The genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) in Flores, Indonesia ZooKeys299: 1-20
Fig.: D-27497 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♂ - left palpal tibia in dorsal view. Scale: 0.25 mm - Indonesia: Flores
EDWARDS, G. B. & BENJAMIN, S. P. (2009)
A first look at the phylogeny of the Myrmarachninae, with rediscovery and
redescription of the type species of Myrmarachne (Araneae: Salticidae) Zootaxa2309: 1-29
Fig.: D-27676 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♂ - palp. Scale: 0.2 mm - Sri Lanka
YAMASAKI, T. & EDWARDS, G. B. (2013)
The genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) in Flores, Indonesia ZooKeys299: 1-20
Fig.: D-27498 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♂ - left chelicera in ventral view. Scale: 1 mm - Indonesia: Flores
YAMASAKI, T. & EDWARDS, G. B. (2013)
The genus Myrmarachne (Araneae, Salticidae) in Flores, Indonesia ZooKeys299: 1-20
Fig.: D-27499 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♂ - left fang in ventral view. Scale: 1 mm - Indonesia: Flores
MACLEAY, W. S. (1839)
On some new forms of Arachnida Annals of Natural History2 (7): 1-14
Fig.: D-27684 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♂ - India HOLOTYPE
TIKADER, B. K. (1973)
Studies on some ant-like spiders from India Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.78: 59-67
A first look at the phylogeny of the Myrmarachninae, with rediscovery and
redescription of the type species of Myrmarachne (Araneae: Salticidae) Zootaxa2309: 1-29
Fig.: D-27678 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♀ - epigyne. Scale: 0.2 mm - Sri Lanka
TIKADER, B. K. (1973)
Studies on some ant-like spiders from India Proc. Indian Acad. Sci.78: 59-67
Taxonomic notes on some ant-mimicking jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from India Arthropoda Selecta, Moscow 25 (4): 403-420
Fig.: D-39563 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale: 0.1 mm - India
EDWARDS, G. B. & BENJAMIN, S. P. (2009)
A first look at the phylogeny of the Myrmarachninae, with rediscovery and
redescription of the type species of Myrmarachne (Araneae: Salticidae) Zootaxa2309: 1-29
Fig.: D-27679 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♀ - vulva ventral. Scale: 0.2 mm - Sri Lanka
EDWARDS, G. B. & BENJAMIN, S. P. (2009)
A first look at the phylogeny of the Myrmarachninae, with rediscovery and
redescription of the type species of Myrmarachne (Araneae: Salticidae) Zootaxa2309: 1-29
Fig.: D-27680 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♀ - vulva dorsal. Scale: 0.2 mm - Sri Lanka
CALEB, J. T. D. (2016)
Taxonomic notes on some ant-mimicking jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from India Arthropoda Selecta, Moscow 25 (4): 403-420
Fig.: D-39564 Myrmarachne melanocephala - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm - India