Xanthofreya rustica (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1896)

  Costa Rica

La Selva, , 11.1992, 1 ♂, leg.: v. HELVERSEN, det.: METZNER, (PCHM-9/11)- publ.:  METZNER, H. 1996-2024: Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com


Los Amates, 01.01.08, 1 ♀, leg.: Dr. Kellerman, det.: Dr. Kellerman, (MCZ-IZ:43158) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
SYNTYPE - citation: 1896. Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 3: 79, pl. 4, f. 2, 1850-01-01, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg.: Peckham Coll., (MCZ-IZ:22956) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019


Muelle de los Bueyes, (MACN-Ar 5928 ) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download


Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island, , 22.07.16, leg.: Nathan Banks, det.: Nathan Banks, (MCZ-IZ:43116) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019


Arizona, Tucson, , 01.01.16, leg.: Nathan Banks, det.: Nathan Banks, (MCZ-IZ:43178). Comments from MCZ: 264 F.G.W.P. - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019

 distribution by countries

Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, USA,