Peckhamia americana (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1892)

PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1909)

Revision of the Attidae of North America Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett., Madison, Wisconsin 16: 355-646

Fig.: D-15952
Peckhamia americana - ♂ - palpus - country undefined
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1892)

Ant-like spiders of the family Attidae Occ. pap. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wisconsin 2 (1): 1-83

Fig.: D-13733
Synageles americana - ♀ - epigynum - USA