Antillattus electus (♂,♀) BRYANT, 1943

  Dominican Republic

ALLOTYPE - Valle Nuevo, SE of Constanza, Cord. Central, 2134m, citation: 1943. Bull. MCZ, 92: 506, f. 59, 75, 77, 01.08.38, 1 ♀, leg.: Philip J. Darlington, Jr., (MCZ-IZ:25832) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
HOLOTYPE - Valle Nuevo, SE of Constanza, Cord. Central, 2134m, citation: 1943. Bull. MCZ, 92: 506, f. 59, 75, 77, 01.08.38, 1 ♂, leg.: Philip J. Darlington, Jr., (MCZ-IZ:21176) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019

 distribution by countries

Dominican Republic, Hispaniola Island,