Holoplatys appressus (♂,♀) (POWELL, 1873)

relevant references order by year or order by Author
HILL, D. E. (2010)

Sunda to Sahul: Trans-Wallacean distribution of recent salticid genera (Araneae: Salticidae). PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 80.1: 1-60.
PARROTT, A. W. (1946)

A systematic catalogue of New Zealand spiders. Records of the Canterbury Museum 5: 51-93.
POWELL, L. (1873)

On the spiders of New Zealand. Part I. Genus Salticus. Trans. New Zeal. Inst., Wellingon 5: 280-286.
URQUHART, A. T. (1891)

Catalogue of the described species of New Zealand Araneidae. Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Wellingon 24: 220-230.
ŻABKA, M. & POLLARD, S. D. (2003)

A check-list of Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum 16: 73-82.