| SYNTYPE - St. Croix, citation: 1942. Bull. MCZ, 89: 357, f. 35, 38, sex: multiple, 01.05.41, leg.: Harry A. Beatty, (MCZ-IZ:21663). Comments from MCZ: Bottled paratypes - the only specimens that could be found (H. Levi). There should be Holotype, Allotype and 3 male Paratypes. - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019 SYNTYPE - St. Croix, citation: 1942. Bull. MCZ, 89: 357, f. 35, 38, sex: multiple, 01.05.41, leg.: Harry A. Beatty, (MCZ-IZ:20600). Comments from MCZ: Bottled paratypes - the only specimens that could be found (H. Levi) - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019