Hyllus dotatus (♂,♀) (PECKHAM & PECKHAM, 1903)
Collection: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ: IZ:21124)
Zimbabwe, citation: 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad., 14: 239, pl. 27, f. 6, sex: multiple, leg.: Workman (Peckham Coll.)
Illustrations of Synonym Hyllus cara (WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 1994)
Illustrations of Synonym Hyllus corniger WESOŁOWSKA & VAN HARTEN, 1994
Illustrations of Synonym Hyllus damarensis (LAWRENCE, 1927)
Collection: IZIKO South Africa Museum (SAM: ENW-B006195 )
Namibia, Kunene River, South West Africa, 1.3.1923, leg.: Lawrence, R.F.
Illustrations of Synonym Hyllus elegans (WESOŁOWSKA & RUSSELL-SMITH, 2000)