Langona oreni (♀) PRÓSZYŃSKI, 1999

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Cephalothorax blackish brown, with dark black scales, two striking, broad streaks of white scales, running from behind touching point of eyes ALE/AME medially to eyes III and then continuing along dorso-lateral edges of thorax, ending shortly before thoracic hindmargin. Eye field covered with brown, adpressed white scales, intermixed between bristles and grouped into three indistinct spots, arranged into triangle on anterior part of the eye field. Upright bristles more prominent, denser. Sides dark brown, there is a striking marginal belt of white setae along ventral edge. Abdomen dorsally resembles L. redii, the white line encircling abdomen is broader. Legs: resemble L. redii. Epigynum: posterior wall with a sclerotized median septum, needle-shaped from above, dividing the posterior cavity into two halves, supporting sclerotized skeletal vesicles elongate oval; spermatheca forms tighter, compact body, apparently different from L. redii, with different scent pores. (c) PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003

Distribution: Geographical DistributionMiddle East.


Diagnosis. Posterior wall of epigynum with sharp spur, its supporting sclerotized skeletal vesicles elongate oval.
Seasonal appearance of adult specimens. Females - III.
Etymology. Named in honour of Dr. Oren Hasson, then of Dept. of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University at Rehovot, Israel. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003