| country undefined | | (MCZ-IZ:64542). Comments from MCZ: rewritten, loan to Wayne Maddison, 1997, loan no 3280 - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 SYNONYM: Habronattus philipi: (MCZ-IZ:64550). Comments from MCZ: rewritten, loan to Wayne Maddison, 1997, loan no 3280 - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
| Canada | | 6.3.2011, leg.: J. Sharkey, det.: Gergin A. Blagoev, (RBCM- ENT013-011558 L#RBCM14-002) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download Lakit Lookout Trail, 12.8.2012, leg.: Bennett, Robb: Copley, Claudia R.: Copley, Darren R.: Frey, Melissa: Robichaud, David, det.: Robb G. Bennett, (RBCM- ENT012-013567 L#ENT012-013567) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download Lakit Lookout Trail, 12.8.2012, leg.: Bennett, Robb: Copley, Claudia R.: Copley, Darren R.: Frey, Melissa: Robichaud, David, det.: Robb G. Bennett, (RBCM- ENT012-013567 L#ENT012-013567) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download Lakit Lookout Trail, 12.8.2012, leg.: Bennett, Robb: Copley, Claudia R.: Copley, Darren R.: Frey, Melissa: Robichaud, David, det.: Robb G. Bennett, (RBCM- ENT012-013567 L#ENT012-013567) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download strawberry, 14.6.2013, leg.: C. Copley, D. Copley, J. Heron, H. Gartner, det.: Robb G. Bennett, (RBCM- ENT013-011172 L#RBCM14-434) - publ.: GBIF.org (07 May 2019) GBIF Occurrence Download SYNTYPE - British Columbia, Glacier, 1850-01-01, 1 ♀, leg.: Peckham Coll., (MCZ-IZ:21736) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 British Columbia, Glacier National Park|Beaver Valley Trail, Mixed habitat, 865m, Pan trap, , 04.08.14, leg.: BIObus 2014, det.: Gergin A. Blagoev, (BIOUG-GLASP126-15) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 British Columbia, Glacier National Park|Beaver Valley Trail, Mixed habitat, 865m, Pitfall trap, , 04.08.14, leg.: BIObus 2014, det.: Gergin A. Blagoev, (BIOUG-SSGLA5350-15). Comments from BIOUG: BOLD Engine - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
| USA | | California, Siskiyou, Ball Mountain, near pitfall trap, , 11.03.00, 1 ♂, leg.: N. Rappaport, (CAS-9045956) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 California, Siskiyou, Mount Shasta, 8 miles southeast pitfall trap, , 11.03.00, 1 ♀, leg.: N. Rappaport, (CAS-9045832) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 Colorado, El Paso Co, Chico Basin Ranch, campsite, cow pats, 1571m, Look Down, 13:30-14:00, 20.05.05, 1 ♂, leg.: Cushing, Paula E., det.: Haas, Francis X., (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.21956) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 Montana, Fergus, [From B. Vogel´s field notes: Big Snowy Mountains in gully and Big Snowie areas, Lewis and Clark National Forest], [from B. Vogel´s field notes: collected in two zones, zone 1-Krumholz with rock islands, zone 2-alpine meadow islands and rocks]], 2523m, , 05.08.61, 1 ♀, leg.: Vogel, Beatrice R., det.: Vogel, Beatrice R., (DMNS-ARAC-ZA.1543) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Garnet Canyon, on talus, 2743m, , 31.07.50, leg.: Herbert W. Levi, Lorna R. Levi, (MCZ-IZ:65537). Comments from MCZ: get specimen - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
distribution by countries | | Canada, Colombia, USA, |