Maratus kochi (♀) (ŻABKA, 1987)

relevant references order by year or order by Author
OTTO, J. C. & HILL, D. E. (2012)

Notes on Maratus KARSCH 1878 and related jumping spiders from Australia, with five new species (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae). PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 103.1: 1-81.
OTTO, J. C. & HILL, D. E. (2017)

Catalogue of the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus, Saratus). PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 148.1: 1-21.
OTTO, J. C. & HILL, D. E. (2017)

Catalogue of the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus, Saratus), version 2. PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 148.2: 1-24.
OTTO, J. C. & HILL, D. E. (2021)

Catalogue of the Australian peacock spiders (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus, Saratus), version 4 . PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 148.4: 1-35.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1989)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1981-1987. A supplement to Brignoli´s "A catalogue of the Araneae described between 1940 and 1981". Manchester University Press 673 pp.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758.  366 pp.
ŻABKA, M. (1987)

Salticidae (Araneae) of Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions, II. Genera Lycidas and Maratus. Ann. Zool., Warszawa 40 (11): 451-483.
ŻABKA, M. (1991)

Studium taksonomiczno-zoogeograficne nad Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) Australii. Wyższa Szkola Rolniczo-Pedagogiczna W Siedlcach Rozprawa Naukowa 32: 1-110.