Antillattus maxillosus (♂,♀) (BRYANT, 1943)


Collection: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ: IZ:25833)
Dominican Republic, Cordillera Central, Loma Viega, south of Constanza, 1829m, citation: 1943. Bull. MCZ, 92: 508, f. 78-80, 84, 01.08.38, leg.: Philip J. Darlington, Jr., det.: World Spider Catalog, 19.5 (2018)
Comments to series from MCZ: In vial with Holotype. Original vial is labelled ´male holotype, female allotype´ but actually contains 2 males and 3 females. Assume 1 of these females is the allotype and other 2 are not formally included in the type series?

Collection: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ: IZ:22010)
Dominican Republic, Cordillera Central, Loma Viega, south of Constanza, 1829m, citation: 1943. Bull. MCZ, 92: 508, f. 78-80, 84, 01.08.38, leg.: Philip J. Darlington, Jr., det.: World Spider Catalog, 19.5 (2018)
Comments to series from MCZ: Original vial is labelled ´male holotype, female allotype´ but actually contains 2 males and 3 females. Perhaps the ´extra´ male is the single male listed from Loma Viejo?