Phidippus apacheanus (♂,♀) CHAMBERLIN & GERTSCH, 1929


Illustrations of Synonym Phidippus bardus PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1901

Collection: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ: IZ:20447)
USA, Long Island, citation: 1901. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci., 13(1): 288, 1850-01-01, leg.: Peckham Coll.

Illustrations of Synonym Phidippus ferrugineus SCHEFFER, 1904

Collection: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ: IZ:21297)
USA, Manhattan, 10 Nov., citation: 1904. Ent. News, 15: 257-258, 1850-11-10, leg.: T. H. Scheffer, det.: World Spider Catalog, 19.5 (2018)
Comments to series from MCZ: Is this a type? Label reads ´ Phidippus ferruginus (sic) Schaef.´ Types were originally in Kansas State Agric. College.