Habrocestum shulovi (♂,♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Embolus: Shapecircular curved. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Cephalothorax light brown with darker eye field; covered with inconspicuous adpressed whitish setae whose weak concentrations may suggest previous existence of a white median dorsal line along cephalothorax and some white pattern on the eye field, but this requires confirmation from fresh specimens; patches of white setae on dorsal rim tips of eyes I; there are quite prominent short dark upright bristles, scattered over dorsal surface, lower posterior part of sides lighter yellowish, with thin dark edge. Abdomen large and round, now poorly preserved, with tegument separated from soft tissues; very indistinct traces of two white and dark chevrons in the anterior half of abdomen; traces of posterior median white area, anteriorly limited by a narrow chevron of darker setae. Frontal aspect: dark eye field contrasts with yellowish fawn clypeus, almost bald, with three prominent bent bristles between and somewhat beneath eyes AME, and a few indistinct colourless setae overhanging cheliceral bases; orbital setae on rims of eyes I white except laterally on ALE where brown; chelicerae yellowish fawn. Diameter of ALE equal to half of AME, eyes ALE aligned along dorsalmost point of rims of AME. No contrasting or striking characters visible. Legs robust and short, length of legs order IV, III, I, II, difference in length between I and II insignificant; patellae-metatarsi I-IV yellow with darker annulation. Tibia I with three ventral spines retro-laterally, prolaterally two lateral and two ventral spines, the latter in the apical half of the segment. Ventral aspect: sternum light brown, coxae pale yellow.
Epigynum with anterior sclerotized transverse slit and curved posterior edge; membranous and transparent copulatory channels originate at ends of slit and run a short way anteriorly, producing small sclerotized lateral chamber (accessory gland structure?), then make prominent 180 degrees turn and run posteriorly along median line of epigynum, entering small, spherical, heavily sclerotized spermathecal chambers, with a few prominent internal spines; terminal fertilization channels run off from these chambers dorsally; vaginal roof extends from the posterior edge of epigynum to the spermathecae, its heavily sclerotized postero-lateral transverse extensions may actually be sclerotized pockets. There is some resemblance in the general layout to the internal structure of epigynumof Habrocestum arabicum Prószyński (1989: 33-34, Figs 3-4) from Saudi Arabia, although actual shape is rather different. Measurements (mm). Female. Length of cephalothorax 2.99; length of abdomen 4.42. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Body: Markingsdark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AERdorsal edge procurve. Labium: Lengthwider than long. Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Diagnosis. Relatively large spider with high, flat cephalothorax, almost vertical posterior thoracic slope, instantly recognisable by unique external and internal structure of epigynum in general outline resembling Habrocestum arabicum Prószyński (1989: 33-34, Figs 3-4), and related to other species of Habrocestum.
Etymology. Named for Dr. A. Shulov, a pioneer of zoology in Israel and prominent contributor to the Israel National Arachnid Collection. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003