A new genus and species of ant-mimicking jumping spider (Arameae: Salticidae) from southeast Queensland, with notes on its biology Mem. Queensl. Mus.43: 827-832
A new genus and species of ant-mimicking jumping spider (Arameae: Salticidae) from southeast Queensland, with notes on its biology Mem. Queensl. Mus.43: 827-832
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14236 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14238 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14237 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14239 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14243 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp
Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp
A new genus and species of ant-mimicking jumping spider (Arameae: Salticidae) from southeast Queensland, with notes on its biology Mem. Queensl. Mus.43: 827-832
Fig.: F-6248 Judalana lutea - ♂ - ventral left palp, bulb - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14240 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14241 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
WHYTE, R. (2023)
Spiders of Australia. Online at: https://www.arachne.org.au
Fig.: F-14242 Judalana lutea - ♂ - S Queensland - Australia
RIX, M. G. (1999)
A new genus and species of ant-mimicking jumping spider (Arameae: Salticidae) from southeast Queensland, with notes on its biology Mem. Queensl. Mus.43: 827-832
Fig.: F-6249 Judalana lutea - ♂ - ventral left palp, tibialapophysis - Australia
Printout of Monograph of Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part II. Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae). Version July 1st, 2016 6546 pp
A new genus and species of ant-mimicking jumping spider (Arameae: Salticidae) from southeast Queensland, with notes on its biology Mem. Queensl. Mus.43: 827-832
Fig.: F-6250 Judalana lutea - ♂ - leg I - Australia