In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:MALECephalothorax: fawn with thin adpressed white flattened setae or scales, denser in anterior part of the eye field, forming three white spots between the eyes; differs from P. palaestinensis by lack of light thoracic streak, having instead lighter broad area between eyes III and on anterior thorax, also no marginal band of white setae; however, edge of carapace also black. Abdomen whitish (now) with median yellow area along anterior half - with its thin median line darker brown, followed by two brown chevrons in the middle of abdomen, a transverse dark brown line across abdomen and dark brown posterior end of abdomen. There are some weak darkenings on white margins, corresponding to the darker median spots on the middle area of abdomen; sides with diagonal yellowish lines. Frontal aspect: eyes I surrounded with whitish dorsally, reddish patch between ALE and AME, apart from that the appearance of frontal aspect is brown, with patella-tibia of pedipalps yellowish.Legs I light brown, robust, with swollen tibia, patella and femur, tibia I with two short ventro-prolateral spines in apical half, none retrolatero-ventrally; legs II-IV slender and short, yellow. Palpal organ: resembling both Pseudicius tamaricis and P. wadis, but tibial apophysis more diagonal, bent ventrally in the middle, with developed anterior "blade". Measurements (mm). Male. Length of cephalothorax 1.65; length of abdomen 2.05. Body: Markings: dark or bright vertical stripes. Eyes: AER: dorsal edge straight. Labium: Length: longer than wide. Distribution: Geographical Distribution: Middle East. COMMENTSDiagnosis. Tibial apophysis diagonal, bent ventrally in the middle, with developed anterior "blade".Etymology. Named for Dr. K. G. Mikhailow, a prominent Russian Arachnologist and my good friend. © PRÓSZYŃSKI 2003 |