PENG, X. J. & KIM, J. P. (1998)Four species of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from China Korean J. biol. Sci. 2: 411-414 Fig.: D-5153SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - body - China ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16590Hyllus diardi - ♀ - cephalothorax - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16591Hyllus diardi - ♀ - abdominal pattern - Vietnam BISWAS, B. & BISWAS, K. (2006)Araneae: Spiders. In Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series Zool. Surv. India 13 (2): 491-518 Fig.: D-38231SYNONYMPhidippus tirapensis - ♀ - dorsal view - India HOLOTYPEBARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43825SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - Philippines HOLOTYPEBARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43827SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - sternum, labium, and maxillae - Philippines HOLOTYPEKOCH, C. L. (1846)Die Arachniden. Dreizehnter Band J. L. Lotzbeck: 1-234 Fig.: D-44763SYNONYMPlexippus mutillarius - ♂ - Indonesia: Bintan Island SYNTYPE . leg: Roettger. KOCH, C. L. (1846)Die Arachniden. Dreizehnter Band J. L. Lotzbeck: 1-234 Fig.: D-44764SYNONYMPlexippus mutillarius - ♀ - Indonesia: Java SYNTYPE . leg: Hoffmannsegg. KOCH, C. L. (1846)Die Arachniden. Dreizehnter Band J. L. Lotzbeck: 1-234 Fig.: D-44765SYNONYMPlexippus lacertosus - ♂ - Indonesia: Java SYNTYPE . leg: Roettger. KOCH, C. L. (1846)Die Arachniden. Dreizehnter Band J. L. Lotzbeck: 1-234 Fig.: D-44767SYNONYMPlexippus janthinus - ♂ - Indonesia: Bintan Island HOLOTYPE . leg: Roettger. KOCH, C. L. (1846)Die Arachniden. Dreizehnter Band J. L. Lotzbeck: 1-234 Fig.: D-44768SYNONYMPlexippus succinctus - ♂ - Indonesia: Bintan Island HOLOTYPE . leg: Roettger. PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1981SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - Java - Indonesia: Java PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1983SYNONYMHyllus janthinus - ♂ - Padang - Indonesia: Sumatra PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1984SYNONYMHyllus janthinus - ♂ - Ind. Nederl. - India PENG, X. J. & KIM, J. P. (1998)Four species of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from China Korean J. biol. Sci. 2: 411-414 Fig.: D-5154SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - Palpal organ, ventral - China PENG, X. J. & KIM, J. P. (1998)Four species of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from China Korean J. biol. Sci. 2: 411-414 Fig.: D-5155SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - Palpal organ, retrolateral - China ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16594SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - palpal organ - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16595SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - palpal organ - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16596SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - palpal organ - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16597SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ Plexippus l.- Java - palpal organ - Vietnam TYPEŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16599SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ Plexippus l.- Java - palpal organ - Vietnam TYPEŻABKA, M. (1988)Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, III Ann. Zool., Warszawa 41 (14): 421-478 Fig.: D-17184SYNONYMHyllus janthinus - ♂ - palpal organ - Indonesia: Bintan Island HOLOTYPE . leg: Roettger. ŻABKA, M. (1988)Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, III Ann. Zool., Warszawa 41 (14): 421-478 Fig.: D-17185SYNONYMHyllus janthinus - ♂ - palpal organ - Indonesia: Bintan Island HOLOTYPE . leg: Roettger. PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1982SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ - Java - Indonesia: Java PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1985SYNONYMHyllus janthinus - ♂ - Ind. Nederl. - India ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16598SYNONYMHyllus lacertosus - ♂ Plexippus l.- Java - palpal organ - Vietnam TYPEBARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43826SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - cheliceral teeth - Philippines HOLOTYPEPRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1979Hyllus diardi - ♀ - Indonesia: Nias ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16592Hyllus diardi - ♀ - epigyne - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1988)Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, III Ann. Zool., Warszawa 41 (14): 421-478 Fig.: D-17182Hyllus diardi - ♀ - epigyne - Vietnam BISWAS, B. & BISWAS, K. (2006)Araneae: Spiders. In Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series Zool. Surv. India 13 (2): 491-518 Fig.: D-38232SYNONYMPhidippus tirapensis - ♀ - epigyne - India HOLOTYPEBARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43829SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - epigyne, ventral - Philippines HOLOTYPELOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055 Fig.: D-49744Hyllus diardi - ♀ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam PRÓSZYŃSKI, J. (1984)Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae) Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna, Siedlcach: 1-177 Fig.: D-1980Hyllus diardi - ♀ - Indonesia: Nias ŻABKA, M. (1985)Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485 Fig.: D-16593Hyllus diardi - ♀ - epigyne, internal structures - Vietnam ŻABKA, M. (1988)Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, III Ann. Zool., Warszawa 41 (14): 421-478 Fig.: D-17183Hyllus diardi - ♀ - epigyne, internal structures - Vietnam BISWAS, B. & BISWAS, K. (2006)Araneae: Spiders. In Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series Zool. Surv. India 13 (2): 491-518 Fig.: D-38233SYNONYMPhidippus tirapensis - ♀ - internal genitalia - India HOLOTYPEBARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43830SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - epigyne, dorsal - Philippines HOLOTYPELOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055 Fig.: D-49745Hyllus diardi - ♀ - vulva, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam BARRION, A. T. & LITSINGER, J. A. (1995)Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast Asia CAB International XIX: 700 Fig.: D-43828SYNONYMHyllus maskaranus - ♀ - leg I - Philippines HOLOTYPE |