Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp
Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels - Standort Hamburg, FUNDus! Sammlungsportal Spinnen / Araneae
Fig.: F-28615 Synemosyna lupata - ♂ - Australia HOLOTYPE Port Mackay
Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp
Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp