Bianor compactus (♂,♀) (URQUHART, 1884)

BRYANT, E. B. (1935)

Notes on some of URQUHART´s species of spiders Records of the Canterbury Museum 4: 53-70

Fig.: D-41591
Bianor compactus - ♂ - ventral view of palpus - New Zealand
BRYANT, E. B. (1935)

Notes on some of URQUHART´s species of spiders Records of the Canterbury Museum 4: 53-70

Fig.: D-41592
Bianor compactus - ♂ - lateral view of palpus - New Zealand
URQUHART, A. T. (1884)

On the spiders of New Zealand Trans. New Zeal. Inst., Wellingon 17: 31-53

Fig.: D-30576
Salticus compactus - ♀ - vulva - New Zealand