Thyene coccineovittata (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1885)

  South Africa

SYNONYM: Thyene pulchra: SYNTYPE - Natal, Durban, citation: 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 14: 226, pl. 25, f. 3, 6 ♀♀, leg.: Peckham Coll., det.: G.W. and E.G. Peckham, (MCZ-IZ:22787) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019
SYNONYM: Thyene coccineovittata crudelis: SYNTYPE - Natal, Durban, citation: 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 14: 229, pl. 25, f. 5, 3 ♂♂, leg.: Peckham Coll., det.: G.W. and E.G. Peckham, (MCZ-IZ:20956). Comments from MCZ: check: is this labelled ´crudelis´ or ´coccineovittata crudelis´ ? - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019

 distribution by countries

Brazil, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda,