Myrmarachne ramosa (♂,♀) BADCOCK, 1917
Illustrations of Synonym Myrmarachne albicrurata BADCOCK, 1917
Collection: British Museum of Natural History London (NHMUK: BM 1917.11.20.2 )
Malaysia, Nearest Named Place: Malay Peninsula, Ban Sai Kau, 21.5.1901, leg.: Thomas N. Annandale, Robinson, det.: A D. Badcock
Illustrations of Synonym Myrmarachne lateralis BADCOCK, 1917
Collection: British Museum of Natural History London (NHMUK: BM 1917.11.20.18 )
Malaysia, Nearest Named Place: S. Perak, leg.: Thomas N. Annandale, Robinson, det.: A D. Badcock