Chinophrys wuae (♀) (PENG, TSO & LI, 2002)

PENG, X. J., TSO I. M. & LI S. Q. (2002)

Five new and four newly recorded species of jumping spiders from Taiwan (Araneae: Salticidae) Zool. Stud., Taiwan 41 (1): 1-12

Fig.: D-5479
Sitticus wuae - ♀ - Body - Taiwan
PENG, X. J., TSO I. M. & LI S. Q. (2002)

Five new and four newly recorded species of jumping spiders from Taiwan (Araneae: Salticidae) Zool. Stud., Taiwan 41 (1): 1-12

Fig.: D-5482
Sitticus wuae - ♀ - Teeth of chelicera - Taiwan
PENG, X. J., TSO I. M. & LI S. Q. (2002)

Five new and four newly recorded species of jumping spiders from Taiwan (Araneae: Salticidae) Zool. Stud., Taiwan 41 (1): 1-12

Fig.: D-5481
Sitticus wuae - ♀ - Epigynum - Taiwan
PENG, X. J., TSO I. M. & LI S. Q. (2002)

Five new and four newly recorded species of jumping spiders from Taiwan (Araneae: Salticidae) Zool. Stud., Taiwan 41 (1): 1-12

Fig.: D-5480
Sitticus wuae - ♀ - Vulva - Taiwan