Neon nigriceps - ♂ - Cuba
Soledad, Vilche´s pasture, citation: 1940. Bull. MCZ, 86: 504, f. 293, 297 03.07.32. leg: M. Bates and G.B. Fairchild. det: E. B. Bryant.
Neon nigriceps - ♂ - Cuba HOLOTYPE Soledad, Vilche´s pasture, citation: 1940. Bull. MCZ, 86: 504, f. 293, 297 03.07.32. leg: M. Bates and G.B. Fairchild. det: E. B. Bryant. Neon nigriceps - ♀ - Cuba ALLOTYPE Soledad, Vilche´s pasture, citation: 1940. Bull. MCZ, 86: 504, f. 293, 297 03.07.32. leg: M. Bates and G.B. Fairchild. det: E. B. Bryant. |