Myrmarachne fredwanlessi (♂,♀) LOGUNOV, 2021

LOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055

Fig.: D-49756
Myrmarachne fredwanlessi - ♂ - palp, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam
LOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055

Fig.: D-49757
Myrmarachne fredwanlessi - ♂ - palp, retrolateral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam
ŻABKA, M. (1985)

Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485

Fig.: D-16720
Myrmarachne legon - ♀ - epigyne - Vietnam

LOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055

Fig.: D-49758
Myrmarachne fredwanlessi - ♂ - epigyne, ventral view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam
ŻABKA, M. (1985)

Systematic and zoogeographic study on the family Salticidae (Araneae) from Viet-Nam Ann. Zool., Warszawa 39 (11): 197-485

Fig.: D-16721
Myrmarachne legon - ♀ - epigyne, internal structures - Vietnam

LOGUNOV, D. V. (2021)

Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Na Hang Nature Reserve, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam Arachnology 18 (9): 1021-1055

Fig.: D-49759
Myrmarachne fredwanlessi - ♂ - vulva, dorsal view. Scale bar: 0.1 mm - Vietnam