Corythalia CMNH_1 (♂) 

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Body: MarkingsOpistosoma with dark or bright spots . basic colouring dark. Eyes: AERdorsal edge recurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Tegulum: Shape of proximal halfproximal tegulum lobe present. Embolus: Shapecircular curved. bent counterclockwise. Distribution: Geographical DistributionNorth America.


Undescribed northern species (close to C. brevispina) that ranges from southern Mexico to Guatemala and Belize, Corythalia bicincta ranges from Panama to northern South America.

They can be distinguished as follows: 

Northern species: a weak yellow stripe beneath the white dot on the abdomen | whitish scales on the carapace that go around the PLE | no marginal band on the carapace
Corythalia bicincta: a strong yellow stripe that is split in the middle beneath the white dot on the abdomen |yellowish scales on the carapace that don't go underneath the PLE | a thick white marginal band on the carapace