Marpissa (Marpissa) pomatia (♂,♀) (WALCKENAER, 1802)

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at

Fig.: F-47
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - country undefined
BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Spinnentiere Europas Kosmos-Atlas Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co

Fig.: F-748
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - country undefined
BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Spinnentiere Europas Kosmos-Atlas Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co

Fig.: F-749
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - frontal - country undefined
BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Spinnentiere Europas Kosmos-Atlas Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co

Fig.: F-750
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - country undefined
BELLMANN, H. (1997)

Spinnentiere Europas Kosmos-Atlas Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co

Fig.: F-751
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - frontal - country undefined
ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Spiders of Japan: Their Natural History and Diversity Tokai University Press 713 pp

Fig.: F-17607
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Japan
ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Spiders of Japan: Their Natural History and Diversity Tokai University Press 713 pp

Fig.: F-17608
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Japan
ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Spiders of Japan: Their Natural History and Diversity Tokai University Press 713 pp

Fig.: F-17609
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Japan
ONO, H. & OGATA, K. (2018)

Spiders of Japan: Their Natural History and Diversity Tokai University Press 713 pp

Fig.: F-17610
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Japan
CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan Kaisei-sha Publishing Co. 310 pp

Fig.: F-17984
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Japan
CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan Kaisei-sha Publishing Co. 310 pp

Fig.: F-17987
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Japan
CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan Kaisei-sha Publishing Co. 310 pp

Fig.: F-17985
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Japan
CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan Kaisei-sha Publishing Co. 310 pp

Fig.: F-17986
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Japan
OGER, P. (2024)

Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at

Fig.: F-29506
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Saint Prouant - © Pierre Oger - France
OGER, P. (2024)

Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at

Fig.: F-29507
Marpissa pomatia - ♂ - Saint Prouant - © Pierre Oger - France
LOGUNOV, D. V. (1999)

Redefinition of the genera Marpissa C. L. KOCH, 1846 and Mendoza PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1894 in the scope of the Holarctic fauna (Araneae, Salticidae) Rev. Arachnol. 13 (3): 25-60

Fig.: F-1825
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Tuva - epigyne - Russia: Russia
CHIKUNI, Y. (1989)

Pictorial Encyclopedia of Spiders in Japan Kaisei-sha Publishing Co. 310 pp

Fig.: F-17988
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Japan
OGER, P. (2024)

Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at

Fig.: F-29508
Marpissa pomatia - ♀ - Saint Prouant - © Pierre Oger - France