Metaphidippus manni (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1888)

relevant references order by year or order by Author
CARPENTER, R. M. (1972)

The jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Wichita County, Texas. Southwest. Natur. 17 (2): 161-168.
CHAMBERLIN, R. V. (1924)

The spider fauna of the shores and islands of the Gulf of California. Proceedings of California Academy of Sciences. Zoology, Geology 12 (4): 561-694.
CHAMBERLIN, R. V. & IVIE, W. (1941)

Spiders collected by L. W. SAYLOR and others, mostly in California. Bull. Univ. Utah  31 (8): 1-49.
CRAWFORD, R. L. (1988)

An annotated checklist of the spiders of Washington. Burke Museum Contributions in Anthropology and Natural History 5: 1-48.
DORRIS, P. R. (1991)

Spiders collected in southeast Arkansas by the pit trap method. Proceedings Arkansas Academy of Science 45: 25-26.
GALIANO, M. E. (1992)

Nota sobre dos especies de Dryphias SIMON (Araneae, Salticidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 50: 29-41.
GERTSCH, W. J. (1935)

Spiders from the southwestern United States, with descriptions of new species . American Museum Novitates, New York 792: 1-31.
HOFFMANN, A. (1976)

Relación bibliográfica preliminar de las arañas de México (Arachnida: Araneae). Publicaciones Especiales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Méxic 3: 1-117.
KASTON, B. J. (1972)

How to know the spiders. Second edition.  289 pp.
KASTON, B. J. (1978)

How to know the spiders. Third Edition. Brown Comp. Publ. Iowa 272 pp.
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)

Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368.
MADDISON, W. P. (2015)

Images of Salticidae. Version 1.0. Available from: 
MADDISON, W. P. & STRATTON, G. E. (1988)

A common methods of sound production by courting jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). The Journal of Arachnology 16 (2): 267-269.
MARX, G. (1890)

Catalogue of the described Araneae of temperate North America. Proceedings of United States National Museum, Washington 12: 497-594.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at  Link to publication
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1888)

Attidae of North America. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett., Madison, Wisconsin 7: 1-104, pl. I-IV.
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1901)

Spiders of the Phidippus group of the family Attidae. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison, Wisconsin 13: 282-358.
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1909)

Revision of the Attidae of North America. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison, Wisconsin 16: 355-646.

A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America with all adjacent islands, Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Terra Del Fuego, Galapagos, etc.. Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. XXIX: 1-720.
PLATNICK, N. I. (1993)

Advances in Spider Taxonomy 1988-1991. With synonymies and transfers 1940-1980. Entomol. Soc. & Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 846 pp.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Aranei) specimens kept in major collections of the world. Annales Zoologici, Warszawa 28 (17): 367-519.

Studium systematyczno-zoogeograficzne nad rdzina Salticidae regionow palearktycznego i nearktycznego. Wyższa Szkola Pedagogiczna Siedlcach 6: 260 pp.

Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae 2. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoly Rolniczo-Pedagogicznej SiedlcachWSRP 1-172.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758.  366 pp.
RICHMAN, D. B. (1965)

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) from Yuma county, Arizona, with a description of a new species and distributional records. Southw.Nat. 10 (2): 132-135.
RICHMAN, D. B. (1980)

Some egg records for western salticids. PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 2 (1): 10-11.
RICHMAN, D. B. (1981)

A bibliography of courtship and agonistic display in salticid spiders. PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 2 (2): 16-23.
RICHMAN, D. B. (1982)

Epigamic display in jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) and its use in systematics. The Journal of Arachnology 10 ( ): 47-67.
RICHMAN, D. B. (1982)

Notes on the courtship of Southwestern Metaphidippus and Pellenes (Araneae: Salticidae). PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 2 (3): 38-40.
RICHMAN, D. B. & CUTLER, B. (1978)

A list of the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the United States and Canada. PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 1 (5): 82-110.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.