In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:FEMALEBody: Markings: Opistosoma with dark or bright spots . basic colouring dark. Carapace: Colouration: Laterally with light bands. Eyes: AER: dorsal edge recurve. Labium: Length: longer than wide. Palp: Gnathocoxa: Corner absent. Legs: Leg formula: 4-3-2-1. Colouration: moderately dark or light (red-)brown with many lighter annulations. Opisthosoma: Colouration: three bands; AM broadest; C second broadest, with dark chevron; PM narrowest. Epigyne: Field - presence: absent. Window - shape: (approximately) round (length / width < 1.1). without transversal division. anterior 1/3 of epigynal window narrower than posterior 1/3. Windows - septum - state: uncontinuous. medium-sized (> 1/6, < 1/3 the width of epigynal window). separating more than only the posterior sections of epigynal windows. at anteriormost section clearly diverging. Window - posterior margin - distance to EpGF : long (> 1/2 the length of epigynal window; < 1). Window - posterior margin - position: not reaching the epigastric furrow. Window - lateral margin - condition: continuous. Window - anterior margin - condition: margins of both epigynal windows anterio-medially not connected. Window - posterior half - shape: regularly rounded. Copulatory opening - location: located centrally or more or less centrally in epigyne. Vulva: blind sac - length: blind sac absent. fertilization duct - arising point: medially. fertilization duct - width: initial section of fertilisation duct narrow. primary spermatheca - shape: transversal oval. primary spermatheca - size rel.: large (diameter of primary spermatheca more than 2/3 the length of epigynal window, but less than 3/4). primary spermatheca - position: (main parts) posterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view without gap between the two; may touching each other). secondary spermatheca - presence: present. secondary spermatheca - shape: (approximately) round. secondary spermatheca - visibility: visible through cuticle of the epigyne. secondary spermatheca - size rel. : small (ratio "diameter primary spermatheca / diameter secondary spermatheca" < 2.5 but > 1.5). secondary spermatheca - span: span over both secondary spermathecae shorter than span over both primary spermathecae. secondary spermatheca - orientation: being round and thus orientation not recognisable; with spermathecal head orientated posteriorly). connective duct - initial position: anterio-medially. connective duct - width: broad (width of secondary spermatheca / width of connective duct < 2.5, but > 2). connective duct - final position: medially. connective duct - shape: straight (or at least approximately straight) longitudinally. connective duct - length rel.: long (length of connective duct / width of primary spermatheca > or equal 1.5, but < 2). head of spermatheca - shape: round (or at least spherical) (length > or equal 1 x width, but < 1.25x). head of spermatheca - orientation: latero-posteriorly. Distribution: Geographical Distribution: South America. DimensionsDimensions Body: Total length: 5.7 mm. Carapace length: 2.4 mm. Carapace width: 1.8 mm. Fovea length: 0.14 mm. Opisthosoma length: 2.5 mm. Opisthosoma width: 1.6 mm. Dimensions Clypeus : Height at AME: 0.16 mm. Height at ALE: 0.5 mm. Dimensions Eyes : Ocular area width: 1.6 mm. AME Ø: 0.5 mm. ALE Ø: 0.3 mm. PME Ø: 0.07 mm. PLE Ø: 0.26 mm. AME<=>ALE : 0.05 mm. AME<=>AME : 0.03 mm. PME<=>PME : 1.36 mm. PME<=>PLE : 0.23 mm. ALE<=>PLE : 0.62 mm. PLE<=>PLE : 1.11 mm. Dimensions Palp : total length: 2.1 mm. Femur length: 0.8 mm. Patella length: 0.4 mm. Tibia length: 0.3 mm. Tarsus length: 0.6 mm. Dimensions Legs: Femur I: 1.2 mm. Femur II: 1.3 mm. Femur III: 1.6 mm. Femur IV: 1.6 mm. Patella I: 0.7 mm. Patella II: 0.7 mm. Patella III: 0.7 mm. Patella IV: 0.7 mm. Tibia I: 0.8 mm. Tibia II: 0.8 mm. Tibia III: 0.9 mm. Tibia IV: 1.1 mm. Metatarsus I: 0.7 mm. Metatarsus II: 0.7 mm. Metatarsus III: 1.0 mm. Metatarsus IV: 1.1 mm. Tarsus I : 0.5 mm. Tarsus II: 0.5 mm. Tarsus III: 0.6 mm. Tarsus IV: 0.6 mm. Leg I: 3.9 mm. Leg II: 4 mm. Leg III: 4.8 mm. Leg IV: 5.1 mm. |