Corythalia concinna (♀) BAYER, HÖFER & METZNER, 2020

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Body: MarkingsOpistosoma with dark or bright spots . basic colouring dark. Carapace: ColourationLaterally with light bands. Eyes: AERdorsal edge recurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Palp: GnathocoxaCorner absent. Legs: Leg formula4-3-2-1. Colourationmoderately dark or light (red-)brown with many lighter annulations. Opisthosoma: Colourationthree bands; AM broadest; C second broadest, with dark chevron; PM narrowest. Epigyne: Field - presenceabsent. Window - shape(approximately) round (length / width < 1.1). without transversal division. anterior 1/3 of epigynal window narrower than posterior 1/3. Windows - septum - stateuncontinuous. medium-sized (> 1/6, < 1/3 the width of epigynal window). separating more than only the posterior sections of epigynal windows. at anteriormost section clearly diverging. Window - posterior margin - distance to EpGF long (> 1/2 the length of epigynal window; < 1). Window - posterior margin - positionnot reaching the epigastric furrow. Window - lateral margin - conditioncontinuous. Window - anterior margin - conditionmargins of both epigynal windows anterio-medially not connected. Window - posterior half - shaperegularly rounded. Copulatory opening - locationlocated centrally or more or less centrally in epigyne. Vulva: blind sac - lengthblind sac absent. fertilization duct - arising pointmedially. fertilization duct - widthinitial section of fertilisation duct narrow. primary spermatheca - shapetransversal oval. primary spermatheca - size rel.large (diameter of primary spermatheca more than 2/3 the length of epigynal window, but less than 3/4). primary spermatheca - position(main parts) posterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view without gap between the two; may touching each other). secondary spermatheca - presencepresent. secondary spermatheca - shape(approximately) round. secondary spermatheca - visibilityvisible through cuticle of the epigyne. secondary spermatheca - size rel. small (ratio "diameter primary spermatheca / diameter secondary spermatheca" < 2.5 but > 1.5). secondary spermatheca - spanspan over both secondary spermathecae shorter than span over both primary spermathecae. secondary spermatheca - orientationbeing round and thus orientation not recognisable; with spermathecal head orientated posteriorly). connective duct - initial positionanterio-medially. connective duct - widthbroad (width of secondary spermatheca / width of connective duct < 2.5, but > 2). connective duct - final positionmedially. connective duct - shapestraight (or at least approximately straight) longitudinally. connective duct - length rel.long (length of connective duct / width of primary spermatheca > or equal 1.5, but < 2). head of spermatheca - shaperound (or at least spherical) (length > or equal 1 x width, but < 1.25x). head of spermatheca - orientationlatero-posteriorly. Distribution: Geographical DistributionSouth America.


Dimensions Body: Total length5.7 mm. Carapace length2.4 mm. Carapace width1.8 mm. Fovea length0.14 mm. Opisthosoma length2.5 mm. Opisthosoma width1.6 mm. Dimensions Clypeus : Height at AME0.16 mm. Height at ALE0.5 mm. Dimensions Eyes : Ocular area width1.6 mm. AME Ø0.5 mm. ALE Ø0.3 mm. PME Ø0.07 mm. PLE Ø0.26 mm. AME<=>ALE 0.05 mm. AME<=>AME 0.03 mm. PME<=>PME 1.36 mm. PME<=>PLE 0.23 mm. ALE<=>PLE 0.62 mm. PLE<=>PLE 1.11 mm. Dimensions Palp : total length2.1 mm. Femur length0.8 mm. Patella length0.4 mm. Tibia length0.3 mm. Tarsus length0.6 mm. Dimensions Legs: Femur I1.2 mm. Femur II1.3 mm. Femur III1.6 mm. Femur IV1.6 mm. Patella I0.7 mm. Patella II0.7 mm. Patella III0.7 mm. Patella IV0.7 mm. Tibia I0.8 mm. Tibia II0.8 mm. Tibia III0.9 mm. Tibia IV1.1 mm. Metatarsus I0.7 mm. Metatarsus II0.7 mm. Metatarsus III1.0 mm. Metatarsus IV1.1 mm. Tarsus I 0.5 mm. Tarsus II0.5 mm. Tarsus III0.6 mm. Tarsus IV0.6 mm. Leg I3.9 mm. Leg II4 mm. Leg III4.8 mm. Leg IV5.1 mm.