Dendryphantes tropicus - ♂ - falces and maxilale, from below - Brazil
Chapada, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 13(1): 319, pl. 27, f. 8 1850-01-01. leg: Smith, Peckham Coll..
Dendryphantes tropicus - ♂ - falces and maxilale, from below - Brazil SYNTYPE Chapada, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 13(1): 319, pl. 27, f. 8 1850-01-01. leg: Smith, Peckham Coll.. Dendryphantes tropicus - ♂ - Chapoda - left palp. Scale: 0.1 mm - Brazil HOLOTYPE Chapada, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 13(1): 319, pl. 27, f. 8 1850-01-01. leg: Smith, Peckham Coll.. Dendryphantes tropicus - ♂ - palpus - Brazil SYNTYPE Chapada, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 13(1): 319, pl. 27, f. 8 1850-01-01. leg: Smith, Peckham Coll.. Dendryphantes tropicus - ♀ - epigynum - Brazil SYNTYPE Chapada, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 13(1): 319, pl. 27, f. 8 1850-01-01. leg: Smith, Peckham Coll.. |