Saraina rubrofasciata (♂,♀) WANLESS & CLARK, 1975

WANLESS, F. R. & CLARK, D. J. (1975)

On a collection of spiders of the family Salticidae from the Ivory Coast Rev. Zool. Afric. 89 (2): 273-296

Fig.: D-36506
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10011
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - left palp, ventral view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10012
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - left palp, retrolateral view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10013
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - left palp, ventroapical view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10014
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - palpal tibia, dorsal view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10015
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - palpal tibia, retrolateroapical view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10019
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♂ - left chelicera. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10020
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - left chelicera. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
WANLESS, F. R. & CLARK, D. J. (1975)

On a collection of spiders of the family Salticidae from the Ivory Coast Rev. Zool. Afric. 89 (2): 273-296

Fig.: D-36507
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - chelicera - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10016
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10017
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
WANLESS, F. R. & CLARK, D. J. (1975)

On a collection of spiders of the family Salticidae from the Ivory Coast Rev. Zool. Afric. 89 (2): 273-296

Fig.: D-36508
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10018
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - spermathecae, dorsal view. Scale = 0.1 mm - Ivory Coast
AZARKINA, G. N. (2009)

A review of the West African genus Saraina (Araneae, Salticidae) ZooKeys 16: 291-300

Fig.: D-10021
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - scheme of insemination ducts - Ivory Coast
WANLESS, F. R. & CLARK, D. J. (1975)

On a collection of spiders of the family Salticidae from the Ivory Coast Rev. Zool. Afric. 89 (2): 273-296

Fig.: D-36509
Saraina rubrofasciata - ♀ - vulva ventral - Ivory Coast