greyish fawn along sides, with two thin wedges of white setae converging at touching point of rims of AME; upper halves of rims of AME covered with longer and stronger dark brown setae, sparsely intermixed with white, lower halves of rims covered with shorter yellow and whitish setae, rims of ALE covered with short yellow and whitish setae, externally slightly darker; space under AME and ALE yellowish fawn, edge of clypeus covered with narrow line of short intensely white setae, below AME setae longer and overhanging cheliceral bases, from under ALE sidewards that line of setae is split into two, leaving dark brown narrow bald line. Chelicerae short and slender, light yellow with whitish setae, long laterally, short and sparse medially. Pedipalps white with white setae, cymbium darker yellow to brown. Ventral aspect: mouth parts yellow, coxae I-II yellowish, III-IV whitish; sternum yellowish grey with margins and anterior part darker; abdomen ventrally whitish with anterior part (in front of the epigastric furrow) dark grey, median area greyish, broad anteriorly and narrowing posteriorly; spinnerets grey. Legs. Femur I white with small black spot and a few black scales prolatero-apically; patella I dorsally whitish, laterally greyish yellow; tibia I dark greyish yellow laterally and at both ends of dorsal surface, median part of dorsal surface whitish; tarsus and metatarsus greyish yellow, dark setae at top of tarsus. Legs II-IV similarly light, with apical darkening on femora more pronounced. Female. According to Wesołowska and van Harten (1994) coloration of females of this species from Yemen are similar to males. Their epigynum resembles E. negevensis, differing in having shorter "window" in anterior half, ending in mid length of epigynum, at the level of pockets, narrower spermathecae with larger number of septa, longer channels. Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax 1.87; length of abdomen 1.75; length of 5 segments of leg I 3.62. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. dorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. wider than long. Embolus: Shapewrapped < 1 around bulbus. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge straight. dorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. wider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Diagnosis. Two wedge-shaped streaks of white adpressed setae on the eye field; bulbus round, embolus broad, bending tightly along edge of bulbus, its anterior half split indistinctly into narrowing anterior needle, tightly press to posterior plate with raised edges.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Male - III. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003